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Old 5th February 2006, 07:46 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Herbal supplements..more cum, better cum

Most of you may already know the answers to this question but as I near the 50 mark, need a little help. Are there supplements to help with more cum and make it better tasting. Are there herbal supplements to help with erection and ejaculation. I've read ginseng and vitamin E are good for sexual performance. Would appreciate more information on herbs, vitamins and supplements.
Anyone have experience with vacuum devices like Venus 2000, vacuum pumps or milkers?
Wanna get it up, get it out and get it off.
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Old 8th February 2006, 04:34 PM
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Can't help you with info about penis pumps, at least not anything based on personal experience. I CAN tell you, however, the improper or excessive use of pumps can seriously damage your dick; burst blood vessels and damaged erectile tissue which can result in the exact opposite of what you desire. EXTREME caution is advised if you want to experiment with these devices. A little bit of pump-play is probably not going to hurt in the long-run, but... do be careful.

As for herbs and supplements, I have a few that I enjoy and will pass along the info to you. However, I want to make SURE you understand that there is NO REAL scientific evidence that any of this shit will do anything for you. It SEEMS to work for me, but... it is also possible that I am just changing as I get older.

I used to not cum as much as I do now. These days, though... I make my cocksucker buddies pretty happy. If this has anything to do with supplements or if it is simply a natural progression, I cannot say.

That being said:

I take vitamin E and zinc. I first started taking the E about six years ago and it was at this time when I noticed more cum. Yet I find it hard to believe this has anything to do with it, but... maybe. Semen has zinc in it and I doubt a small supplement will hurt -- yet again, I also rather doubt it helps CREATE more cum. I also take a multi-vitamin.

I am always well-hydrated. I drink lots of fruit juices and (unfortunately) lots of Coca-Cola. Plenty of water, too. I get MANY compliments on my cum and I DO believe there is factual basis for this. We've all heard about drinking juice to flavor semen. One dude claims I've got the best cum he's ever had -- I've mentioned this before. Just last night a cocksucker buddy told me: "Fucking delicious, tastes great." NICE! I love hearing that.

I also rarely jerk off unless it's been about five days and I've had no sex. Then I'll have to or I can't sleep. So most of the time... I have a good amount of cum stored up.

I take saw palmetto, which has been used in Europe for many years as a prostate enhancement supplement. It has been shown to reduce BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and it is suggested that it is good for overall prostate health. I am NOT sure if it is thought to be a possible cancer preventative or not, so don't take my word on that. But I don't see it hurting any, and like I said, I get "cum compliments" all the time, so... maybe it helps. I do NOT have an enlarged prostate (yet!), but why not see if this shit helps, right? It is considered very safe and effective and is catching on fast in the United States. Give it a shot.

Finally, I've taken some shit for this here at CFS, but I have been enjoying fucking around with yohimbe as of late. HUGE WARNING on this shit, though: do NOT try it if you would otherwise be told by your doctor that you cannot tolerate Viagra -- yohimbe has similar effects -- and is even more harsh on the system than Viagra.

Yohimbe drops your blood pressure -- FAST. Half an hour after taking it, you'll notice the difference. You get firmer erections, can get hard repeatedly, have a nice, fat, thick dick to show for it. HOWEVER... it will increase urine output and can often produce either a flush or chills. Once you get used to it, however, the side-effects are not as predominant.

Yohimbe contains a powerful alkaloid from tree bark. In large and very pure doses, it can produce mild hallucinations but these are not a concern with what is available over the counter today (at least not for me).

Please be VERY cautious if trying this. The frequent erections and more powerful orgasms can consequently produce big loads, but you have to decide for yourself if it is something you want to try. Again, I'd urge you to see your doctor and make sure you have normal blood pressure readings and that your heart is in great shape, just as you would have to do to get a Viagra prescription.

Of course, you can just go for the real deal and get Viagra, too!

Final word on yohimbe: each brand is different and there are zero regulations concerning purity and content. I've tried some that STINK and do NOTHING. I am sticking with one brand that I KNOW works: Pharm-Assure, sold at Rite Aid.

It's $6.99 per bottle and about every three weeks Rite Aid has a "buy one, get one" sell on Pharm-Assure products. Now, Rite Aid is NOT in every state -- go to their website and search for a location near you. There are no Rite Aid stores in Florida, but I can easily drive to Georgia in forty-five minutes to stock up! Visiting in NY right now (still -- ugh), there's a Rite-Aid on every corner so I am well-stocked on yohimbe.
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Old 8th February 2006, 06:47 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
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More information please

Scruffy Cub....thanks for the information. Have been doing some cruising for information. Could I get your input on:
L-Arginine...amino acid
Gingko Biloba
Are there maximum tolerances/dosages? Do any of these make sense to you as herbal enhancers?
As always, it's good to hear a knowledgeable opinion.
Is Yohimba going to show up in a blood test as anything but a vitamin?
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Old 9th February 2006, 03:36 PM
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Hey, Buddy...

Probably I won't be of much more help to you with the above questions, except to provide a brief, personal opinion -- don't have much scientific data stored in my head about the specific supplements you mentioned.

I CAN tell you that some of these are often tossed into any number of those "male enhancement" products that are out there. From what I recall doing previous research, there is no evidence that any of these things have any effect at all on erections and/or semen production. Usually they are just added to the mix basically for the hell of it -- sometimes herbs have name recognition among consumers: "Oh, right!" a dude will say as he's reading the ingredients on the bottle, "This contains ginseng, that's supposed to be good for stamina!"

Selective marketing, more or less.

