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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   400 Bhats entry charge for Farangs @ K PLACE sauna

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Old 8th May 2006, 06:13 PM
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Re: Penalties or Discounts ?

Originally posted by Ninja
For example , 39 UNDERGROUND charges 139 Bhats for entry while they only charge 99 Bhats , if you are under 28yo .
This pricing doesn't upset me really . I DO understand this is a discout for young guys .

Actually , this place is quite popular among Asian tourists now .
They charge you Bt 139? They charged me Bt 120. Are you about 5 yrs older then me?
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Old 9th May 2006, 12:11 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Angry Triple confirmed

I guess that the original poster, who posted about this charge in another message board where you came across originally, is probably older than 49 but he thought he was charged 400 baht becasue he's not Thai. Is that possible ?.
Actually he is younger than 50yo AND he paid ONLY 99 Bhats , though his Thai friend informed him foriegners had to pay 400 Bhats . He said he saw a sign saying foriegners' entrance charge is 400 Bahts at the reception .
So , this poster asked his Thai friend to call K Place to find out the truth .
K PLACE told him they charge 400 Bahts to foriegners regardless a foriegner comes with Thai or a Thai comes with a foriegners .

This is the hottest topic on that BBS currently .

Thanks for the another URL of K Place , jssn1 .
They have BOY SHOW only on Thursdays .

Dear Gany ,

How you work out the pricing ???

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Old 9th May 2006, 02:07 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Do they check everyone's ID? How do they determine if you are a F ner? BY looking at your appearance or your ability to speak Thai?......If Andrew Gregson showed up at this place how much would he have to pay?.......what about an asian visitor that looks and is Thai but doesn't speak Thai?.......bottom line is They can charge what they want , if you don't want to pay then don't go in.Paying 400 bts to get in a place like that doesn't garantee any action waiting for you inside..................Even if they let you in for free, if noone wants to play with you; would you want to go in?......There are so many saunas in BKK, go to places that you are most welcome ...........
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Old 9th May 2006, 02:29 AM
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I 'd love to hang out with you when in BKK. I do mean that. I have no Thai friend to go cruising with. I don't know about you but I find that I have more fun when I am out and about with an equal.....Few people I met in BKK on my last visit were sex workers I didn't feel comfortable being seen with them since they all looked like my little brother........ I need a date for " LOY KRATONG"
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Old 10th May 2006, 12:32 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
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On K Place's own web sites, it doesn't appear to say anything about an upper age or race surcharge....just Bht49 for 20-23 and Bht99 for above.
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Old 10th May 2006, 02:53 AM
Very Nice Guy
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I agree it's best for foreigners/older guys not to bother with this place. There are tens of saunas in BKK why bother paying premuim with no guarantee of orgasm.

I wouldn't worry the other saunas would do the same. A foreigner-oriented suna like Babylon would want to charge foreigners more than Thais? A sauna cartel ?. I don't think so. Sauna business in BKK is quite competitive. There seems a new one opening up every 6 months or so. If I were the owner of the other saunas I would be pleased and let kplace do this alone so that I would welcome more foreigners into my places and earn more income.

So stop worrying. Just go enjoy the other saunas such as Farose, 39 and Chakran in the same neighbourhood or Mania in Silom.

LostNoomThai said...
I 'd love to hang out with you when in BKK......I find that I have more fun when I am out and about with an equal.....I need a date for " LOY KRATONG"
That's very cheeky of you, dear. How could we possibly be equal ?. For instance, I speak Queens English but you speak loud American. You are accustomed to beef burgers but I always have a proper roasted beef and Yorkshire pudding. You carry a bottle of water everywhere you go but I would rather pop into a cosy cafe sit back relax and sip a nice and cool small gin & a lot of tonic with lemon

Anyway brother, my visit to Sydney has aleardy been fixed on 9 - 14 Nov ( will go there with sisters ). I should be in BKK for a few days before and after Sydney. Keep in touch nearer to the time. I would be pleased to help put you in Kratong and sail you along the Chao Praya river.
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Old 10th May 2006, 11:08 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
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Talking Mission possible to THAI GUY & NOOM

So , I'd like you guys to inspect this sauna and tell us about , since I don't want to pay about 4 times higher than usual local sauna door charge unless I can have sex with guys who are 4 times better looking than the guys I find in other saunas ( and , of course , having sex 4 times as many )

Even if they let you in for free, if noone wants to play with you; would you want to go in?......
OR you find no one who you like .

