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Old 18th November 2006, 11:57 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177
signal for masseurs

A hard on is the only signal you can give the masseur from the "straight" massage places that you need more than a massage. Some of them will play with your dick and when it gets hard, they'll normally ask if you want a jerk off. If the answer is yes, they'll signal to you they want tip..... usually bht500. but occasionally, you get one without any request for tips.
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Old 19th November 2006, 12:45 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 184

The other signal is when they are close enough to start brushing your hand over their dick - some will smile and let you carry on, others will very politely say no or just move your hand back - never any issue as they know the majority of their colleagues will do more. Some massage in a way that they never get within hand contact. What gets me is that in the places where they put a towel over you some spend ages keep adjusting it as they massage when they know full well at the end it will be off as will their kit.
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Old 19th November 2006, 03:57 AM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8

Thanks for the input

How about a list of recommendations from people on some of the "non-sexual" massage places that sometimes do more?

My personal experience has been as follows:

Pranee (next to Boots on Silom) - Very gay staff, but I've never had anything happen there other than massage, whether traditional Thai or oil.

Apsara (next to Burger King on Silom) - Sometimes some teasing with Thai massage, but not more. With oil massage, have received a hand job about 50% of the time.

Across from Saladang Place on Saladang (don't know the name) - recieved a hand job about 80% of the time.

Healthland - strictly professional massage

Any input from others?
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Old 19th November 2006, 04:51 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 16

At which establishments will the boys do the massage while they are naked too? Is that common practice or do you have to ask?
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Old 19th November 2006, 05:57 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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It is universal in the gay sex massage places (Arena, Aqua, Adonis, Albury, Hero, B&N, GQ, K-Why, His, V-Club, etc.). No need to ask.
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Old 19th November 2006, 09:55 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

Best Massage(Silom, above KFC) and Tarntawan Massage & Spa and Toyo (Surawongse, opposite Tarntawan Hotel) non-sexual places where most boys are fine and upstanding
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Old 19th November 2006, 11:20 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 23

quote Yannawa:
"Best Massage(Silom, above KFC) and Tarntawan Massage & Spa and Toyo (Surawongse, opposite Tarntawan Hotel) non-sexual places where most boys are fine and upstanding"

upstanding or outstanding? – well, both is fine by me
Johan the Viking
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Old 25th November 2006, 01:39 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 12

I was at pranee massage about a year ago.

I had chosen them for massage quality recommendations.

I had an oil massage and requested a male masseur.

well the massage was only 'ok' but moderately relaxing.

nearing the end of the hour the masseur 'massaged' my balls which got me hard and he asked me (by showing the typical hand motion) if i wanted a hand job.
I nodded in agreement since i really enjoy it when my bf gives me a handjob after a massage sort of as the ultimate relaxation.

unfortunately this guy who had been quiet during massage started to say stuff like 'you like thai boy' over and over in a bad porn kind of way. this was really annoying since it ruined my relaxation The rest of the handjob was sort of him frantically trying to get me off as fast as possible.
Anyway i came after 60 seconds or so and he motioned for me to be quiet - seemingly because he didnt want the reception people to hear me moan :-)
I was just glad it was over. He asked for a 1000 baht which i thought was quite much for a lousy handjob. However since all the money I had left happened to be a 1000 i gave it to him since i didnt want to go get change first.

that was the last pranee saw of me and the first sex i have ever paid for in my life
my boyfriend laughed his ass off when i told him that story when i got back to the hotel - he in the meantine had gone to babylon for an equally unsatisfying experience but at least his was free.

After that I wanted to check out candlethai spa but somehow i never made it there since they seem to close early.
I did get two very good traditional massages at wat po after that :-)
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Old 26th November 2006, 12:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 19

hi .
where is candlethai spa ...please cheers
GAM ... DTE.... GSH...
fun to be around .... life is short live it )
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Old 26th November 2006, 07:49 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177
candle t spa

I was just at Candle T spa yesterday. It gets very busy on weekends, so its best you call up and book someone. This place has one of the best massage and its so clean and nice, I would've have stayed there as a hotel!
Address : Rama City Court, 18/457 Rama4 Rd, Lumpini.
Tel 02-2520283/022511009

If you are travelling by MRT, stop at Lumpini station and exit at EXIT nbr1, walk towards the overhead bridge. The place is actually across the Lumpini Tower. You will see the Rama City Court apartment block when you enter a soi which is next to the SCB bank.

masseurs are all good looking and fit!
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Old 26th November 2006, 08:22 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

Just so there's no confusion, what if any extras are provided at this place? Are the masseurs in the nude? Or strictly no hanky-panky massage?
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Old 27th November 2006, 08:37 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177
candle tspa

Icon, if you are referring to candle Tspa... its not a gay sex spa but most of the times, I always get happy ending but not so if I don't want. The masseurs are not nude when they massage you but you might get lucky when you are a regular there!
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