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Old 6th January 2006, 10:32 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 4
On Vacation?????

It seems as though the volume or interest on this sight has diminished significantly in the last several months. I posted looking for some head on the Massachusetts msg board and didn't get one response. I know it's always hit or miss but this seems way off. Did guys make New Year's resolutions to not suck In other venues, guys practically fight to get my 8 inch cock thrusted down their throats. What's up?
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Old 6th January 2006, 01:27 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
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CFS and similar sites seem to experience a drop-off when it comes to actual cruising during the months just prior to the holidays. As I scan the state message boards, I see fewer and fewer postings, sometimes with several days of no new posts at all.

Yet, oddly enough, online gay chat as well as "right now" sites seem to pick up at this time. CFS partners with Men4SexNow, so I assume it is OK to mention them... I met a new buddy there just before the holidays -- one of the few times online cruising OTHER than chat has worked out very well for me.

As winter sets in, guys drop off cruising, especially if they are looking for outdoor places, for obvious reasons. Even in Florida it gets too cold to go to my one and only cruise spot in winter. But as winter wears on, guys get more sexually frustrated. You'll probably see more action by the end of this month when cabin fever and hard dicks get the best of us.

Spring and summer are always busy cruise times, both online and in the real world.

Plus, you just have to deal with the fact that lots of guys are fakes or all talk and no action -- or not even any talk at all!

Didn't bother to scan your profile, but do keep in mind that posting a photo increases your odds. Many sites have search options which allow for viewing of ONLY profiles with photos. I take full use of this option. For me, no pic = no interest. At the very least, I want a guy to state that he HAS photos and will email them willingly.

If you can't get any action using the boards at CFS, at the very least check out the Cruise Listings, which are an excellent source of information. Then go out into the real world and cruise.
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Old 6th January 2006, 09:58 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Talking Holiday Stress

Yup, looks like general levels of cruising drop down at this time of the year.

Most of the guys I know here are just too busy, too much under stress. It ain't the shopping alone, but all those meet ups with the family, extended family, those who want to get into the family, friends of a kind whom you did not manage to meet up with in months. People feel that someone might get offended, if you miss on them during the 'festive season'.

I was wrapping up the year in Budapest, Hungary and did not miss on the opportunity to go to a couple of my fav. spots. Sure, fewer guys around but those who were there mostly looked good and were not into wasting anybody's time. So, cruising was truly 1st class...

Web works fine, too. Yet, if you are not looking for anything more than 'a quick release' going thru all the notions of 'messaging', e-mail exchanges, phone calls, talks 'bout his schedule vs. my schedule makes hardly any sense. Especially, if chances are that a significant number of those web profiles are well, genuine fakes.

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Old 7th January 2006, 05:37 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

I've found this time of year is somewhat slow for cruising as well, but, I do like the fresh meat factor with guys that are in town just for the Holiday. These guys are usually quicker to seal the deal and it's really no strings, which I prefer, since they're only visiting. It's a great way to check out some of the Hotels in the city too ;-)

I only use the "right now" sites and will only talk to guys have a face picture in their profile. This seems to weed out the "fakes" and game players.
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