I always feel lucky that I never have to deal with those for some reason, but know a lot of guys who do get them from time to time putting them out of commission for bottoming out.
I'm no medical expert, but one piece of advice I hear a lot is to keep your diet healthy and high in fiber. That's all I can say for that, so hopefully someone else will have more advice for you. Feel better ![]()
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You need help.
The matter may be just a trivial one but it may be something of a greater consequence. So, you need proper madical advice. This isn't the time to save & suffer. Cause, the consequences can be dire. Few of the things you want to give up for a while is spicy food and fizzy drinks. Get well ![]() KD
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Won't repeat what the other guys have already said, except to emphasize that this could be a life-long annoyance which may or may not get worse in time, or it could be little more than a few rare and random flare-ups now and then.
Only other home remedy not mentioned yet that will be of some help to you is to take some hot sitz baths: soak in a tub filled with just a small amount of water, hot as you can handle it, enough so your rear is covered. Several of these for a day or two can provide immediate, albeit sometimes temporary, relief. Otherwise, discuss with your doc. Extreme cases can benefit from surgery, but this is something that requires some research -- you need to be an active participant in deciding what is best for you. Never had this problem myself, but my ex had some issues after hernia surgery, and my parents have had rare and occasional hemorrhoid flare-ups for as long as I can remember. Oh, right: rest and relax as often as you can if you have a flare up. Reduce the pressure on your butt, lay on your side or whatever position feels most comfortable -- let the blood slowly drain away to reduce inflammation. Good luck.
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I have had problems like yours off and on for several years. Here are some things that help me:
1 Eat right. Lots of fiber. You do NOT want to be constipated. Straining hard trying to get a turd out is almost always part of why you get a flare up. 2. Take hot baths as hot as you can stand. This really helps. 3. Sit on a pillow at your desk or wherever when you can. 4. Don't read on the toilet. Sit down, do your business, and standc up. Lingering on the pot really aggravates the situation. A word about surgery: it takes a while to recover. I could shit comfortably after a month or so. It took me several months to get to where I could comfortably bottom. Even after a year or two, a bout of constipation could reinjure the scar. Now 10 years later, I seem to have it all behind me ![]() Hope you feel better soon!
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Try the Prep h ointment.
The pads have witch hazel in them. That is the active ingredient. You can buy a bottle of witch hazel and add to the pad. Might soothe them more. Eat more fiber, the easier you shit, the better you will feel. Avoid bannanas and cheese. They constipate you. I
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play.
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Pay the couple of bucks and see your doctor or an urgent care center. They'll give you prescription cortisone anal suppositories (Anucort) to take twice daily, which will clear all but the worst cases within a week. In addition to that, follow the advice of the previous posters - it's all good.
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i have had good luck with the following:
take metamucil or another fiber supplement, either the powder or wafer form, 2x each day. never use toilet paper; i only use the medicated witch hazel pads when wiping myself. drink lots of water. i had an external thrombosed hemorrhoid (looked like a large purplish olive had attached itself to my asshole) which they said would require surgery to get rid of completely; these steps helped clear it up and i haven't had any flare ups in years. that being said, seeing a dr is a good idea as are the other measures mentioned in the above postings.
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The INFECTION of the cyst may be cleared up with the ABX, but the cyst itself is certainly still there. I am not aware of cysts spontaneously vanishing.
This may be cause for future reinfection. Look up some online info about how to care for an existing cyst so as to avoid the possibility of future infections. Keeping the area as clean as possible is an obvious good way to start... but it's an awfully hard area to keep free of bacteria -- pretty impossible, actually. But there are things you can do, so ask your doc and/or look online. If the cyst is between your butt cheeks or located directly on or to one side of your tailbone, this can be a very bothersome type of cyst called a pilonidal cyst. It can get very complex dealing with this kind of cyst and assessing treatment options, but no need to get into that right now. Pilonidal cysts are almost ALWAYS on the tailbone, but they can develop channels that drain into areas between the butt cheeks, which is why I think it merits some consideration. Most GPs can diagnose one of these easily enough, but you need to discuss treatment with a surgeon or a colo-rectal specialist. Thought you should have a heads up here -- these cysts are sometimes undiagnosed for long periods of time. But if it was "just" a "regular" type cyst -- you should be good to go. Good luck.
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