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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Tip Rates

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Old 5th October 2006, 03:54 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 9
Tip Rates

Hi Guys...I've been out of the scene for a while... What should I expect to tip a barboy for

PTY/short time
PTY/long time
BKK/short time
BKK/long time

thanx for your response...
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Old 5th October 2006, 05:12 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

There are probably as many answers to that question as there are boys wanting to be tipped.

Pattaya is generally cheaper than BKK, but again, it depends on lots of things.

If you want a benchmark type of answer, I'd say:

short time: up to 1,000 THB
long time: between 1,000 and 2,000 THB

As I said, you may get by cheaper in Pattaya.
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Old 5th October 2006, 10:06 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Question Tip (Chimagmai)

How about Chiangmai?
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Old 7th October 2006, 03:01 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 16

upto 1,000 Baht for a short time
between 1,000 and 2,000 for a long time,

Seems to be a bit on the low side for Bangkok now days, what do the others think.
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Old 7th October 2006, 05:28 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 36

I thinking 1200 short time and 2000-2500 long time is more appropriate for BKK these days. Of course it depends on the service.
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Old 7th October 2006, 06:48 AM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 9

What about Pattaya?

1000 short time?
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Old 7th October 2006, 09:09 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210

I can only speak for Bangkok, but from my experience things have not gotten that much more expensive in recent years. I'd say short time range from 800 - 1,500 baht, and that depends upon your satisfaction and how much the other guy performs, or does as advertised. Or whether he's ready to bolt out the door after 15 minutes. The last guy that did that, I gave him 600 baht and growled at him! Total waste of time and money in that case.

I never negotiate a price ahead of time. If some boy demands a certain price, he can hit the road. As for "long time" (and that doesn't necessarily mean an all-night sleepover in my mind), I usually give a minimum of 1,200 but can go as high as 2,000 baht if it's a repeat treat or someone who is utterly magnificent. I've never gone above the figure. Most guys seem happy with any amount I give. But I live and Bangkok and will take on "regulars" that I enjoy, so they know they'll be seeing me again in another week or two.
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Old 10th October 2006, 02:29 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 76

Tipping is a euphemism for what you pay a sex worker for doing his work.

The extraordinary thing in Thailand is that the buyer decides the price. If the seller even suggests what he would like as a fee he may get dumped - see buzzard.

In Sunee Plaza bars in Pattaya some bars charge 200 baht off fee and the boys expect 500 baht 'tip'. If you ask the boys tell you this.

In Bangkok the street hustlers on Rama IV ask for 700 to 800 baht. Friends tell me that they off any bar in Bangkok and pay 1000 baht. Boys from the top Bangkok bars are told to ask for 1500 baht. They tried asking for 2000 baht but there was a lot of customer resistance.

A boy on Dongtan beach was very indignant with one guy who took him and a friend and had a full massage and then sex with each of them and gave them 200 baht each. They asked for more and he told them that he never pays more than that.

Another guy I know of in Pattaya never pays more than 300 baht and has droves of street boys eager. I think he is very sweet with them and he does speak fluent Thai.

One guy that I know says his best tip was 50,000 baht and it was from a Thai man. He saw his photo on the front of a newspaper the next day. The guy was a Government Minister.

Another guy that I know had a 25,000 baht tip from a wealthy Thai. I asked why he tipped so much and he said " because it was on my birthday".

One Tawan superstar was flown to Hong Kong by an admirer but only tipped 1000 baht a day which he thought a very poor show. Being a polite Thai he said nothing but was never available for that customer again.

All these little stories just go to show that there is not any 'fixed' rate. Hopefully customers tip generously and everyone has a lovely time.
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Old 10th October 2006, 03:06 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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I agree that when offing a boy, or having a sex massage, the amount of "tip" is up to the customer and a specific amount should not be demanded or requested by the boy. There are certain standards, though. Most massage places fix a minimum tip at 800 or 1,000 baht. Most bars do not state a minimum, but punters are expected to know the going rate.

Street and beach hustlers are a different matter, and it is more common to negotiate a rate with them beforehand. In fact, I think it would be wise to do so.
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Old 17th October 2006, 07:45 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

Occasionally in Bkk it maybe suggested by the boy that expenses be added to your tip.Cab fare etc.One cheeky entrepreneur requested this after travelling from Boys Bangkok to Tarntawan -a very gruelling journey.
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