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Old 11th January 2005, 12:11 AM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 97
Rant: New BP standards

Talking about Yohimbe and BP in another thread got me off on this tangent.

My 120/80 BP that has been just fine all these years now has my doc recommending that I take meds to lower it. In fact my lower # (diastolic?) has been in the mid- to upper 70's lately. Doc says it is new standards that are pushing this. His office still has verbage on the walls that say if your upper # (systolic?) is above 130 then you should start worrying but only if it is above 140, should you consider BP meds.

So are there real good reasons for the new lower BP recommendations or is this something pharmacutical industry-driven, insurance-industry driven, or legal eagle driven?
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Old 11th January 2005, 12:53 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 119
New BP Standard or Bovine Scatology?

If your blood pressure has been fine all these years and now your doctor is telling you that you need meds for lowering it -- you probably need your doctor to explain why your BP today is no longer normal (120/80). Medical standards do change, but your doctor needs to explain the change so that you understand why he is recommending meds to lower your BP.

Can your doctor point to any recent medical literature which changes the definition of what is considered "normal" blood pressure? If 120/80 is no longer normal, your doctor needs to explain why it is not and he also needs to tell you what is now the new standard ... if there is a new BP health standard.
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Old 11th January 2005, 03:26 PM
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I agree: doc needs to explain his reasoning.

Contrary to all my crap about having taken lots of illegal drugs in my youth, I am not a big fan of needless medication now that I am an adult and through with such follies of youth.

I'd LOVE to hear Dr. Danny's opinion on this. Wouldn't we all?

Without getting into great detail and boring everyone... I am currently seeking out a surgeon to remove a bothersome cyst. This is why I'm staying in NY longer than I intended. The recovery period would require assistance from my family. This cyst is NOT serious or related to any other health problems, so that's good news.

But I had a consultation with a surgeon who would NOT answer my questions. He barely said a word. I had to poke and prod to get info out of him. Further research online told me immediately that he had neglected to tell me a LOT of very important stuff that I should know before making a decision for elective surgery. His unwillingness to answer my questions and the fact that he even seemed ANNOYED at having to "waste" his time with my questions caused me to dump him immediately. If a doc can't take the time to give me a proper consultation and provide the proper REASONS for what he proposes, that's a doc I am DONE with.

Just my own little rant here. I wish I could find a "Dr. Danny New York Version."
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Old 12th January 2005, 05:05 PM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 97

Amen to that. Only I want a "Dr. Danny-Topeka Edition" And, no I don't want thje latex anatomically-correct action-figure version.

My doc is a good generalist, but his sessions have been whittled down from 20-minute, relaxed give-and-takes, to 5-10 minute, in the room, rapidfire Q & A, followed by me stopping by the nurses' station afterward for a written summary of what the hell we just had covered. I leave these sessions feeling as if I have been run over by a truck.

The man is overbooked, overworked and getting a tad cranky. I deal with several issues that are non-life-threatening, but damn annoying all the same. I could list everything here, but it would sound like I am just whining.
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