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Old 23rd April 2008, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 12
Bathhouse / Gym Advice

I posted a similar message on the Nevada board so I appologize if this is redundant. I've never been to one of these places but have always wanted to go. I'm going to be in Vegas for a few days and I've read some good reviews of Hawks gym and was thinking of checking it out.

My only concern is that since I've never been to anything like this I'm not sure of what I'm willing to do (if anything) and don't want to piss everyone off. Is this a half baked idea of mine to go check it out and then figure out what I'm comfortable with? I'll be going on a weekday afternoon so I know it won't be as busy as a night would be but still my curiosity is piqued.

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Old 24th April 2008, 11:57 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 31

I haven't been to a bathouse for quite a while, but always found them to be a lot of fun.

When you get there, take some time to walk around and get the feel of the place. You will see what is going on around you. Remember, everybody is there for the same thing, and if you keep your head about you, you should have no problem. Only do what you are comfortable with. I have never had any problems telling somebody no when I became uncomfortable with somethng.

Have a great time, and I'm sure we wouild all like to hear how things go for you. Vegas is a GREAT town to have fun in!
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Old 24th April 2008, 10:28 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
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It's definitely okay to check the place out for awhile -- if somebody hits on you before you're ready just smile and say "maybe later."

You might reconsider the timing of your visit if your schedule is at all flexible. I don't know how busy that place is during the afternoons, but in my (fairly limited) experience, it's easier to blend in when there's more going on.
BiWM, 35, bottom, a few extra.
ISO discreet play. Tell me what you like.
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Old 1st May 2008, 08:35 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 77
Advice to Curious

Hi guy, I remember being nervous but excited I was when I first went. As mentioned in the previous posts, take it real easy and remember who's in charge of what (or who) you do. Give yourself lots of "get acclimated" time. You probably have some preconceived ideas of what a bathhouse is like, but you'll be surprised at the reality vs the image you have. In fact, bathhouses vary quite a bit one to another, and from one day to the next.

If you google, you'd probably find a "bathhouse etiquette" guide which actually can be fairly helpful. Most guys are really OK with a "maybe later" or "not just now" but you have to be OK with hearing it too. What often surprises me is that it's the regular guys who are having the most fun, with stuck-on-themselves guys hanging back (regardless of looks--there are some real beauties who I'd classify as regular guys in this respect, and some guys you might pass up at a bar but who are wonderful partners). If you don't go with any particular demands, you may discover some new pleasures. On the other hand, maybe you'll discover that it's not for you. Personally, I love the places, and I always have a good time.

Let us know how it went. Al
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