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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   handicapped placards

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Old 19th March 2005, 04:00 PM
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 37
handicapped placards

The tomkat theatre located in west hollywood, california features all male videos. Realistically, it is nothing more than a 'suck off' venue. Parking is a major problem!!!

There is a guy in his 40's who goes there practically every day. I regularly see him crawling around on the floor giving blow jobs and notice that he 'EASILY' can go up & down the stairs where the restrooms are located.

My problem is that this guy places a blue handicapped placard on his windshield so he doesn't have to feed the parking meters and avoids parking tickets.

I don't particularly like this guy and have a very strong hunch that he is using another persons handicapped placard, however there is a slim chance that he may actually be handicapped.

Do you think I should get his license plate # and go thru the proper procedure to find out if he is rightfully entitled to be using a handicapped permit. This guy is a slap in the face and an insult to handicapped persons.
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Old 19th March 2005, 05:20 PM
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 18

If it will make you feel better-------do it.
Since you brought up the subject I'll vent. It has never made any sense to me that a person with a handicapped placard doesn't have to pay to park in a metered space. If they have sufficient mobility and/or strength to enter, drive, parallel park and exit an automobile, it seems that they would be quite capable of putting a quarter into the slot of a parking meter.
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