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Old 28th December 2009, 10:22 PM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 33
Cum Rags

Cum. Love it (slurp it up) or Leave it (wipe it up). This query is for the wipers, and speaks to that universal accessory to masturbation: The Cum Rag.

I recently ran across this topic elsewhere, and on discovering that so many guys repeatedly wipe up with the same cum rag (sometimes for months or even years before washing), a gal from the U.K. said: “Bloody hell, no wonder teenage boys bedrooms smell like hamsters cages – filthy bunch of you!” The truth of that statement made me laugh my ass right off my chair!

So come on down, fellas, and share with your fellow horndogs the primary item(s) you use to wipe away your creamy goodness. And if it’s reusable, tell us how often you wash that crunchy, crusty, wonderfully cum-smelly thing (if ever)?

Underwear (Boxers/Briefs)
Handkerchief (Cotton/Linen)
Facial Tissue, Paper
Towel, Paper
Towel, Hand/Kitchen (Cotton/Linen)
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Old 28th December 2009, 10:25 PM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 33

In my early years, the hot delinquent next door (with the big uncut dick) taught me to jerk-off directly into a sock so Mom wouldn’t find the evidence. As an adult, I rarely use the sock technique because the fabric is bit too rough for me. Although I recently resorted to shooting into a sock while staying in a Gal Pal’s East Coast guestroom: it had been three days since my last cock-and-release, and it was a fast wank with a massive load. (Sock was washed the next morning.)

Sometimes when I’m in a Buddy Booth (shared “window” between two booths allowing you to watch each other) at the ABS (Adult Book Store), I’ll sit sprawled out in the booth chair, facing the glass, with the hem of my T-shirt pulled to my waist, and then let 'er rip, blasting ropes of cum up the length of my T-shirt covered abdomen and chest (this is a particularly good show when wearing a black or otherwise dark colored T-shirt). Walking out of the ABS in a cum-stained T-shirt always leaves me grinning while fellow patrons are looking a little envious. (Laundered weekly.)

Used only in public venues, and has the drawbacks of being harsh on tender, spent cock heads with a tendency to stick - cum makes a dandy, but sometimes unfortunate, glue. So in a public restroom or an ABS (re the latter, see T-shirt above), I will do my best to aim into the towels held by my free hand. I’m a blaster, so trying to be tidy and contained can be a challenge. But that only increases the tension and consequent explosiveness of my orgasms, followed by a bit of clean up to my surroundings.

HAND TOWELS (Primary Accessory)
Mom is a Sale Shopper with a penchant for wacky, tacky, and unfortunate items, such as holiday-themed hand towels that I would never, ever put out where others could see them. I used to toss the damn things out, but then I realized they’d make swell cum rags at home. Over the years I have shot into/cleaned up with towels festooned with Trick-or-Treating Ghosts, Christmas Caroling Snowmen, and Bunnies rolling Easter Eggs, just to highlight a few. When Mom calls to ask if I’ll be able to use the hand towels she sent, I always reply in the affirmative, but it’s all I can do to keep from giving a sexually-laced, 1980s soul singer response like “Oh-h-h-h, Yea-h-h-h-h-h-h!” (Laundered weekly.)
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Old 28th December 2009, 11:03 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335

Most of the time, I'll use a paper towel, and discard it beside the bed until morning. Have to dispose of the evidence before others come in for the morning shift.

When I was a teenager, I was blessed/cursed with an excessive foreskin. I could stroke my rod until i was just ready to pop, and then pull the foreskin up over the head. By holding the foreskin shut with one hand, I could finish stroking until I nutted into my ready made foreskin pouch. I could duck across the hallway and drop the load in the john with no evidence left behind.
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Old 31st December 2009, 12:22 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

Towel (wash cloth). I will use the same one for days sometimes weeks before washing.

In college I used Kleenex because I wanted to flush the evidence in the morning. I knew to do that because my room mate did not think of it and I could tell when he had jacked off because his trash can was full of tissues!
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Old 31st December 2009, 07:47 AM
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Posts: 162

In my adolescent years, I shot into the blanket every time, and it was never washed. Now I just shoot on to my own body and wash it off.
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Old 11th January 2010, 11:59 AM
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when i was in my teens an early twentys always used a sock weeks months , when it got to crunchy i started a new one .
now i slurp it up
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Old 16th January 2010, 12:24 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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One thing I found funny as a teen were the guys that would never admit to jacking off - but were stupid enough to never empty their own trash.

Had a neighbor who's trash can in his room was ALWAYS full of jizzed on Kleenex and he never emptied the trash! Never could get him to talk sex hardly but was so obvious he was into it!
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cum , masturbation , rag , wipe

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