Original CRUISING ONE sauna used to have ( even now ? ) a special promption something like ,
guys who are under 23yo can entre for free of charge before 7PM .
So , I expected many horny young guys ( especially uni students from nearby universities ) would come before 7PM , but couldn't find any very young guys there .
They still cruise in the toilets of MAJOR RACHOYOTHIN .
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Old 11th May 2006, 12:16 AM
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By charging more for foreigners and people under 49, this sauna is saying that these groups aren't really wanted. My interest and curiosity in the place are consequently zero.
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Old 11th May 2006, 05:00 AM
Very Nice Guy
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Re: Mission possible to THAI GUY & NOOM

Originally posted by Ninja
I don't want to pay about 4 times higher than usual local sauna door charge...
Come on Ninja, you look Asian and can speak and read Thai fluently. Upon your check-in, just say something in Thai like "This is my first time here. How much is the admission fee? - ¼Áà¾Ôè§ÁÒ·Õè¹Õèà»ç¹¤ÃÑé§áá ¤èÒà¢éÒà·èÒäËÃè¤ÃѺ", the sauna staff wouldn't tell you to pay foreign rate surely.
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Old 11th May 2006, 06:03 AM
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I think Ninja has more dignity than to visit a place that obviously doesn't want him (or any of us foreigners) there in the first place. Screw 'em!
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Old 11th May 2006, 10:52 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

Yes ! Icon is right .

The management knows they have a quite few Non-Thai Asian customers who like this place ( I am not one of them )

If they are tourists from richer countries , I guess 400 Bhats IS NOT expensive at all to them .
How much you have to pay to entre ONE SEVEN or TOWEL CLUB in Singapore ( You know how much you pay at 24 KAIKAN in Japna , Icon ? )

I mean they will still get ( what they think ) UNWANTED customers , anyway .

Malaysia's sauna door charges are as cheap as in Thailand .
But I have never paid higher entrance charge than local Malaysians at any saunas I visited , even if I am older than average or I am an alien .
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Old 11th May 2006, 11:21 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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I don't think their policy is derived from the thought that foreigners and 49-and-olders have more money and therefore should pay more to get in. Their thinking is that they want to discourage foreigners and older men from coming.

Why not just put a sign on the door (like they do in Japan) "Under 49 year-old Thai nationals only".

I've started a topic about this in Thai on the TG massage website, just to see what Thais other than LostNoomThai and Thai Guy think about this policy. I certainly know how they would feel if they went to LA and found a sauna with a policy saying "Americans $25; foreigners $100".
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Old 12th May 2006, 10:32 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Well , we've been living here long enough to tell

Why not just put a sign on the door
"Under 49 year-old Thai nationals only".
If they do so , I guess some people don't like THIS IDEA might report it to the police . And it might end up getting raid or something worse ( temporary closure ? )
After all , they DO something illegal such as BOY SHOW and opens till 6AM every day , and such .
This is a big chance to opponents too to shut them down .
SAUNA business is highly competitive business here in BKK , isn't it ?

just to see what Thais think about this policy
Well , you know , Icon ,
Thai pepople usually don't open their mouths ,
if it doesn't affect them directly .
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Old 14th May 2006, 01:41 PM
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I believe that this has already been debated on the TG Message board during April, appears to be controversial from what I can make out.
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Old 14th May 2006, 08:19 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Thanks. I'd missed that thread.

I'm glad to see that the majority of the posters there disagree with the discrimanatory pricing policy.
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