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Old 6th December 2005, 04:05 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177
Air Asia free tickets!!!

Air Asia celebrating its 4th anniversary is giving away free tickets to all destinations!!! Booking period 7-28 December 2005 and travel period is 07Feb-10Oct2006. So guys, time to travel and have sex elsewhere on Air Asia treat. Maybe Ninja can treat his 18yo bf to a holiday in Spore..
Check the can usually get the free tickets during weekdays travel.
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Old 6th December 2005, 07:18 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
How did U know ?

Dear Zippo ,

Maybe Ninja can treat his 18yo bf to a holiday in Spore..

How come you know my 18yo BF keeps on asking me to take him to Singapore ???? [

In fact , he's been to Burma , Laos , Vietman and so on already .
He even backpacked Laos alone before .
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Old 6th December 2005, 07:27 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 40

Their fares are great, but they can keep the "Scare-buses" LOL
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Old 6th December 2005, 10:02 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393 shows "2,000,000" free seats available. I just found free seats on flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok on 19th April as an example. Just seach different mid-week days and you should find many more. Surcharges and taxes are not free.
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Old 7th December 2005, 01:28 AM
Very Nice Guy
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I have just checked availability on Bangkok - Singapore return, and also Bangkok - Kuala return 9 seats each for travelling in June, the free seats for both routes are still available.

Well done, Zippo. Thanx.
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Old 7th December 2005, 02:20 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Air Asia

To ninja san.....well should I say I got sixth sense (gay ppl think alike)...ha ha anyway I think you should give him a treat after all the hard work he's done for you.
Got 2 free tkts to Bangkok for Feb and May. Started checking out the website at 12midnite and you can even get foc on weekends. But its a bit difficult now as the website is jammed. Was surprised that included were the Thai domestic routes.
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Old 8th December 2005, 01:52 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Posts: 551
Unhappy Cannot access , Cannot log in

The farest I could go was the second page , and couldn't long in the booking page yesterday .
Today , I managed to log in ( 50-50 ) and check availabilty of only one day one sector .
Tried to find a different day or different sector , it was so slow or just TIME OUT , so had to type the URL again .

Thai Air Asia's AIS couldn't take any booking for the last 2 days , because their computers are soooooooo helpless (they just cannot access the website at all )
And I also have found they couldn't take AK code filghts .
They TAKE only THAI Air Asia flights booking ( FD code )
Did you know that ???

I found many free flights between BKK and SIN ( but not around Sorngkran ) , they INCREASED their fuel sur charge to 500 Bahts !!!
It means a FREE retun costs about 1600 Bahts .
My trip to SIN for next month actually costs cheaper ( booked in July )

On the other hand , they cut their fuel sur charge from KL ,
so FREE RETUN FROM KL now cheaper .

There not many free international seats ( out of Thailand ) near Sorngkran ( I am not talking about during Sorngkran ) , so don't need to rush .

Maybe I should wait for TIGER to bite back .
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Old 8th December 2005, 05:09 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 40

The web page is sluggish, but if your persistant, you can get throught. Snagged some freebies from BKK to Chiang Mai in June (about 1000 baht tax however per person).
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Old 9th December 2005, 12:23 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 68
Air Asia

This really is a shambles. Having got through to payment and given credit card details, the site hung at confirmation stage and finally gave the following, more or less, message: "you may or may not have made a booking, you may or may not be in a queue for confirmation. Please do not book again of use the back or refresh buttons."

Needless to say their call centre is shut........

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Old 9th December 2005, 12:43 PM
Very Nice Guy
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I booked 5 tickets Bangkok - Kuala Lumpur yesterday. All went through fine. No problem at all.
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Old 9th December 2005, 09:04 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Wink Tickets ? Ticketless , Mate !

BillyHouston Quotes ,

Having got through to payment and given credit card details, the site hung at confirmation stage and finally gave the following, more or less, message: "you may or may not have made a booking, you may or may not be in a queue for confirmation.


That was one of the reasons I didn't want to give my credit card to book ( I had to refresh every page I advanced )

Yesterday , computer access was even worse , but not
AIS computers .
So I booked a return BKK=KL very easily through AIS , and paid by cash .

The COST ONLY what they claim " FREE SEAT " costed me
1630 Bahts plus AIS charge ( 25 Bhats )
Your credit card don't need to be double or triple charged .

Dear Zippo ,

I will go to KL in July as well .
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Old 10th December 2005, 01:25 AM
Very Nice Guy
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Posts: 177

When you fill in passenger name(s) and address, you will be aske to choose your State/Province where you live. If you don't live in Malaysia, make sure that you select Other International from the dropdown menu of Sate/Province & Zip/Postcode. Do the same again for billing address of your credit card.
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Old 10th December 2005, 06:54 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 68

Just received e-mail confirmation, so it was queued.

Bangkok - Chiang Mai - Bangkok Bht 963

not quite 'free' but not far off.

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Old 14th December 2005, 03:07 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Cool Still 1,500,000 seats left

As 14th Dec , they say they still have
1,500,000 free seats left !

If they were REALLY free , we don't need to think twice to book
( plus administration , insurance , security , fuel surcharge and airport tax )

Nok , One 2 go and Tiger still don't release seats for Thai new year yet .

One 2 go has every day , every flight , same air fare policy for same destination ( all inclusive )
Some Air Asia's domestic airfare actually higher than One 2 go
( espacially during , before and just after Sorngkran )

I don't believe they wouldn't have any special offers till October .
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Old 14th December 2005, 08:23 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 68

Being left with another 'you might have or you might not have' as I tried to get seats for my Thai friend, I spent 40 minutes on the line to AirAsia Malaysian call centre, mostly in queue, from Europe. Kept getting all sorts of error messages at 'Credit Card' stage and needed to check I had only one booking, and not three.

First attempt for friend got the 'you might have you might not have' and it took more than a day to find out ..... 'you have not'.

This really is a shambles and AirAsia should do better.

While on the topic, NokAir will no longer accept International (=non-Thai) credit cards on their website and only tell you this when you reach the final stage and have entered CC details. This means yet another international call, with all the problems of explaining names, addresses and numbers to someone whose first language is not English.

Got some seats on One2go no trouble though

Believe in spreading my favours around.

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