While I'm not familiar with all the possible iterations of various orthodontia devices, I'd assume you are talking about standard type braces here. Certainly you wouldn't be sucking dick with a retainer in place...
I'd personally have no problem with this. After all, I can only think of one particular cocksucking technique which needs to be left out of the itinerary: sliding a hard dick across the surface of one's teeth. Admittedly, I DO enjoy this quite a bit, but very few guys seem to do it anyway. I like the bulge of cheeks as my dick slides along the smooth surface of teeth, but this is never any sort of requirement. And honestly, not a lot of guys do it very well. If you are careful and learn to adjust your regular style so as to not bang a dude's glans against the braces as you take his dick into your mouth, I don't see a problem. It might be kind of unique and erotic, actually... Perhaps a man with penile piercings might not be the best possible choice in partner, though. Possibility of becoming entangled temporarily? Unlikely, but you never know. Piercings can always be easily removed anyway. I suppose that if planning an encounter in advance, it might be nice to tell the guy -- you never know what some might consider unacceptable. I think personally I would like to be informed first, but at the same time if a guy showed up with braces and hadn't told me about it, I sure wouldn't find this any reason to get uptight. I'd just have fun anyway. It would be nice if you make sure your teeth are as clean as possible, naturally -- braces tend to trap food easily. Yet I'd say this is a courtesy which should be observed by everyone: clean teeth and decent breath get high marks, at least from me. I'd be remiss if I didn't toss in the expected warning here: do be cautious. You don't want to scrape a guy's dick and cause bleeding. Getting blood in your mouth isn't wise, but I really don't see this as something very likely to happen.
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Ah, this takes me back to my mid-teens! Back then, I wasn't giving head to gorgeous strangers, but trying to master the art of auto-fellatio (wish I were still that limber...). When you get your braces, I'm sure the orthodontist will give you some wax strips to cover them; I'm not sure of their official name, but they are long thin strips of a wax-like material that you can put on your braces. This should save your future gentlemen-callers from a lot of pain, but it won't be fool-proof. Good luck!
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I wore full metal braces in my 30's for 3 years. When someone would ask, I would put them at rest and let them know that; "I knew what I was doing" and that this experience would not involve teeth. I think I perfected my "expert" technique during this period.
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I had braces in highschool too, unfortunely no dicks were ever in my mouth at that time.
I can't see why it would be a problem to suck cock with braces. The smooth side of the braces are inside toward your tongue, the same place a dick would be. If your braces don't cut your tongue up I don't think it would hurt a guys dick.
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