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Old 28th December 2006, 10:01 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 59
Privacy and the Baths

Why do baths need your personal information for a membership? In terms of discretion, I'm uncomfortable giving them my drivers license with my home address, birth date, etc. on it.
I've paid for membership cards at adult theaters and sex clubs around the country and they didn't need that info. Anybody know why the baths need this?
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Old 30th December 2006, 07:40 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 16
Info at baths

It probably has to do with bath houses' status as "private clubs," rather than bars, cinemas, etc. I'm no lawyer, but I suspect that, since they are "public places" where a lot of people run around naked, they need to jump through some legal hoops to operate.
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Old 14th January 2007, 05:00 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
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I bought a membership for a video store in North Carolina which required all my personal info, so I guess it just depends on the establishment.

Wouldn't fret too much about it -- have never, ever heard of this collected information being used against anyone. There's no crime here -- it's a private club, you bought a membership, what's a prosecutor going to do about that? They'd have to get a warrant for that info as well -- on what grounds? And even if they had it, they aren't going to print it in the paper -- again, no crime to being a member of a private club.

Some baths will HOLD your license while you are in the facility -- a little insurance, I guess, but they do not all copy down the info it contains (though many DO). Ask the club you wish to patronize if they retain this info or not.

Alternately, some clubs allow guests without a membership. It usually costs more, though. If guest information is not stored, you may wish to pay the extra fee and not join the club. But again, some clubs DO retain guest info, so make sure you ask.
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Old 17th January 2007, 02:30 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Do as you find fit...

I'd say, Scruffy is right. It really all depends on the place.

Some places in San Francisco are very strict about your IDs and the others are not there yet.

I tend to favor the latter... I can easily see that they have to make sure that you own an ID and can prove beyond any doubt that you are over the age of 18.

But nope, I do not feel very comfortable with them copying and retaining any of my personal information. So, I avoid them.

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