Dear Icon ,
I thought you HATED Farose . What a surprise ! My top 5 saunas are , 1 , THE DOOR 2 , THE GOOD VIEW ( Woops ! This is in PATHUM THANI province ! Does it count ? ) 3 , GSM 4 , FAROSE 5 , 39 ( ONLY ONE difference between Icon & me ??? ) But I still haven't tried S CASA after their grand opening . One of my close friends told me , now they expanded their premises to next town house , and they DO HAVE A NAKED ZONE EVERY DAY ! And on 27th of each month , they have a special party and 5 COUPLES OF SPECIAL SEX PERFORMANCE as well ( last time ) This party is very popular , he says . I should INSPECT this new sauna again and report in the S CASA thread again . ![]() Can you see BABYLON or CHAKRAN in my list ??? By the way , what's your top 5 , df ?
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I think Farose is very dirty, and I think they do a big disservice to the gay community by refusing to be considerate of their neighbors.
Apart from that, though, I can't deny that the action there is great! And after all, that's what is most important, right?
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Hi Ninja,
I live in the CBD; with my limited Thai, I haven't ventured to all those suanas that are not on the BTS routes or well known streets. I have only 2 top suanas, Farose and Sauna Mania. Hopefully more people will respond to this topic so that I could learn more and try them out :-).
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But NEVADA MEETING SPORTS CLUB , I visted this place when they used to call A MEN ( b4 ABACUS ) I am sure Icon has been to All too . ![]() * POSSIBLE Asian visitors' TOP 5 would be something like , 1 BABYLON 2 CHAKRAN 3 FAROSE 4 SAUNA MANIA 5 THE BEACH I guess ,
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My favourites so far as a tourist:
Babylon Farose Chakran Cruising sauna (still existing?) The Beach Next time i will check out the Door, 39 and possibly more. there were many reports about 39 and the Door from you cruisers. Can soone compare those with the other relatively new ones: Malebox, Saunamania and S.Casa ? In terms of size, action (naked zones?), clients, busy hours and cleanliness?
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df quotes ,
*** Hopefully more people will respond to this topic *** I guess the most of cruisers here only go to BABYLON ( if their cruising ground is sauna ) So , cannot list 5 . ![]() But I presume Farang visitors' and residents' top 5 saunas would be some thing like , 1 BABYLON . . . 2 CHAKRAN 3 HEAVEN 4 ANGELO 5 GSM Good guess ?
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I think this sauna is the smallest ( and narrow ) in BKK ( smaller than new new COA and ANGELO and DEVIL ) There is no DARK ZONE , MAZE or NAKED ZONE as far as I know . Generally action ( or actions ) there would be VERY TAME . * The ORIGINAL CRUISING ONE ( Jhono , When did you visit this place last time anyway ? ) Once it was THE HOTTEST sauna in town ( my opinion ) Now this sauna is not " IN " anymore . ( through my own experience and according to some recent posts on several Thai-Japanese gay web boards ) And if you DO care about cleanliness , this is better than FAROSE , but the similar level as ADONIS & GG . ![]()
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Dear Ninja sir,
Only been to 2 saunas. Babylon and Chakran. Will go to Farose and 39 next month. Will check out more if i got time. I love Chakran a lot and Babylon would be very very very far down my list. B.T.W Ninja sir, any saunas around Bangna side of town near Seacon Square shopping complex?
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Notice opposite Pinnacle "Stud" sauna is being remodelled and has a rebirth on July 7 as "Ass play".Outside is plastered with grafitti so I guess it will be oriented toward Thai youth.It had its moments as "Stud" when naked zone was going and a farang could do just ok.
Re Babylon.Is it really that bad or are people just bored with it?I have had good and bad nights there but I suppose too many nights.
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brief encounter quotes ,
*** "Stud" sauna is being remodelled and has a rebirth on July 7 as "Ass play". *** . . . but they have just changed the name from STUD to " DEVIL SAUNA LAUNGE " ![]() Dreamorph quotes , *** any saunas around Bangna side of town near Seacon Squar shopping complex? *** NO ! I wonder why no one has ever opened a gay sauna that side of BKK . ![]() The far most east side gay sauna is PARADOXE near BTS Phrakanorn ( HERCULES sauna is different direction ) And this sauna is very very quiet . It's more like a place for singing karaoke and enjoy free meal and drink with your partner , Or have body massage . Many young gay guys live around there ( C con ) go to Seri Centre's toilets for sex , I guess . As well as young hetero couples too . ![]()
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