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Message Board > Our Archives > Sexual Politics   Safe Group Sex and Barebacking?

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Old 11th May 2001, 04:36 AM
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Bongo wrote, in another thread:

I find this slightly tedious, the tapdancing around the issue. People are entitled to make the decision that sex is worth dying for. That was precisely Foucault's question and we know his answer. But it is silly to my mind to propose that one chooses unsafe sex and hasn't at some level also decided that sex is worth dying for, if only by ignoring the question.
You may be right that men who decide to bareback may, at some level, come to terms with death. But I doubt this is universal. This train of thought, about death, is a very male theme.

I tend to believe that most men who choose to bareback do so because it feels better and because the thought of skin-to-skin arouses them very strongly.

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Old 7th June 2001, 10:06 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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I thought i would bring this up to the top. Hope this helps you pornsizeguy.
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Old 8th June 2001, 06:46 AM
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why thank you horndogg....

but i dont need any 'help' LOL.

I put these posts up here because I really am just concerned about what is going on in our 'community'

If these posts help ONE person to stop and think before they have unprotected sex with someone they dont really know...and then decided to use a condom they have served their purpose.

I am personally just frustrated by the level of ambivalence a lot men seem to have about protecting themselves and their partners from HIV and other STD's
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Old 9th June 2001, 12:01 PM
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So much discussion makes me dizzy.I take cocks up my ass because it makes me hot and I shoot hot loads.Also enjoy providing guys with a great tight fuck.Used to bare back and now safe sex only.I love it when a guy tenses up and comes.I never gave any thought to cum up my ass as motivation.
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Old 9th June 2001, 01:28 PM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 2

Well a recent LA Times article said that now that the Muti-Million Dollar Awards against Tobacco companies is waning, that those veteran lawyers are looking at other "lucrative targets" such as Pharmaceutical Companies etc.

People chose to continue smoking even after being "educated" to the risks and dangers and still recieved monumental awards.

Hmm I wonder how long before similar styled lawsuits begin against those who promote, profit from and provide facilities and/or other mediums for connecting and hooking up for unsafe sex practices?

The smokers knew the risks and dangers and continued in their risky "addictive" behavior and still the demon tobacco companies had to pay up big time.

The same case can be made for those who will claim they are now "sexually addicted to barebacking" because of readily available hook up connection mediums and facilities and yes, even promoted by tobacco-style advertising etc, which resulted in their aquiring their own "cancer" or other related disease, etc.

Oh well, if such promoters can afford expensive and extensive road trips at home and abroad and other luxuries, I guess they can afford those lil ole law suits too. After all, Cigarettes are still on $ale and readily available is un$afe $ex!!!
GWM Trucker 5'9" 140, Smth/stache Seeks Leather/Trucker bttm/son/boi
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Old 13th June 2001, 05:00 AM
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pornsizedguy wrote:

I am personally just frustrated by the level of ambivalence a lot men seem to have about protecting themselves and their partners from HIV and other STD's
Why do you worry about other men? If you are concerned about HIV and other STDs, simply protect yourself. No need to preach.

I was at the STD clinic yesterday afternoon. The nurse told me about the noticeable decline in the use of condoms for anal sex. I did talk to her about my idea to help men be able to engage in sex with other men in a safer way. It is clear by now that one-partner and always-condoms doesn't work.

I suggested to her that it's better to go with the "current" and not against it; men like the feel of raw cock and cum. We need to create a prevention program that takes into consideration these needs that men have, instead of pretending these needs don't exist. The typical messages "Try to have one partner" or "Wear condoms all the time" is not working and will never work. It worked at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic because now new and innovative prevention programs are needed.

Manager of MSN Community "About Men and their Dicks: Am I gay?"
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Old 13th June 2001, 12:03 PM
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We need to stop seeing AIDS as anybody else' problem. The sad and tragic fact is that every gay man who got AIDS by sex got it from another gay man, and by doing something he chose to do.

People with AIDS certainly deserve our sympathy, but it is the sympathy one extends to a chain smoker who comes down with lung cancer. It is not the same sympathy one feels for someone struck with lightning or run down by a drunk driver.

We know some gay men are going to have unprotected sex with as many sexual partners as they see fit. It appears today's generation of young males in the 23 to 29 year old age group are particularly succeptible to contracting the HIV and AIDS despite knowing the risks and knowing how not to contract the HIV. So, why does it bother some people that gay males still continue to ignore the risks and continue to contract the HIV and AIDS?

The underlying psychology is instant gratification. Gay men are making impulsive choices in the full knowledge of the risks and consequences of what they are getting into. It is not because they lack the proper insight into the consequences of their impulsive choices. It is for this reason why we should stop seeing AIDS as anybody else's problem.
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