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Old 29th April 2005, 08:47 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 47
Anal Sex Health

A fellow bottom and I are going to have a 3-way with a top next week. The top wants to take turns fucking us. He will wear a condom but he wants to fuck me for a few minutes and then fuck the other guy - switching off between us several times before he busts his load. Does having him use to same condom to fuck both of us pose any health risk - HIV or other STD's or problems? What about sharing a dildo with my bottom playmate? Can we fuck each other with it one after the other or should it be cleaned or dissinfected between each of us using it? Last question - can any health problems be caused by rimming or being rimmed?
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Old 29th April 2005, 12:22 PM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

It's the equivalent of you and your bud fucking each other bareback.

Toy sharing can result in virus transmission, ie warts, herpes, hepatitis, and others, even when cleaned and disinfected.

My advice, if you want to take it: lay in a large load of condoms, have your new friend use a fresh one when he alternates between you two guys, and either boil the dildo between uses (I'm being sarcastic) or use a separate one for each.

And be sure to post the pictures :-)

Dr Danny
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Old 29th April 2005, 04:36 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 9

Where can I se the pictures??
Lookin' 4 more
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Old 29th April 2005, 10:02 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 16
Sharing dildos

Dr. Danny's advice is always good, and he is to be commended for bringing his knowledge to where it is so needed. With regard to sharing dildos, I think that condoms can be used for them, too. I've never shared one, but if you must, this seems like it might help with the logistics of switching users. However, they are fairly cheap, and it is probably worthwhile to get two for the evening.
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Old 2nd May 2005, 12:52 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
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Posts: 400

To answer the question regarding health concerns from rimming:

Sure, any STD that can infect someone's anus can certainly be passed via rimming.

In addition, hepatitis is a concern, too. Hep is certainly an STD in its own special, adorable way.

General and bothersome (but not deadly) illnesses can also be passed via rimming. These would likely be a result of fecal coliform bacteria being passed from person to person. This can give you a nasty stomach ache for a few days -- or some nasty diarrhea. In an otherwise healthy individual, however, this isn't going to be a serious concern. It also isn't something that is guaranteed to happen -- some folks can be exposed to fecal coliform and do not ever get ill. Depends on the person's immune response, the strength and quantity of the bacteria, etc. Fecal coliform is everywhere -- swab some greenbacks and you'll find many things live there in addition to dead presidents. But most of the time it doesn't hurt us.

Naturally an STD needs to be present in order for it to be passed. Problem is (obviously) that we can't know who has got what. But EVERYONE has fecal bacteria -- so there's no avoiding this potential hazard. It's not a whole lot to worry about, but it's certainly worth KNOWING about.
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