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Old 16th July 2005, 08:13 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 39
Amount Of Cum

Does zinc really get you to produce more cum, if not, how?
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Old 16th July 2005, 05:33 PM
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Eh... who knows?

There sure haven't been any clinical studies: "Here, dude... cum in this cup. Then take zinc for a month and return to the medical center and cum in another cup."

I've heard mixed reviews on this. Zinc is a component of semen, but just because a guy takes a supplement doesn't necessarily mean his body is going to respond by making MORE semen just to utilize the zinc!

That being said... I take zinc myself. I also take saw palmetto and various other supplements. The thing is... I HAVE noticed an increase in semen over the last few years -- and most dudes seem to tell me "nice load, man."

But after being sucked for an hour minimum most times... it would seem likely that just about anyone would have a fairly powerful orgasm, right?

Edging also seems to help with this -- the closer I get repeatedly... I tend to cum big when I finally do explode.

Then again... I rarely jerk off so most of the time my balls are pretty full anyway. Even so... on rare occasions when I might jerk off every other day or something, I still see a decent amount of cum.

Try it and see. Keep well-hydrated, too.

No scientific basis for any of this, just purely observation. Maybe I'm getting more cum now than I did when I was younger simply because I have better and more intense sex along with more self-control when it comes to jerking off. Or maybe there's something to be said for a few supplements... I honestly don't know, but this question comes up ALL the time.
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Old 17th July 2005, 05:16 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 13

L-Lysine is works well (and fast) for me. Don't mega-dose. 500mg to 1gm or so does the trick. There are a couple of aminos listed in the article (above), though it seems they're contraindicative of each other.

Maybe cruisers should set up a double blind test and publish the results.
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Old 17th July 2005, 06:20 PM
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I found drinking gensing tea or powders or Yohimbe both helped my refractory period(able to get up sooner afetr getting off) and amount of cum in loads.
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Old 18th July 2005, 01:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Re: L-Lysine

Originally posted by LATop2
L-Lysine is works well for me. Don't mega-dose. 500mg or so does the trick.
A bit of research on L-Lysine found this...

Typical dosage used for possible prevention of herpes simplex virus recurrence is 500 mg to 3 grams daily. The average dose is 1 gram daily. Higher doses are split throughout the day

Several mentions of 'herpes simplex' outbreak reduction. Here is the link:
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