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Search: Posts Made By: Jizz-wizz
Forum: Southeast Asia 11th August 2013, 05:05 AM
Replies: 69
Views: 22,812
Posted By Jizz-wizz

Well done TravelerDave. You had a fun time and didn't have to chuck-wow alone in your hotel room looking at the extra 500 Baht note you kept in your wallet. Seize the day!
Forum: Southeast Asia 2nd August 2013, 05:58 PM
Replies: 69
Views: 22,812
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Travellerdave, do you have any tips on how to...

Travellerdave, do you have any tips on how to find a Tawan guy to top? It seems that they all say 'no' the first off with a customer, and some might 'do the deed' for the right price, but it all...
Forum: Southeast Asia 12th September 2012, 12:11 PM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Tong long gone...

I was at Tawan chatting to Mr Pan and he confirmed that Tong (and current Mr Thailand, Jak) have stopped working at Tawan.

So there you go..!
Forum: Southeast Asia 28th July 2012, 12:46 AM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Well there you go. I stand corrected. I'm glad...

Well there you go. I stand corrected. I'm glad he's a nice guy. It goes to show that the guys , particularly at Tawan, can be quite different alone with a customer than how they appear at the bar. It...
Forum: Southeast Asia 27th July 2012, 10:34 PM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Def of "Rejection": When the whores turn you down...

It is a bit of a blow to the ego when you are turned down by a gogo boy who's sole purpose there IS to go with customers...

It has happened to me once at Tawan a couple of years ago....

I was...
Forum: Southeast Asia 16th June 2012, 12:14 AM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Pong #3 in nice guy. No attitude, a bit serious...

Pong #3 in nice guy. No attitude, a bit serious and not bodybuilder, just gym fit type. Seems to be there most nights. Hardly any English and bit shy.
Forum: Southeast Asia 7th June 2012, 03:36 AM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Those two guys have been working at Tawan for...

Those two guys have been working at Tawan for over 15 years as hosts and this was their "Long Service" Bonus and thank you.
Forum: Southeast Asia 29th April 2012, 08:16 AM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
In defense of Tawan shows...

I must be about the perfect demographic for enjoying what Tawan has to offer..
I prefer 'chunky' guys with muscle (ie rugby style) rather than bodybuilding phyique.
I could be perfectly happy with...
Forum: Southeast Asia 9th March 2012, 01:38 PM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
No. i was there at about 9:00pm tonight (Fri) and...

No. i was there at about 9:00pm tonight (Fri) and none of the competing guys (or any customers) were there. Maybe they showed up later, but I doubt it. Most are on deck by 8-8:30.
I was a bit...
Forum: Southeast Asia 14th February 2012, 09:36 AM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
25th anniverasary pics

The official Tawan Bar website has just uploaded some photos of the most recent muscle competition in Jan for their 25th anniversary.
Forum: Southeast Asia 31st January 2012, 08:02 PM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
I've been to a few anniversary/special nights and...

I've been to a few anniversary/special nights and they had lucky number tickets and a 'lucky draw' give away of umbrellas and caps. It went on FOREVER as they had to do it in English and Thai and...
Forum: Southeast Asia 29th January 2012, 08:10 AM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
25th anniversary...?? Anyone go?

The long delayed 25th anniversary finally was held this week end.

Did anyone go?

Anything to report or just same-ol', same-ol'?

Umbrellas for everyone?
Forum: Southeast Asia 6th January 2012, 12:05 PM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Report from the trenches...

Tonight at 10:10 when I arrived, guys were out of their 'slings' and standing on staged with it covering their bits, ass to the wind.

Show started at 10:40

I left at 10:41
Forum: Southeast Asia 31st December 2011, 07:33 AM
Replies: 283
Views: 42,380
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Perhaps I'm just the Belle of the Ball...?

Perhaps I'm just the Belle of the Ball...?
Forum: Southeast Asia 28th December 2011, 06:00 PM
Replies: 283
Views: 42,380
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Galaxy Sauna.5/F Harilela Mansion, 81 Nathan Rd...

Galaxy Sauna.5/F Harilela Mansion, 81 Nathan Rd (opp Sheraton Kowloon), Tsim Sha Tsui,
its listed on Utopia. Its sort of HK run-down, with mainly over 30 chunky Chinese. Friendly drop in feel among...
Forum: Southeast Asia 28th December 2011, 04:53 PM
Replies: 283
Views: 42,380
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Greener pastures..

For those globe trotting Farangs that pine for the good ol' days of Babylon and are tired of fighting Euro-trash for a pool lounge or one of the available locals at the current Babylon, perhaps they...
Forum: Southeast Asia 16th December 2011, 10:33 PM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Pocket money for your trip..?

Talking to Nop last night, before "doing the deed" we had a wide ranging conversation encompasing everything from the rise of China as a economic superpower and the impact of white colonialism on...
Forum: Southeast Asia 2nd December 2011, 05:42 PM
Replies: 911
Views: 209,311
Posted By Jizz-wizz
What's "NTR"?? It's not in my Sextile dictionary....

What's "NTR"?? It's not in my Sextile dictionary.
Posted via Mobile Device
Forum: Southeast Asia 21st November 2011, 05:12 PM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Small World!

I was at my usual masseur's place here in Sydney. He's a Malasian guy that works out of his own place about 2 streets away from my place. I have been going to him for about 18mths.

He's just back...
Forum: Southeast Asia 15th November 2011, 03:11 AM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Same guys; different numbers

Back at Tawan a few days ago and I noticed that the guys had all changed numbers.

Pong, who used to be #3 is now #30; and the guy who used to be #30 is some other number.

I asked Mr Pan why...
Forum: Southeast Asia 8th November 2011, 04:04 PM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Quiet time at Tawan

I was back in BKK on Sat and turned up at Tawan at 9:30 to be greeted and told I was the 1st customer that night (!).

I walk in to find about 2/3 the usual No. of guys there staring out into the...
Forum: Southeast Asia 25th October 2011, 04:41 PM
Replies: 62
Views: 8,819
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Suvarnabhumi Airport

Although DM airport is closed due to flooding, Suvarnabhumi Airport has much more modern flood prevention designs and there is currently no plans to close or have opereations impacted.

Lets hope...
Forum: Southeast Asia 12th October 2011, 11:22 PM
Replies: 62
Views: 8,819
Posted By Jizz-wizz
Thanks pitrevie, I have been in BKK when the...

Thanks pitrevie,
I have been in BKK when the drains back up and it is like a sci-fi horror pic the things that flows down the street!

Good to hear things aren't as dramatic as news reports.
Forum: Southeast Asia 12th October 2011, 08:24 PM
Replies: 62
Views: 8,819
Posted By Jizz-wizz
BKK floods...

I haven't been to Thailand for a few months and the floods there are starting to get alot of coverage in the International press.
How bad is it? Is there flooding in BKK now? Is it still raining...
Forum: Southeast Asia 19th September 2011, 03:58 AM
Replies: 548
Views: 141,491
Posted By Jizz-wizz
YOU do the maths...

If you don't want to pay $25 for 1 day, you can pay $28 per day for 28 days if you like (?!).

Sounds like a great deal! (If I've learnt anything from my time in BKK it is to recognise a bargain...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 31

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