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Old 8th November 2005, 05:48 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 1
how do you signal discreet bathrooom sex?

always hear about guys gettin sucked and fucked in bathrooms. how does that happen? love to find a discreet bathroom and have a guy come in and suck me dry or bend me over.

also how do you signal a guy in a steamroom or sauna? i just sit there and nothing happens.

i want action in a bathroom or sauna! be soo hot.

which ones are cruisy in seattle? dont post direct as i dont want cops finding out..
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Old 10th November 2005, 05:28 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 53
Age old methods ...

The age-old method is to tap your foot ... slowly and casually, if he's interested, he'll be looking for it. Also, look at the shadows under the stall to see if he is bending over to check you out. Stroke your cock,.. if he's interested, he'll notice. And, of course, you look for the same things.

In general, if a guy sits down and takes a crap,.. he's there to crap. If he sits down and waits for action ... he's waiting for action.

The active bathrooms are the ones that rae AWAY from most of the traffic.

Oh, and be careful ... getting arrested is no fun. Been there, done that. And, yes, I was being careful.

Sex in the steam room? In my opinion most of that is fantasy. Kind of hard to hide a hard-on in an open room when someone walks in and you're naked. I've seen it happen, but you better be prepared for EVERYONE to know that you're at the gym looking for cock ... 'cause it'll be obvious.

The exceptions that I have seen are LATE at night in hotels (specifically: Vegas), and on cruise ships.
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Old 10th November 2005, 10:00 AM
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 21

Nope, it's no fantasy! Wear a towel, and sit with your knees wide open. Straight guys are going to miss your woody throbbing up and down. No self respecting gay guy won't see it from 10 feet away.

My favorite place to do it!
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Old 10th November 2005, 10:48 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 53
I'll try!

Never thought of that ... I'm generally sitting on top of my towel, rather than wrapped up. Great idea! (Duh ... never said I was bright, just horny!)
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Old 19th November 2005, 06:13 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2

At the urinal:

Stand with your feet back a bit & lean forward to look like u are pissing. This will allow you to rock back & show your cock.

If you are both standing there and there is no sound - BINGO - let the games begin.

Rock back a bit and discreetly stroke your cock. If he looks or does the same motion, do it again. Keep doing the mirror imitation act until it is clear that he is into it too. A hard cock in his hands is usually a good sign. LOL.

In the stall:

If the guy's pants are right down around his ankles - good sign #1. Always drop your pants right to your ankles. Spread knees (which cast a different shadow) is another good move.

A foot tap is good too. Just once, and discreet. See if he does it back. Wait a few seconds then do 2 taps. If he does 2 in return or moves his foot your way - BINGO.

In the gym/steam room/sauna:

I always carry my towel in front of me. Shows off my ass, makes me "more naked" than the other guys, but also allows you to hide a hard-on if you need to. Bonus is everyone is used to seeing you carry the towel like that so they don't suspect - unless they read this and know what I am up to - but that is good too.

Same rules apply in the steam room. Small action, mirror each other & watch for a cock rising.

Looking at his crotch then up to his face & licking your lips has gotten me a smile and a hard cock to suck many times. There is more action in my gym's steamroom than on some nights at the baths.

Have fun and let us know how the advice plays out.
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Old 21st November 2005, 04:31 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 18

good tips gh_lovr, except for the pants to the ankles. I do that when I'm in there to do my business... I know other guys do that too... cause I've seen the pants down that far and "heard" what they were doing.
Hairy top guy looking for some hot action now and then. 44, 6'1", 220, lots of body fur, nice cock with big nuts. Enjoy rimming a nice clean ass before I fuck it. Open to other options. Groups rock! Drop me a note.
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Old 23rd June 2021, 07:47 AM
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At the urinal, I look at his cock, then I look him in the eye. Depending on how he looks at me, I might raise an eyebrow, and look at his cock again. In the gym, I just walk naked to and from the showers. I don't hide anything. In the shower, I soap up my cock, balls, and ass over and over so that the other guys can see me "stroking" my cock. I even bend over in the shower with my legs spread to "wash my legs and feet."
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Old 24th June 2021, 03:09 PM
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 34

In the steam room or sauna, I do a "casual tug" on my package and wait for the other guy to mirror-and-escalate.

As a fan of being careful (and being respectful of straights), I just chill out, if he doesn't mirror-and-escalate.

A lot of guys know this protocol and fun ensues.

But I'm amazed how many, who are interested (as proven later when they ask my number), don't know this protocol and miss out on chances.
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Old 25th June 2021, 01:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

It always amazes me when I see videos of guys going at it in public bathrooms.

I would have to be very sure he was into it before I would dare make a move...
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