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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Pennsylvania - Eastern & Delaware   Dover Forge, NJ (Near Toms River)

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Old 24th May 2017, 05:31 PM
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 33
Dover Forge, NJ (Near Toms River)

Question: Someone told me there is a nice hangout off Dover Rd*. He didn't tell me the actual road name but I found the area he was talking about on "Maps." There seems to be a nice meeting place in the woods, often there's skinny dipping and a lot of sex there.

Does anyone know the exact location? There are a few trails east and west of Dover Rd.

* I think he referred to Dover Forge off Dover Rd between South Toms River and Bamber Lake. It almost parallels the main runway at RJ Miller Airport.

Can anyone help me with an answer here?
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