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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   NAKED saunas = Update , please !

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Old 18th August 2005, 09:56 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
NAKED saunas = Update , please !

Dear BKK sauna lovers ,

According to their website ,
THE ORION sauna in Pinklao ( Thonburi ) has just RE-STARTED the
naked zone after more than 2 years of un- naked cruising .


For Mon, Wed and Fridays only .

And also I saw a post on a Thai - Japanese web board saying
now BAAN THAI sauna re-started ( very short lived though )
their naked zone only on Saturdays .

Can anyone confirm confirm this ?
(Icon , this place is one of your top 5 saunas in BKK , right ? )
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Old 18th August 2005, 11:23 AM
Very Nice Guy
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 177

Thanks Ninja for info.

For those who cannot read Thai, In addition to the 3 weekly naked zones that Ninja mentioned they have a couple special offers :

If you go there on your birthday you won't have to pay to get in plus you will receive a gift ( show your ID card with date of birth ). Friends ( max 5 ) who accompany you will get a 50 bath discount per person. No expiry date set for this offer.

An E-Coupon on the top right corner of their webpage also entitles you a 50 baht discount, but you must use a colour printer to print this coupon. One coupon per person. Good on Mondays - Fridays, except public holidays. Offer ends 31st August.

They also have a massage service, 600 baht an hour.


Their regular admission fee seems a bit high -- 200 baht ?
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Old 1st September 2005, 01:11 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Unhappy Couldn't access for 3 days

I couldn't access CFS board for almost 3 days because of the hurricane ( not because Thai Royal police blocked the site )

And some of the latest posts still missing ( not gone back to normal yet )

*** 39 Underground sauna ***

Naked HOURS ( after 8pm ) on Mon & Wed .
Naked DAY ( all day - from they open at 3PM ) on Tue .

Underwear day - Thur .
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Old 7th September 2005, 05:03 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 14

Can some tell me if Sauna Mania is still naked Sunday Nights???
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Old 7th September 2005, 11:18 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Smile Still going on

Sorry , I didn't repost about it .
My original post hasn't been recovered yet from somewhere gulf of Mexico .

YES ! SAUNA MANIA still has " SKIN'S NIGHT " after 7PM on Sundays .
U will be surprised quite a few ( probably ) BABYLON regular farang customers have moved to this place .

***Other update ***

S CASA = no more naked zone ( repost )

Baan Thai = naked night on Saturdays ( Icon , have U checked this yet ? )

The Door = unconfirmed report on Thai-Japanese board

The Good View = no more regular basis .
Probably only on VERY special event days .
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Old 9th September 2005, 09:22 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

Sorry, Ninja, but I haven't been to Baan Thai recently so can't confirm naked hours there.

I understand that Cruising II (the former Sukhothai Sauna) is all naked every night starting from 19.00, though.
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Old 10th September 2005, 10:36 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Smile Naked Door

Thanks for the info of SUKHOTHAI naked sauna .
I didn't know they had naked hours even on weekdays .

As I mentioned on " The Door " thread ,
they have gone back to the original format " NAKED " .
Good news , right ?
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Old 10th September 2005, 11:04 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Yes! GREAT news!
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Old 10th September 2005, 09:40 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 26

Silly question but.....I've been to Babylon before, so I understand the bathhouse thing, but how does naked night work? Naked all the time? Naked in certain areas? Any naked saunas more friendly to older hairy (chubby) men? Anyone been to the Beach? I do love those thin tan guys
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Old 11th September 2005, 01:53 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

Sawadee quotes ,

but how does naked night work? Naked all the time? Naked in certain areas?


Naked hours = limited time only ( a few hours to till they close )
Naked zone = allowed to be naked or FORCED BE NAKED in certain areas

If you want to experience a whole house unlimited area with no time limit naked sauna , go to 39 UNDERGROUND sauna on Tuesday .

Any naked saunas more friendly to older hairy (chubby) men ?

Well , . . . . . .
I don't know really , because I have never been an old hairy and chubby man before .
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Old 1st October 2005, 10:00 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
SUHKOTHAI = still there

Dear BKK naked sauna lovers ,

It was the first time to visit this VERY OLD sauna in 1 year .

YES ! They do have NAKED HOURS till 11PM ( supposed to be started at 7PM ) every horny day .
And this is the whole house naked hours , so be ready for it !
But they close at 12 midnight despite what they advertise on free gay magazines ( They say they close at 6AM on weekends )

I think this is one of the darkest saunas in BKK .
Really couldn't see anything in some areas .
There are cum shots everywhere in the dark orgy section on the 2nd floor ( Still b4 8PM )
It has very neighborhood atmoshere .
The most customers visit this sauna regulary .
Everone knows everyone ( just like older G.G. sauna )
But couldn't find many really handsome guys , but you still find guys with sexy body .

Get free booze , get drunk and have sex , and then forget ALL next morning .

I did TAKE OUT ( because the time was running out ) a guy who happened to live in my neighborhood .
He is a real exhibisionist .
He insisted to have sex in my balcony in totally naked last night .
And WE DID .
He didn't let me sleep all night !

Maybe I should take him to 39's Tuesday EXHIBISONIST day .
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