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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Curious: Partner Swapping..?

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Old 2nd July 2005, 09:29 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 10
Curious: Partner Swapping..?

This may seem like an odd query, but I'm curious as to whether any of the members of this forum (BKK/Thailand locals) have ever tried swapping boyfriends with others..?

I ask because my Thai friend --20 year old university student-- has asked me if I knew any nice farang (30+ years old-- he prefers someone about my age.... 37 to 40) for him to meet just for a fun one night romp. Adding, that maybe this farang had a cute Thai boy and we can 'change' for one night.

Just for a bit of background info, I've known this Thai guy for 2 years and know his entire family. He is vers., and likes to bottom if he really is attracted to you. He prefers to do the fucking, though, and that's one area where he and I differ. I don't bottom. He also likes girls (I'm bi, too, and thats probably why he and I get along so well).

Anyway... this sort of thing is relatively common in the States, but I've never heard of it being done here in BKK. So, does anyone have any experience with this in BKK? Problems? Advice?

As an aside, IF any of you have an interest in meeting my Thai friend, I'll gladly send pics to private email. He will expect the same from you, of course.

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Old 3rd July 2005, 01:54 AM
Join Date: May 2002
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I see RED danger flags flying, if he meets someone that prefers to be a bottom, Watch out, but he's his own man, so that might happen anyway.
Look how many wife swaps end in tears
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Old 3rd July 2005, 04:23 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 10

Thanks for the reply, KFC.

I guess I'm really not too worried about my friend deciding to take up 'housekeeping' with someone he meets this way. If he does, he does, but our relationship is such that I think it'd take far more than a willing bottom! We actually openly 'see' other people (younger thai females from his uni, mostly) all the time and so this possibility exists no matter what, but we both have an odd way of separating the sex from the deeper emotions of a real relationship. I don't know... I see your point, however.

Any other opinions or thoughts?

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Old 8th July 2005, 04:16 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3

Partner swapping is quite common in Australia too, but my experience is that most Thai bois are pretty loyal, or at least dont want you to know they have been with someone else.
A double swap gets a bit complicated - just because your partner likes me doesnt mean you will like mine. Bit like friends in general. We all have (or hope we do) many friends, but from/for many backgrounds and reasons, and as much as we like them certainly cant expect them all to like each other.
Having said that my Thai friend is keen to have other Thai guys get with me (and optionally with him as a 3rd/4th).
I am in BKK in late July and again in September.
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Old 9th July 2005, 09:48 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 10

Yes, your point about the average Thai attitude is true. It's more that they don't want you to know and find it hard to understand that many of us can accept it and have fun with it--if things are worked out properly.

So far, my friend has many, many offers and since I was forced to go out of town this weekend (unexpectedly), we didn't accomplish anything yet.

Keep in touch.
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Old 19th July 2005, 07:06 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3

Show ur friend this profile/pic - if he (and/or u) like, great, If not, no drama.......
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