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Old 6th December 2004, 03:11 PM
Join Date: Oct 1999
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Question Viagra Question?

I just purchased my first viagra. I bought 10 of the 50mg pills. I have read that some get headaches from taking the full 100mg pills, but I am not quite sure.

I am hoping someone with viagra experience can help me with this. How long should a 50mg pill last, and is it common to get headaches with this amount?

thanks all and anyone
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Old 6th December 2004, 03:48 PM
mine's double-wide
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I've only done 50's so far and I got a headache every time. I should add that I've only done three so far but each time a headache and a bad one at that.

I did one last Wed. about 10AM and jacked off about noon and then again about 4:00. Headache or not it beats a limp dick.

It may also make your face feel flushed, it does mine.
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Old 6th December 2004, 03:48 PM
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Dr. Danny is the man to give you a complete answer to your question, but I thought I'd at least say just this:

It's tough to say if it is "common" for men to get headaches as a natural and expected side effect of a certain dose of Viagra.

Everyone reacts differently and most men can probably expect that they will NOT experience any or all the possible side effects. These side effects are published because they MUST be: a patient needs to know what is POSSIBLE when taking ANY medication. But that doesn't mean it is PROBABLE.

In fact, the literature which should have been included with your Viagra should give you a detailed list concerning the frequency of side effects in a certain sample size of men.

Here's some basic info from Pfizer:

I did not notice a chart or table of incidence of reported side effects here, though.

If you experience headaches taking a certain dose, tell your doctor. He will probably recommend a reduced dosage. This can be done over the telephone.
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Old 6th December 2004, 04:28 PM
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I have never had a headache from Viagra, but one thing I did notice is that the 50 & 100mg pills cost the same. Next time, ask your doctor for the heavier dose and get a pill cutter from the drug store.

50mg will last me all night and then again the next morning. Not bad for $5!
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Old 7th December 2004, 08:24 AM
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headaches are common, some severe and some not.

usually face flushing along with the headache, not always.

50mg should last you 6 hours or so.
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Old 7th December 2004, 02:13 PM
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Doya is correct. You pay the same price for a 50mg tablet as you do for a 100mg. Your pharmacist will give you (at no cost) a pill cutter. All you have to do is ask. As the old chewing gum commercial used to say: "double your pleasure, double your fun."
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