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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   LGBTQ are literally taking over the country, according to a new survey

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Old 2nd March 2022, 01:03 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886
LGBTQ are literally taking over the country, according to a new survey

Not sure where to post "news articles" (any suggestions?) so I thought I would try here.

There is an article on Queerty "LGBTQ are literally taking over the country, according to a new survey" talking about how the percentage of people identifying as gay or bi has been increasing in recent years.

What I wonder is has the percentage increased - or just the percentage willing to admit it? I know a few times over the years in high school and college there were "anonymous surveys" that asked about sexual experience and orientation - and even though they were supposed to be anonymous I never trusted them and never answered honestly.

So are more people gay / bi or are more just willing to admit it?
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Old 11th March 2022, 06:18 PM
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 158

I would bet it is just more admitting it.
Some things not as big a deal as they once were....
Remember when an earring meant....
Remember when wearing color meant...
Remember when wearing jewellery meant...
Now none of these things mean much of anything since anyone can do it.
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Old 15th March 2022, 11:52 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Originally Posted by Lupine56 View Post
I would bet it is just more admitting it.
I agree -

Growing up being gay was one of the biggest "insults" you could say to another kid -

These days it is not such a big deal and the idea that a lot of people are some degree of bi has made it much easier for kids to accept / admit they are not 100% straight.
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Old 15th March 2022, 01:05 PM
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 158

"Growing up being gay was one of the biggest "insults" you could say to another kid"
Seems like we grew up in similar towns.

I am sometimes taken back in memory when I hear some person or comment on something as being "that's so gay" or similar phrase. Back in the day it could be a little unnerving. Now when I hear it, it is just plain stupid., especially as it is usually said to something that has nothing to do with homosexuality at any level.
but there does seem to be progress...
Last time I overheard it (only weeks ago) I muttered under my breath (& mask lol) 'god you're stupid'. The reaction of the people involved in the conversation who heard me was a little surprising. (nods in agreement), the person saying it annoyed.
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Old 7th April 2022, 10:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

Originally Posted by Lupine56 View Post
but there does seem to be progress...

It is amazing the progress that has been made since I was a kid. My school was fairly progressive in health class mentioning that there are homosexuals and that is just the way they are. No moral judgement.

But it was still the big insult.

Now many junior high / middle schools / high schools have "gay straight alliance" clubs - and there are kids who are out and open in school - something that never happened when I was growing up.

There is still progress needed - but it is a lot better now that it was - and maybe the people growing up are not as afraid to admit to themselves and others they are into it.
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