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Old 22nd May 2006, 01:53 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 76
Ecstasy up the bum?

I was very shocked by a friend who told me that he was shagging a straight boy and he popped an ecstasy up his bum. After a bit the boy asked him what he had put up there because he was feeling wonderful.

Obviously to give someone drugs without their knowing is totally irresponsible but I was a mite inrigued. What other exotic substances can be taken in this oriface?

When you are feeling sad and glum
Stick some *** up your bum
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Old 22nd May 2006, 04:57 AM
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Posts: 400

Just about anything can be taken anally, dude.

But... I'd sure like to meet a guy who can smoke grass with this asshole. And I'd need to film that, too. Quite a trick!

Look, seriously... as you said, giving someone drugs without their knowledge or consent is serious business -- can land you in jail and can KILL the other guy if he has a reaction or has taken something else.

Additionally, anal ingestion of drugs is extremely dangerous. Absorption is very fast and quite often, higher concentrations of drugs can get into the system as compared to oral ingestion, which takes a much longer route into the bloodstream.

Lots of unsuspecting folks have died pulling this shit.

Don't try it.

But your question is a good one, based on general curiosity alone. Anything you can put into your mouth you can probably shove into your ass -- but with potentially deadly consequences.
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Old 31st May 2006, 01:03 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 119

Scruffy is correct ... that we don't give an unsuspecting person a drug, anally or otherwise, without their consent. Scruffy is also correct that just about anything that can be taken orally can also be administered anally. Some legally prescrbed drugs, in the form of suppositories, are administered anally because administering those drugs orally would be counterindicated by gastric enzymes in the stomach.

Nevertheless, we need to emphasize that noone should ever be given any drug, legal or otherwise, without their knowledge and consent. I would also point out that any person who is under the influence of alcohol, self-induced or otherwise, cannot give legal consent while in a state of intoxication where their judgment may be impaired.
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