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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Pattaya Best Boys???

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Old 4th June 2006, 10:35 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 35
Pattaya Best Boys???

Been awhile since we've heard anything of the the better boys in the pattaya bars. I am arriving in a couple of weeks and would like to hear some comments and recommendtions of boys that do what they say they will or better.
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Old 6th June 2006, 05:41 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Go to Boys, Boys, Boys. Ask the mamasan. They're usually pretty spot on. However, you should know that silicon injections into the member is very popular in Pattaya these days. And, there are several of them at Boys, Boys, Boys who have had it done. So, just know that some of the big bulges you see on stage are due to injections, NOT because of Mother Nature.

When you're at Boys, Boys, Boys, ask for Toy. You don't want him because he's straight. BUT, his brother works there too and he can point him out to you. I'm not certain right now of the guy's name....but Toy told me that his brother is very well blessed and that he does EVERYTHING.

I'm going to Pattaya for the long week-end and will have more to report on Tuesday next.
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Old 16th June 2006, 04:10 PM
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Posts: 2

So what does it look like when these (amplified) guys get an erection?
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Old 20th June 2006, 05:55 AM
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I thought they'd been banned?

Haven't silicone injections into the penis been banned or declared unsafe or something recently? I seemto recall reading an article of some sort about the dreadful damages caused when the silicone burst.
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 20th June 2006, 05:45 PM
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TaoBoxer'stud, what is going on with your avatar? It is a jumble of colors on my screen.

I demand that you fix it! Please
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Old 21st June 2006, 06:16 AM
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Keeps doing it

Really, I dont know why the system keeps messing up my avatar. Unfortunately, I am on a writing assignment in Europe and cannot access my original avatar to fix the messed up one here. I'll do it when I get back to Penang in September.

To return to the original topic, I have seen erect members with the embellishments mentioned and these ranged from exotically arousing to downright ugly. The worst ones were on those guys who thought the more the merrier...their virile parts looked positively pustulent!
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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