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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Erectile disfunction? What gives?

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Old 14th March 2007, 07:39 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 11
Erectile disfunction? What gives?

My bod is rebelling. Got laid off last week and have been wanting to play for a couple of weeks. Androgel was great supplement. Have been taking the supplements, zinc, enzyte, lecithin, arginmax, l-lysine, and amino acids + yohimbe. Even with viagra...hards not lasting and trouble cumming.
54 mwm, taking some meds for ADHD, bipolar and tegretol. Know that could cause some problems. Is this my head with a problem or my penis having trouble.
PSA showed negative.
See urologist first of month, but is this psycho or systemic?
Any ideas?
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Old 14th March 2007, 08:34 PM
Join Date: Jun 1999
Posts: 99
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Your head is part of the problem.....stress. The other part is all that other shit you are taking. Lay off the over the counter stuff including the Yohambine.

Yohimbine is made from a tree bark. It works like a stimulant on your system. You are already probably taking stimulants (Rx) for ADHD unless you are on one of the new ones that is non- stimulant. Too much stimulants can fuck you up so lay off the over the counter ones.

If you drink a lot of caffene drinks, lay off some or all of them too. After a couple of days, The viagra will work for sure....on an empty stomach.

The Rx stuff for your issues need to stay. If they are new, ask your doctor if ED is a side effect of either

Dr danny are you there??
40 something, 6' 175 brn/brn hairy looking for other married wm or younger guys to play.
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