Ginseng: alleged to provide energy, stamina, sense of wellness. My experience with ginseng -- leaves much to be desired, but didn't cause any side-effects that I noticed. Was too pricey for me to bother continuing to use it. Doubt it can hurt -- but doubt also it will have any effect on sexual matters. Available as an herbal tea -- this might be OK, might absorb quicker when in liquid form, might provide a boost if the tea has caffeine in it as well.

L-arginine and other amino acids: Dr. Danny is better equipped to answer this. Amino acids are "the building blocks of protein," which is a statement we all remember from sophomore year biology class. I SUPPOSE if a person is not getting enough protein in his diet, these supplements could be of some use. But I think most of us eat enough meat that it is not a concern.

Lecithin: very, very safe. Completely metabolized by the liver. An essential component of cell membranes. Most of us get plenty of it in our daily diet, but as it is nearly impossible to overdose on lecithin, it sure won't be an issue if you try supplements. Can't find any info out there with regard to lecithin and male sexuality. It's an emulsifier; ie: binds fats and oils so they don't separate in finished food products such as chocolate, etc.

Ginko: alleged to improve/increase mental acuity and, in China and other Asian countries, is said to improve sexual performance. These claims are highly debatable. Pretty high doses are often needed before feeling any sort of energy surge. Ginko can react poorly in people who use blood thinning medication and/or have issues with aspirin tolerance. I'd be cautious here.

Regarding yohimbe appearing on a blood test -- I rather doubt it, as it would probably require a highly specific test which searches directly for yohimbe. Since it is not illegal in any way, I don't believe anyone would bother looking for it. MAYBE a full tox-screen would pick it up, but again... it's not illegal. It would be very wise, however, to tell your doctor you wish to try it or notify him immediately if you feel any sort of symptoms which persist.

And again, if you have a heart condition or unstable blood pressure, DO NOT fuck with yohimbe OR Viagra.

When I first started taking yohimbe, I tried HALF a tablet. I'd recommend you do the same if you decide you want to check it out. See how it makes you feel. You may not like it; you may love it. To be honest, I can't recall the amount of alkaloid listed on my yohimbe, but I use the Pharm-Assure brand that I mentioned, so if you find that, you'll know. Now, the bottle says to take it as a SUPPLEMENT, up to two tablets a day, with food. That seems OUTRAGEOUS to me. I would NEVER consider taking this shit on a daily basis. I take it if I'm going out cruising or if I've got a buddy coming over to my place -- never just for the hell of it. I think daily use of that magnitude is absurd and is "recommended" only to sell MORE product, just like you can get away with using half the amount of laundry soap recommended on the jug!

Last night I went to the bookstore and there was only one other dude in there -- an uptight kid with Mississippi plates on his car in the lot who was afraid to do anything other than jerk off together and watch through the security of the Buddy Window.

Having taken a little bit of yohimbe prior, I gave him a great show to enjoy. This is not my cup of tea generally, but... it was kind of hot just the same. He was fascinated with my dick and didn't take his eyes off it. I stayed nice and hard and my dick was damn thick. Was a blast showing it off for the dude. Blew a nice load, too... let it ooze down my cock and smeared it around, then showed him the mess on my hand.

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Old 9th February 2006, 10:07 PM
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take ephedra with caution

take ephedra with caution and you will cum and cum soo good.
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Old 24th February 2006, 02:12 PM
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"The ropes"

I remember reading an article about a supplement available in Europe referred to as "The Ropes".

Here is what I found on Google. "ropes supplement"

"The physical contractions and fluid release during male orgasm can be multiplied and intensified by a product called Ogoplex Pure Extract[TM]. It's a daily supplement specially formulated to trigger better orgasmic experiences in men. The best part, from a woman's perspective, is that the motion and experience a man can achieve with Ogoplex Pure Extract can help stimulate our own orgasms, bringing a whole new meaning to the term simultaneous climax!"
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Old 14th March 2006, 02:15 PM
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When I took yohimbe, I pre-cummed so copiously (and not always at an appropriate time) , that I stopped taking it. Other than all the dripping, It didn't seem to have any other effect on me.
I'm skeptical of the ogoplex stuff since they dont list all the ingredients, citing an "Ogoplex Proprietary Blend of Flower Pollen Extract". If I'm taking an herbal supplement, I want to know what it is.
I was told by a Mid Eastern man years ago to eat alot of celery and almonds for a few days before a big event. I do that, as well as keep myself well hydrated. Seems to work for me, but who knows how much of it is in my head? Can't hurt in either case.
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Old 15th March 2006, 03:10 PM
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Fascinating tidbit about the yohimbe and precum -- thanks for sharing that.

I have never been a big precummer kind of guy; maybe a few drops now and then.

Yet recently, when taking yohimbe, I have noticed a bit of an increase. Still, it's not much -- not the copious, obnoxious oozing you experienced. Makes sense: everyone is different.

I just find it interesting to see some precum where none had existed before. And I'll admit -- I never put two and two together. Thanks for bringing that to my attention; it seems likely yohimbe is the culprit.
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Old 28th March 2006, 05:32 AM
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herbal supplements

On yohimbe, there is yohimbe and yohimbine, one of these two is weaker than the other and less dangerous. Look it up. On cum, there is semenex ( which is supposed t make your cum sweet.
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Old 8th April 2006, 10:39 AM
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One is the herb. The other is a pharmarcutical product which my doc perscribed to try to mitigate the anti-orgasm effects of anti-depressents. I dont remember much about it other that it being a big blue (i think) pill. Every time i would finish pissing, I'd get another immediate urge to let more out, and I'd piss out at least a tablespoon of precum. Not at all an unpleasant sensation, but very sloppy if you didn't have a wad of kleenex in your hand, and very thick cotton underwear. It stopped immediately when i stopped taking it.
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