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Old 16th February 2005, 05:16 AM
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Somebody's tinfoil hat's on a little too tight. Loosen it up; it's cutting off blood flow....
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Old 16th February 2005, 01:32 PM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 97

Wearing a tinfoil pyramid on one's head is the second best use for that shape. The best use is to protect the breast of a turkey the last half hour or so it cooks in the oven.

Jeremy, I have no problem with your list of facts. The problem is in the attempt to tie them together, to show they are somehow related, and that there was a plan behind their execution.

I can do the same with most any chronological listing of occurrences. It's kinda like playing The Seven Degrees of Conspiracy. One can link together almost any set of occurrences. The sticking point becomes the causality of the occurrences and the legitimacy of their true interrelationship coupled with the existence of a master plan.

Sometimes you have to deal with what is regardless of the circumstances of its genesis. That can be hard to do, especially if you require everything to have an explanation, or to have it somehow fit within an existing conformity of fact (or comfort level).

And what if it is true that it has been some major governmental conspiracy to infect gays? Doesn't change the fact that AIDS exists. Look at all the stuff the government has admitted to having done. And then look at their efforts to "fix" their mistakes. Not pretty.

And to mess with your mind a little, maybe part of the conspiracy is that the government wants people like you to spin their wheels debating the existence of the conspiracy. Keeps you occupied and prevents you focusing on the real issue--people are dying from AIDS and that needs to stop.

(I can't believe the number of times I had to type conspiracy here. I feel as if I have entered some bad episode of the X-Files, or is it Little House on the Prairie? I always seem to get the two mixed up.)
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Old 16th February 2005, 04:00 PM
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The suggestion to keep an open mind is a good one, Jeremy. I recommend you practice what you preach.

I'm afraid my mind is NOT "blown away" by your theories, however.

I've heard it all before. Ad nauseam, a million times -- nearly twenty years on message boards -- it's getting old.

Oh, well... moving on...
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Old 16th February 2005, 08:00 PM
Join Date: Jun 1999
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Im not pissed about the civil war in that respect. In fact, i hate all that civil war shit around here.
He (sherman) just started something here!
He burned Atlanta then, it rose from the ashes like the Phoenix There is nothing old here because of him and the people here have continued to "burn" (tear) down and rebuild. Its like he started a process that continues to this day. Visit our fine city and you will see. Not much dates back further than the 1920's.

War is hell and things happen in war that are terrible. To use the civil war as an example, brother was pitted against brother. Cousin against cousin etc.

Same with the horrible things in the world wars after and the conflicts (korea and Vietnam).

I would hope we play by the rules but the people we are currently fighting have a different set.

If the most terrible thing we have done at this point in Iraq is that damn prision scandal. Then we are in pretty good shape!

I recall a presidential candidate that has admitted to the US Congress to doing much worse himself in vietnam .
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play.
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Old 17th February 2005, 11:35 AM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

Yes, but that was before he denied it
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