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Old 16th January 2005, 03:35 PM
Join Date: May 2002
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Yeast Infection

I feel kind of embarrassed about this only b/c I consider myself to have pretty decent hygiene. However, it appears that I have developed a male yeast infection. At first in all honesty, the pain I felt in my penis almost resembled an overworked penis feel, however, I started noticing the tender spot under the glans penis and then it got worst. Is going to the doctor the only choice of treatment I have? I am kind of embarrassed to go to my family doctor about this. What else would you recommend?

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Old 16th January 2005, 09:05 PM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 97

No family doc is going to think twice about your yeast infection, if that is what it is. And infections happen irrespective of hygiene. Yeast infections are a close cousin of Jock Itch. Docs see it all the time as yeast infections are quite common. Go, get it taken care of.

Men and women pass yeast infections back and forth. If one partner has a yeast infection, usually the doc will treat both, because if he doesn't, they just pass it back and forth.

A good female friend of mine once complained at length about her husband's drinking habit. He would have a beer or two about once a month, come home horny and want some sex from her. If she gave in, she got a yeast infection. If she stood firm and didn't put out, no infection. I figured he gave her a good tongue-lashing as part of the fun and the yeast on his breath had a field day. Or he pissed yeasty urine, and then passed it on to her. Either way, she finally told him it was either beer or sex--his choice. He could have one or the other but not both. I never found out what he chose.
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Old 17th January 2005, 04:34 PM
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Do you have DISCHARGE from your penis, or are you noticing an area of the dermis that is looking rather nasty? Or both?

Doesn't matter, I'm afraid. Yes, you need to see your doc.

GuyTopeka is quite correct: he isn't going to bat an eye over this.

But you DO need to make SURE that you do, in fact, have a yeast infection and not something else. Self-diagnosis here isn't a good idea, buddy.

Yep, this situation sucks, but it's nothing to really get uptight about. Properly treated, it will be but a memory in a very short time.

Abstain from sex in the interim. If you have a regular partner, inform him or her about the situation.

Good luck.
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Old 18th January 2005, 01:18 AM
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A yeast infection, like many other infections, takes the path of least resistence. Sexually transmitted infections do the same thing. Having good personal hygiene must be accompanied by having good judgment. Men who have sexual relations with both men and women run the risk of infections if they don't use protection. People who don't know the sexual history of their partners run a higher risk of infection than those who do. People who don't use protection run a higher risk of infection than those who do.

Given the fact that doctors have found no benefit to treating the male sexual partners of women with yeast infections, it is doubtful you have a male yeast infection as you might have assumed.

A self-diagnosis of male yeast infection cannot be assumed. You need to seek medical treatment from a more qualified and competent person -- doctor. In the interim, abstain from sexual relations until you have seen a doctor. Only a doctor can tell you what kind of infection you have and prescribe a proper treatment.
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Old 19th January 2005, 09:44 PM
Join Date: May 2002
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Many Thanks

I do appreciate the posts to this thread. After heeding your advice, I went to see my doctor and much to HER disappointment, she took a urine sample and the quasi-painful culture from the penis. The results should come in by the meantime, they gave me 4 Zpacks and a needle in the hip....PAINFUL lessons. The one time I bb with someone I THOUGHT I knew ...who would of thought would have cost me so much time and energy? Well, hopefully, this may help someone else out. She didn't rule out a yeast infection however, b/c I have been taking antibiotics for strep throat and sinusitis....all will be known on Friday.

Thanks again fellas!

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