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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   does this happen alot ?

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Old 5th July 2006, 05:04 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 14
does this happen alot ?

so I'm out doing my route the other day and i get to the park now the way the road is you come down the road . and the road turns to the right (90degree turn) the park is on the left side, baseball field then turn right old basket ball courts. so my head lights, light up the place a little as i make the turn. i can see some people over by the wall i can only see them from the waist up. but i can make out that one is holding up his shirt to his chest and his other hand is moving.
now me being a perv i just had to see what was going on so i parked after i took the next turn. and went back, now i didnt get really close. but i could see that there was 4 of them 3 black teens and one white, and one of them was getting sucked and you guessed it the white dude was sucking, the other 2 where playing with themselves the sun was coming up quick and i was running late already so i had to leave, yea i did want to stay and watch but they would have seen me when the sun came up.
about 30 minutes later I'm done, so i go back to the park, i walk to where they were. nothing there so i take a walk.. i come across them sitting on bench chowing on snacks from the store. I wont post what age I thought they were. But the were younger. They were all laughing and having a good time so I sure he wanted to do it. I just cant imagine doing something like that when I was their age
I only wish I could have seen the whole thing.

sorry for these long and not very exciting posts but i have no one else to tell them to
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Old 10th July 2006, 04:52 PM
Join Date: May 2002
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yup it happens

sounds like horned up boys experimenting, and the white kid was the lucky one,lol. Me and a couple buds used to use basebal field dugouts for the same type hornball fun during high school,booze, weed, and blowjobs but a park late nite in the dark works too I see
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Old 10th July 2006, 09:28 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 37
Young guys

The park near by used to be very cruisy. Plenty of guys to meet up with. I was surprised at how many in the 15 range were looking for the same thing and plenty of experience.
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Old 11th July 2006, 06:03 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 14

i have definitely missed out an a lot
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