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Old 24th April 2004, 06:39 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 2
One thing I am jealous of

I am a bi horndog, just as my handle inplies.

About the only thing that makes me jealous of females is the double penetraition. It just blows my mind watching some slut get a cock in the ass and one in the cunt.

I dont want to be a shemale/female, but damn that makes me jealous.

I know what 9 inches of cock sliding into me feels like, but I dont know what 18 inches feels like.

I did see a vid the other day at the ABS where a shemale was getting double boned in the ass... it got me thinking.

So, anybody ever get double penetraited before? And for the other bi guys, has you female partner ever been DPed?

Have you ever been one of the 2 cocks in a DP?

And finaly, any adivced on DPs other then RELAX!!!
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Old 24th April 2004, 06:41 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 2

Forgot, also please post links to DPs, female and male, shemale. If you have found a hot site, please share.


Oh, and since I am at it...any body willing to DP me in or around MT and SD?
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Old 26th April 2004, 10:48 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Double Penetration Website

Check out:

Lots of hot photos of guys being double teamed.

Guys can be double teamed too - getiing fucked at one end while sucking a hard cock at the other (bit like being on a roasting spit). Or being double fucked.

My advice for the double fuck - have them take turns tagging you till you get opened up a bit then sit on one cock and bend forward to let the second guy in. Might take a few tries to make it work - but that can be fun too.
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Old 27th April 2004, 10:32 PM
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Moderator - Orange County
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I have a buddy of mine that I totally love to DP another guy with. It is quite fun & a different feeling. Plus watching the bottom guy getting two cocks up his ass is a major turn-on.

It is difficult to find a lot of guys that can handle it. Some think they can but usually they have a hard enough time handling me.

Use lots of lube. Wait until the bottom looks like he is really into it & then that is when I usually slide on in. Before he knows it - he has two cocks up there

Not as innocent as one might think
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Old 9th May 2004, 03:38 PM
Join Date: Oct 2002
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I've just been browsing the forums and saw your post. Getting double analed has been a fantasy of mine for the past year. I've been a big fan of watching men (in gay porn) and women (in straight porn) getting double fucked in the ass. Well, I'll get a couple of guys together for it hopefully by the enf of the summer. I'm dying to feel it! A cock in the mouth at the same time would be even better
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Old 1st June 2004, 08:57 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1

Corey is right, use lots of lube. I have two friends who I DP with once or twice a month. It was very painful when we first tried to do it. But after a couple of tries I finally was able to take them both. It's such an intense feeling having both guys in you at the same time, both trusting and grabbing you and pushing deeper into you. To start, have the guy with the larger cock lay flat and you sit on his cock and ride him. Have the second guy finger your hole while you ride the first guy. when your ready to go for it, lean forward and start kissing the guy that you are riding and tell the second guy to go for it. He needs to go slow and brfore you know it he'll be in there. Both guys need to have cocks that are 8 or more inches to make this work right, especially the guy on the bottom since you need to lift your ass up some so that the second guy can enter you from the top. If the guys cock is to small , it will keep pulling out. My two friends have cocks that are perfect for this. the botom guy is 9 inches and the top guy is 8 1/2 inches. Rember take it slow, and the pain is intense, but it wil turn into pure pleasure for you in the end. It is one of the most intense fucks I have ever had in my life, and each time we do it it gets better.
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