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Old 15th October 2004, 10:43 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 20
Angry Hemorrhoids -- Ouch!

I let a friend of mine with a fairly thick cock work my butt over pretty good about a week ago -- while that was great, what isn't is that I developed really bad hemorrhoids. I've been using Preparation H and soaking in a hot bath as much as possible, but I am barely noticing any change in my condition and it really does hurt alot. Can anybody offer any suggestions? Does this mean that my days as a bottom are numbered? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Old 15th October 2004, 01:03 PM
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Posts: 84

I doubt your receptive activity caused the hemorrhoid, but for the moment, I suspect even thinking about butt sex is painful.

Painful hemorrhoids are basically varicose veins that have formed a blood clot. The inflammed clot induces swelling and a lot of pain. If the Prep H isn't helping, get thee to a clinic later or tomorrow, and have them open it up. It sounds gross, but once the vein is opened (with a very small cut with a scalpel), and the clot is taken out, the pain vanishes almost immediately. You will need some minor after care, but healing is pretty quick.

Good luck, and keep me posted.

Dr Danny
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Old 16th October 2004, 07:36 AM
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I suffer from hemorrhoids also and have found that taking a fiber supplement has helped tremendously. I use a teaspoon of some metamucil knock-off 1 or 2 times a day. I also only use witchhazel wipes to clean myself after I take a crap. The fiber and the witchhazel have helped me tremendously. Every now and then it acts up a little (usually when I skip my fiber or am eating rich food) but nothing like it used to be. It used to look like I had an olive growing out of my asshole.

I defer to the Dr of course, but I didn't want any kind of operation and though the results took a while it was worth it for me. Good luck,

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Old 16th October 2004, 02:54 PM
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Metamucil and the bulk laxatives are always helpful, and a lot of people think witch hazel helps. It's an astringent, and if it isn't applied to open, raw tissue, it probably will help. (If there is tissue breakdown, a) you really need to see a doctor before a whopper of an infection sets in, and b) oohh, it's gonna burn.)
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