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Old 28th April 2004, 12:20 AM
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Line on underside of penis

I am curious what is (and what is it called) the line all guys seem to have which goes from their penis head down their shaft on the underside, across their scrotum and finishes at their arse hole. On some guys you can hardly see it, on others it is very pronounced either as a darker colour, it look scar like or both.
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Old 28th April 2004, 09:28 AM
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It's called the Urogenital raphe (pronounced rafe). It is a scar, sort of.

That lower pelvic area is open during the early phase of embryonic developement. If you are female, it remains open, for the most part (think vulva/female genitalia). For us guys, it gradually closes, starting in the anal area, progressing anteriorly sealing the scrotum (by the way, your nuts are separated by a septum of tissue inside your scrotum, which develops from the closing raphe,) along the base of your penis toward the head. There are rare developmental abnormalities in which the raphe fails to close completely, resulting in the meatus of the penis (your piss hole) appearing anywhere along the lower portion of the penis. The worst case is a hypospadias opening in the scrotum, but the more common site is somewhere below the glans. Mild hypospadias is fairly easily corrected, but it is really important to take a good look at the baby's penis before he is circumcised. That foreskin is needed for the plastic surgical repair.

As to why some guys are darker than others, guess it's just a matter of how dark their other skin is. Genital skin tends to be much darker than our regular skin anyway. I've seen guys with milk white skin on their butts, but their scrotum and penis are almost black. Probably some evolutionary benefit there, although I haven't a clue as to what it might be.

Hope I've answered your question!

Dr Danny
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Old 28th April 2004, 03:57 PM
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Thank you Dr Danny for the answer. I have also noticed how the skin on a guys genitals can be much darker than the rest of his body and that also interests me. Also I have noticed how some red headed guys can have milky white skin penis skin.
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Old 28th April 2004, 08:11 PM
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Just a wild, random guess... possibly darker skin helped to protect our unabashed, naked caveman ancestors from potential sunburn on sensitive areas. Maybe it also worked as an insect repellent of sorts: some bugs "see" color much differently than we do.

We're probably seeing a gradual evolutionary trend away from this since prehistoric man's invention of the fig leaf, followed quickly by the loincloth, the Lycra-Spandex Speedo (TM), and the mesh jogging short. We can thank early cave-women for this: all the constant laughing and pointing when not busy grinding roots provided the impetus for the guys to give some thought to their flopping, dangling, prehistoric willies.
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Old 29th April 2004, 09:31 AM
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Uncut, you just hit on one of MY secret lusts. The gay redheaded redhead male! They are like type AB- blood; they are out there, but very, very rare.

I'm not going into Scruffy's speculations on evolution. Who knows? And I'm not a dermatologist, but I have picked up this little tidbit in my time. We are taught that skin color depends on the presence of the pigment melanin. More melanin, darker skin. That's pretty simple. In reality, there are (at least) 2 different types of melanin, a lighter one and a very dark brown/black pigment. Most of us have a combo of the two types, resulting in different shades of caucasian, oriental, or negro skin. Caucasian redheads, however, are mutants who lack the dark brown pigment, and have only the lighter brown coloring, and then in varying amounts in varying places. I've seen brown haired guys with carrot red-yellow pubic hair, and I'm sure most of us have. Funny, I don't think I've ever seen true red pubic hair as you see on some guys/girls heads. Also, the mutation originated in Northern Scandinavia. Where ever the Vikings traveled, and they traveled and enjoyed the sights alot, they gave rise to redheads. Seen mostly in Northern Europe, lots in Ireland and Scotland, along the Danube, into Hungary. (A red headed Hungarian in a bath house, hmmm)

Be that as it may, the lack of the really dark pigment results in those pretty creamy pink penises and scrotums.
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Old 29th April 2004, 01:51 PM
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Re: Line on underside of penis

Originally posted by uncutguy4
I am curious what is (and what is it called) the line all guys seem to have which goes from their penis head down their shaft on the underside, across their scrotum and finishes at their arse hole.
When I worked in a plastic molding plant, when the molds came apart the plastic would often have seeped out leaving a thin line of plastic around the part. This protrusion was called mold flashing and it had to be removed by hand -- a grunt job they hired temps to do.

Because of this, I have always called the line down the center of the balls "mold flashing." Afterall, it is a result of the manufacturing process.

Now that I have learned it is called the urogenital raphe, I will never be the same.
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Old 29th April 2004, 07:02 PM
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Mostly the evolutionary stuff was just a set up for a moderately lame punch line, so don't put too much stock in any of that. Just having some fun...

Although... darker skinned peoples are most often found in areas of the Earth which get LOTS of sunlight, and I'm pretty sure this is an accepted explanation for various skin tones -- protection when needed based on environment.
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Old 30th April 2004, 06:29 AM
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Cutguy, last year I spent 2 months working in Scotland near Perth. Being a virile gay male I did sample lots of the local lads and I must admit I developed a liking for the red pubes and pinkie white skin so many of the sported. Before this I was rather ambivalent about red head but now “hello�.
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Old 30th April 2004, 11:34 AM
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There is nothing more erotic to me than a cute redhead with light smooth skin and an uncut dick.

I LOVE redheads........just don't get to see many of em.

Sure wish there was a redhead website.
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Old 30th April 2004, 06:49 PM
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Jeez! And I'm a nice guy! How did I wander into this???

Teva, thanks a bunch! I do about 10 rectal exams a day; my life will never quite be the same again. Just think of it-you are now in my thoughts, daily! No, 10x daily! My, what a promenent mold flashing Mrs Smith has. Let me get my scalpel... (did I spell that correctly?)

Uncut4, you have hurt me to the quick! I've never been to Scotland, although I'm in London at least once a year, and usually twice. I'm always amazed at the number of Brits with jet black hair. Must be a remnant of the Roman occupation. Any recommendations of where to go in either Edinb. or Glascow? As my loyal followers know, I prefer my guys cut, but for a redhead, I will gladly make an exception.

And Scruff, my love, the sunlight probably had something to do with it. I left out in my original posting that the light brown pigment offers no solar/UV protection what so ever. All those freckles you see on a red haired guy are major solar damage. Those guys/gals never tan, they just fry. Basal cell/squamous cell carcnoma to the max, and more than their fair share of melanomas. Ugly...

What a posting. All from that funny line between our legs!

Dr Danny
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Old 1st May 2004, 01:04 AM
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Where in Scotland

I just followed leads in the cruising listing on this site and *********** and then followed my nose or was that my dick (checking out lots of beats or as the brits call them cottages).

By the way I didn't meet any cut scots, but then again that's how I am and how I like my men. I am hoping for another working visit to the UK again later this year to get some more and check out that funny line between their legs.

Aussie Grant
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Old 10th May 2004, 04:59 AM
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For redheads, try:

I think you will like!
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Old 10th May 2004, 06:48 AM
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Beauty Or Beast

The strange thing about redheads is that when they are goodlooking, they are absolutely gorgeous. But that's only about 10-20% of redheads I know. The other 80-90%, they look more like mutants as cutguy said. And a few have odors unlike any others. It's not due to careless hygiene, folks said it's the redhead specialty.
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