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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Gangbang safety?

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Old 20th June 2006, 02:46 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 12
Gangbang safety?

I have always wanted to be gangbanged by a group (6 to 10) of guys bareback. The thought of cum running out my asshole really turns me on. Problem is I don't want to take the risk of catching anything. My question is there any way to put this fantasy into real life and still stay safe? Would testing prior to the event be enough, or is there some other way to make this happen.

I know condoms would probably be the best, but they do break, and then i don't get the cum running out my ass.


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Old 20th June 2006, 09:58 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
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Posts: 400

No, you cannot do this safely.

HIV tests, even with results the day before, can be retroactive for six months.

Condoms, dude. CONDOMS.
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