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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Nature Boy... again

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Old 25th September 2006, 02:06 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 21

sorry. i understand, but who is #8? what does he look like. did you ever rim anyone in the bar before?
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Old 26th September 2006, 10:36 PM
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Not as slutty as Nature Boy, but I recently discovered some the the old Screw Boys have surfaced in Night almost opposite Thanon Thanya on Suriwong. Down an alley, a surprising large bar with about 40 boys on the young side. Offed an old favourite of mine with a large rock hard cock (Iasked him if he was on viagra!) and a 2nd boy who looked cute but was a bit of a damp squib on the bed.
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Old 28th September 2006, 09:13 AM
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Night Boy

I've been to Night Boy about 5 or 6 times this year. I've found it to be either great (lots of fun and packed with good looking guys) or very disappointing (boring and less than 20 unattractive guys working). Never the same twice in a row. But, I'm spacing these visits at least a month apart, so maybe there is a lot of turnover in the boys that work there. I sure do miss Screw Boy, at least the good old version from 3-5 years ago.
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Old 28th September 2006, 11:56 AM
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Night Boy's mamasan

I've found that one of the mamasans at Night Boy is/was quite intolerably persistent. He's lean, with longish hair and somewhat fem (but not katoey), and for that reason have been avoiding this bar.

Anyone else with the same experience? Or is he gone now?
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Old 30th September 2006, 09:09 AM
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I'm not sure about the mamasan you mentioned but those persistent creepy types are one of my pet peeves, and one reason I don't go out to go-go bars as much as I used to (and the declining quality of boys on offer is another reason). If there's one thing that drives me up the wall, it's some queeny mamasan or "captain" coming up and sitting down next to me, or breathing down my neck, and pestering me with questions/statements like "you want boy" .... "you buy drink for boy" .... "what you want" , etc. Enough already! Just let me watch the boys with my own eyes and leave me alone. Maybe Thai customers like this sort of clingy "service" but I can't stand it.
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Old 30th September 2006, 09:46 AM
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Mamasan alley

Their job is to make sure you leave your money with the bar, one way or another. They earn their keep by pimping boys and persuading you to buy drinks. That's what they're employed to do. Some are good, some are bad, some are creepy. But most speak better English than the boys (not that that may be saying much) and the good ones will tell you which boy really is gay, top, bottom if you can find a good one and treat him right. They're like a Madam in a brothel (which is, after all, what a go-go bar is)
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Old 30th September 2006, 10:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 30

I was at NB about one month ago. I was there from about 11pm to closing time at 1am. I enjoyed myself thoroughly with two boys who were very accommodating.

The mamasan, who also handles the cash, kind of spoiled my fun when she brought the bill. 2,850THB. At 150THB a drink ( I think), that means she would have served the boys and I 19 drinks!! I did not count, but I am sure that the three of us had fewer drinks then that. I could never swallow 6 glasses of beer in two hours. I would have crawled out of the bar on my knees as I don't usually drink.

I didn’t say anything, but next time, if ever, I will be counting.
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Old 30th September 2006, 04:57 PM
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Yeh, its very easy for the drinks bill to run away. If I have a group of boys and mamasan asks me to buy them drinks I politely decline, and say I will tip the boys at the end. "better for boys" I say. Onlt buy drink for a chosen boy I intend to off.
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Old 30th September 2006, 11:20 PM
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Re: Mamasan alley

Originally posted by silomGWM
Their job is to make sure you leave your money with the bar, one way or another. They earn their keep by pimping boys and persuading you to buy drinks. That's what they're employed to do.
yes and that is exactly why most people don't like them - whatever happened to the concept of hiring staff to provide service and keep customers happy?

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Old 1st October 2006, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 90
Re: Nature Boy update

Originally posted by silomGWM
I spent a couple of times there this trip so here's a brief report. There's a new boy with a fairly decent cock (#5) but he's straight according to one of the other boys, and all he was interested in was getting a hard on and letting me play with it.
I, too, thought # 5 was handsome. I seldom off boys these days but something about him, probably his face (or maybe it was because my birthday is this week and I wanted to treat myself) inspired me to. I rode on the back of his motorcycle to my condo. That was the highlight, however. Although he did allow me to top him, the entire evening was over in less than 30 minutes...from entering my house, having a drink, and then having fun. I was hoping for a more enjoyable and eventful (and longer) evening. This being said, he is, however, a very nice guy.

On another note, my birthday is actually on Thursday and I was thinking about treating myself to 2-3 guys for a private party Thursday night. Any recommendations for nice young bottoms, who like to have a LONG session with 2-3 people. I would like to find 1-2 bottoms, with either a small and slim build or a swimmers build, and possibly another young top. Commercial or non-commercial suggestions are fine. Just private message me if you do not feel comfortable announcing names publicly.

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Old 21st October 2006, 01:39 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
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"The mamasan, who also handles the cash, kind of spoiled my fun when she brought the bill. 2,850THB. At 150THB a drink ( I think), that means she would have served the boys and I 19 drinks!!

Marcon, WHAT bar were you at SWEETIE????????? The 'mamasan' of NB is MALE, and, as it so happens, was an ex-moneyboy from ALEK. Have you EVER been there?

As to the rants on full on sex in the bar - these are LIES. Any form of activity except basic foldling IS simply a figment of yours and others imagination.

The boys are there to be offed - not provide relief for crustey old farangs for the price of a drink.
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Old 21st October 2006, 06:10 AM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 16

"Any form of activity except basic foldling IS simply a figment of yours and others imagination."

Well maybe that is your experience but two weeks ago I certainly got more than basic fondling !!!

There were only four boys in the bar so I bought them all a drink after receiving some very nice attention and then got more nice attention. Not sure I would like to go into further detail if I am going to get fried.
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Old 21st October 2006, 06:21 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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I find that things will happen in there only if you're the only customer.
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Old 21st October 2006, 10:28 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Hey Doug, Ignore any comments made by Paul. He is a complete fuckwit who has previously rubbished my accounts of activities in NB and CG and others. I guess he must just be such an umpleasant ugly fucker that non of the boys in any of the bars want to touch his smelly cock....just ignore him....I dont know why he stalks this room.
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Old 21st October 2006, 02:48 PM
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Posts: 68

What I cannot understand is what purpose he imagines is served by peddling this 'nothing happens' rubbish? Probably he's never been there!
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