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Old 29th October 2004, 08:28 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 2
Sore throat

I went down on a guy about two weeks ago, and the next night I started getting a sore throat. I figured it to be strep throat, gargled with salt water, took theraflu and it started to get better. I still felt it a little bit a week or so later, but by that point it was more of a cough. When I woke up yesterday I had a sore throat again, but this time it was lower in my throat (around the top of my neck, rather than the back of my mouth), and it hurts when i swallow or drink. I don't know if this is b/c I had a cigar the night before (had to celebrate the sox), or if it's directly related to what happened to weeks ago. Is this the pattern for something common? And yes, I plan on seeing a doctor, but I'd like to know what you think it may be, if anything. Thanks!
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Old 29th October 2004, 06:26 PM
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You're making way too many assumptions here -- the biggest of all that it is possible to diagnose you online: it is not, I'm afraid.

Incidentally, just having a sore throat for one night doesn't mean you have strep throat. Strep throat, in fact, is pretty damn easy to spot on your own using a flashlight and a mirror. Open your mouth wide, keep your tongue down, shine the light in the back of your throat. Do you see white lines or patches? If so... this may very well be strep throat. You need a doctor. If not... it's probably just a run-of-the-mill sore throat.

Go to Google and type in "strep throat." Select the option to search for images. You'll be immediately presented with plenty of photos that will show you exactly what strep throat looks like.

For the record, I once spent the better part of two weeks fucking around with a dude and kissing him repeatedly -- he came down with actual strep throat at one point. I never caught it.

There's seventeen million things that can cause a sore throat; I am sure you are aware of this. It may have nothing to do with you sucking dick -- or it might. YES, you can get STDs in your throat. Or maybe you just put your hand somewhere totally innocuous, get some bacteria on it, then later touched your mouth and caught a simple infection.

Also for the record, every now and then I have a cigar myself (though baseball is never involved in the decision-making process). Sometimes they dry out my mouth and throat -- sometimes not. Having a dry mouth and throat can make it a little easier to get a minor infection, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's any great concern. And certainly just the smoke itself can be irritating.

Now and then, if I do "too much" poppers or use old poppers, my throat will feel a bit tender for a few hours the next day. But this clears up quickly -- though if someone were to KEEP using poppers while they already had a sore throat, I'd think it's very likely for this to prolong the condition.

Incidentally, TheraFlu, as you probably know, treats only symptoms -- it doesn't nothing to attack the actual CAUSE of any illness. Nor do ANY OTC remedies, with the possible exception of serums and drops containing zinc, which we believe may lessen duration, though in no way is zinc a cure.

Sounds to me like you just got an average sore throat, then exacerbated the condition after a few ups and downs by smoking a cigar.

If it doesn't improve by Monday, I highly recommend you see your doctor as you said you would.

Interesting tidbit: my aunt is sick ALL the time. I mean EVERY single day. In her case, I suspect a combination of things: being obese, some degree of hypochondria, a weak immune system, poor diet and nutrition. She has been struggling with sore throats and recurring sinus infections for about three years now. She's been to many different physicians, had many different treatments. She improves, then gets sick again. The docs have no definitive answer for her. The point is... IF my aunt EVER sucked a dick, the last one was probably when she was in high school (though I doubt even that). She's the epitome of the word "spinster." This gal is NOT having any sort of sex whatsoever. A lingering sore throat does NOT always mean an STD.

Keep up with the salt-water gargles. They can't hurt and just might help. You can also gargle with Listerine, which is equally effective (Target's generic brand is fine, too). Only caveat: don't go overboard with the Listerine -- too much can dry your mouth. Twice a day will suffice.

Stop back on Monday and give us the scoop, will you?
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Old 31st October 2004, 07:50 AM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

Just because you are gay does not mean you cant come down with a virus just like the rest of us.

Most sore throats in adults are viral, and take about 5-10 days of incubation before you start feeling sick. Most of what passes for "strep" is viral, and you can't do anything more than theraflu or sucrets to ease the symptoms.

Obviously, you are worried about an oral STD. Very possible, just not likely with the time frame you have given us. A big load of gonorrhea will give you a very sore throat in 2-3 days. Most guys with GC and a heavy, pussy discharge aren't going to get their dicks sucked (at least I hope not)

See your doctor, get tested for GC and strep, and get tested again if you remain sore for more than a week.
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