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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Paging Dr. Danny..oh, Paging Dr. Danny

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Old 18th November 2004, 03:07 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 5
Paging Dr. Danny..oh, Paging Dr. Danny

Received a fairly brief BJ in a shady ass city men's room around 6pm today, and by 9 pm or so I had a very slightly distracting mild sore throat. It was so slight that it could be ignored or easily attributed to drinking boiling hot soup or coffee and scalding my throat earlier in the day.
BUT it is now nearly 5 am in the god damned morning and the reason I am awake and typing on here is because I have a sore throat so bad I can hardly stand to swallow.
Damn! This really hurts, man!

Surely, STD's and their symptoms don't work or express themselves THIS fast in the body, do they?
Could I have picked up a common cold virus or bacteria through the semi-porous membrane head of my dick?
Sounds crazy, but WTF is going on here.

Yee gads, boy, does this ever hurt.

Thanks so much.
Cute 20 something country farm boy wanting to escape the watchful overbearing restrictive eyes of his christian parents and have sloppy naked sinful fun with you in the splendors of God's nature ...and/or in a mensroom
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