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Old 26th December 2004, 08:36 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 1
bump in my...

Yo need help...Im a little concerned I have a very small(pimple -like) bump o my this normal? I a little worried me out...
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Old 28th December 2004, 12:02 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400

It could be normal -- penises can get pimples and blemishes.

It could be something else, too.

It's very difficult to diagnose dermatological ailments based on even the most vivid written descriptions. It is very difficult to diagnose dermatological ailments sometimes even with a photographic image, though this depends on each individual case: certain things are a no-brainer, others are much more obtuse.

Good advice: wait and watch for a few days. If it goes away or shrinks on its own -- it's probably nothing. If it changes in any other way, get thee to a doc. If you get more of them -- same applies.

Just leave it alone. Wash normally. Don't freak out about it.

One word of mandatory info: sometimes an STD can manifest with little or no symptoms, or one symptoms that appears and then goes away quickly. If you want to eliminate all doubt immediately, see a doc.

But yeah, dicks get zits sometimes. Thankfully, though, not as often as other areas of the body.
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