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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Pennsylvania - Eastern & Delaware   Warning for the Harrisburg, Lancaster, Reading area

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Old 28th November 2018, 06:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Warning for the Harrisburg, Lancaster, Reading area

This isn't something I post lightly, but I'd rather people be informed. Unfortunately, there's no way to prove this other than sharing some screenshots of the conversation (and those originate with a friend of a friend so I can't directly verify), but word through the grapevine is that there's someone in your area (possibly named John) with some detectable poz friends trying to trick people into attending a conversion party. As far as I know the authorities have been notified, but I figured I'd get the word passed around here just in case -- be careful if, in the near future, you get invited to any sort of sex party by someone you don't know extremely well.
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