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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Help end LAPD entrapment

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Old 30th September 2005, 03:53 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 9
Help end LAPD entrapment

Hello fellow CFS'ers

I am currently involved in a case attempting to prove that the LAPD selectively pursues homosexual men for entrapment in lewd conduct cases. I need to find someone who can attest that incidences of heterosexual lewd conduct – even if it’s just groping or fondling through the clothes while fully dressed – does not get reported to the police, or if reported does not lead to arrest.

If you are a Los Angeles lifeguard, park ranger, university/college security officer or the like who could provide information regarding what (doesn’t) happen to heterosexuals who commit lewd conduct in your workplace…

And if you are interested in helping to end discriminatory prosecution and entrapment by the LAPD…

Please contact me. Your information could help make LAPD entrapment financially prohibitive.
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