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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Soi Nana Nua - Little Africa

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Old 27th June 2005, 05:25 AM
Join Date: Sep 1999
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Soi Nana Nua - Little Africa

Just curious as I drove past here last Saturday and saw a really good looking young African. Anyone here been there and had any luck? My gaydar is probably not good enogh to identify versatile or passive ones but that would be my preference.
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Old 28th July 2010, 10:17 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 23

I am drooling for Africans at the moment..

Any pointers to contacts in Bkk?
Websites, emails, feel free to private me.
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Old 28th July 2010, 10:25 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

Originally Posted by Hornscot View Post
Just curious as I drove past here last Saturday and saw a really good looking young African. Anyone here been there and had any luck? My gaydar is probably not good enogh to identify versatile or passive ones but that would be my preference.
A LOT of hot Africans and arabs--it's amazing!

I tried walking around that area several times at night. The problem is it seems straight--and guys are with other guys and they seem straight (not gay-cruisable). It's like a straight bar/nightlife area, and the hot guys seem into that straight nightlife mode. I don't think one can successfully cruise there. The guys don't even seem to know you're cruising (they're in their own world with their friends). I would really love to meet someone from that area--a hot arab or African. Oddly, I was there one afternoon and a hot black guy said something to me about connecting--but I wasn't sure, and I had a lot of money on me (and didn't want to get set up). So maybe walk around there during the day and see what happens. Please post updates!
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Old 28th July 2010, 11:16 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Twice in the last 12 months, I have been approached by Africans. Once near Sukhumvit Soi 11 and the second time in Siam Center. On both occasions, they probably noticed that I had been eyeing them, if ever so slightly.

They came up, smiled, said hello asked the usual "Where are you from" questions, as did I. And very deftly, on both occasions the guys turned the conversation to money. The first one spoke about himself needing it. They second one asked if I needed it.

On both occasions, my scam radar beeped, and whatever lust I had, was quickly banished. I guess someone better prepared than I was might have been able to carry on and further turn the conversation to money-for-sex, but I wasn't quick-witted enough so I just extricated myself.
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Old 29th July 2010, 04:08 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Apart from having the highest HIV rate in the world, Africans are probably amongst the greatest scam merchants. I would be VERY cautious about Africans around Nana as they are not here for the sight-seeing. Don't expect Thai manners or ethics.
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Old 30th July 2010, 12:14 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
Apart from having the highest HIV rate in the world, Africans are probably amongst the greatest scam merchants. I would be VERY cautious about Africans around Nana as they are not here for the sight-seeing. Don't expect Thai manners or ethics.
With all due respect (and I mean that sincerely), as a long time resident here in Thailand, I am not sure what you mean by "Thai manners of ethics" as compared to Africans.

Are you praising the assumption of many Thai guys that within three sentences of meeting you are expected to pay their rent? furnish them with new wardrobes? pay for the father's medical care? their grandparent's funeral?

I'll take a pass on this one!
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Old 30th July 2010, 02:58 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 71

racial profiling is alive and well. for the sake of convenience, you should assume that all of your sexual partners are hiv positive. only then, you'll never be tempted to take the risk of fucking bb.
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Old 30th July 2010, 10:20 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 898

Originally Posted by NYNakedTop View Post
With all due respect (and I mean that sincerely), as a long time resident here in Thailand, I am not sure what you mean by "Thai manners of ethics" as compared to Africans.

Are you praising the assumption of many Thai guys that within three sentences of meeting you are expected to pay their rent? furnish them with new wardrobes? pay for the father's medical care? their grandparent's funeral?
No, I mean their largely gracious appreciation of what-ever help you can give them, from a simple bowl of noodles to financial help when they are struggling to pay the rent. The "special assistance' ambit claims you refer to are just part of the thai /farang game. If you say no they still love you, sleep with you and care for you. "Duu lair khrub" is a phrase I often hear. You gotta love 'em, even when they are playing their games with you. I can afford to be taken for the odd ride - and I neither dislike nor resent them for it. The "phii -nong" structure exists between them and I've seen boys with very little giving their last 100 bt to younger friends without a thought for themselves. In truth they probably fail to understand that we , who have so much, winge so much about sharing our good fortune with our friends and lovers. None of us appreciate being ripped off, but I have to admit to receiving more in kind from 20 years of playing around here than I have given.
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