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Old 23rd November 2008, 07:20 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- On the 27th., having a few moments spare and it being a long, long time since I was at ROBINSON'S - Tnn. Charoen Krung, (nrest. BTS.: Saphan Taksin, [S6],), I decided to look-in.
- One end of the top floor - the Food Ct. - has been remodelled so it's possible that the hawng nahm is no more.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 23rd November 2008, 07:54 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 31

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- On the 27th., having a few moments spare and it being a long, long time since I was at ROBINSON'S - Tnn. Charoen Krung, (nrest. BTS.: Saphan Taksin, [S6],), I decided to look-in.
- One end of the top floor has been remodelled so that the hawng nahm is no more.
-- Bibi.. --
It's still there, you just have to look hard.
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Old 23rd November 2008, 08:43 PM
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Deleted as rpt'd. below!
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Old 23rd November 2008, 08:45 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by richsilver View Post
It's still there, you just have to look hard.
-- Thanks for yr. confirm'n. - it's true that I didn't look all that hard. I should have remembered the olde army's saying: 'Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted.' - how true!
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 23rd November 2008, 08:49 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (23rd.), a'noon. - en route to my Best Beloved's acc'n. - I stopped-off to look-in at BIG C. - R'damri.; although my previous visit might have dissuaded me.
- ETA.: around 16.30.hrs..
- First impressions were unfavorable - NTR., (Nothing To Report.),. So I retired to a small cafe for a char and a wad.
- After 17.hrs. or thereabouts the scene started to become MORE lively with several bits & pieces of eye-candy - who had eyes only for eachother.
- On either 2fl. or 3fl. I stood next to a school-boy -purple shirt over purple shorts - who was shewing: uncut and small, but after the 'skin. was rolled-back the rosiest-red glans that I've seen in a coon's age - possibly worth smoking just for the color alone! But on his other side was a so-so looking young man who was displaying a bigger than avg.-sized member: uncut and at least 6+ins. LOA. and of a fair girth. He and the school-boi stayed together for quite sometime.
- Then later-on I saw the same so-so YM. with some middle-aged and chubby Thai, quite what the former saw in him I don't know; but 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.', we've been led to believe. They were both leaning across to give eachother hand-jobs, and judging it was safe the YM. stood behind his companion to shew what he'd really like to do.
- Neither janitrices nor sec. gds. were all that much in evidence.
- I left around 18.30.hrs. - judging that I'd spent quite enough time there; and caught a 'bus. #15. to DEMOC'Y. M'MENT..
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 24th November 2008, 01:23 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (23rd.), evening having dropped-off my o'night. bag I walked leisurely to SARANROM PK. and the well-known beat in front of the GRAND PALACE.
- SARANROM PK. had a few joggers.
- Quite a fair amt. of 'Trade.' standing around and awaiting those with automobiles; not all that many of the latter.
- I got into conversation with a 30YO. and beginning to become plumper man who was keen to go with me to an hotel. Having bragged about his endowments I asked him to shew me, wch. he did: in truth uncut and certainly of good girth; but this olde farang wasn't really in the mood to 'Lie-back, to open his legs and to think of England.'.
- I chatted with some half-a-dozen or so boyz who wanted to talk with this farang; all - no matter how slightly-built, slim and/or Twinkie they may be - insisted that they are T*ps and are well-endowed - often using their fingers and hands to demonstrate! None wanted to smoke or to be smoked - it was their being T*ps or nothing. Opening offers for their svces. ranged from 400. to 1,000,Bh..
- I ret'd. to the app't. after about a couple of hrs. there.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 26th November 2008, 06:44 AM
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-- Last tuesday, (25th.), evening it was off and away to SARANROM PK. and its environs.
- ETA.: 20.hrs.;
- In the PK. I was spoken to by a couple of young men, one of whom - Khun AEK, 25YO. - offered to T*p me for just 300.Bh.; but I didn't feel to sure about him.
- Cruising-around on the streets there were even fewer boyz seeking customers than during the preceeding sunday evening when I was there. It was clear to me that the saying: 'No wheels - no deals.' was as true then as earlier.
- ETD.: 23.oo.hrs.:
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 28th November 2008, 01:21 AM
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-- In tuesday, (25th.), I re-visited ROBINSON'S - CHAROEN KRUNG, (nr. to BTS. Saphan Thaksin.),.
- ETA.: around 16.hrs..
- Taking a different line of approach I spotted a suspended sign indicating the way and found the hawng nahm with no difficulty - and still in the same place, too!
- The HN. has been re-decorated and smartened-up, but the inter-cubicle peep-holes are there still.
- After a few mins. I gained access to cubicle #1., wch. has a good sized peep-hole into its neighbor. Next door was an approaching middle-aged and Ch. looking man, (I think that I've seen him there before?), who wasn't of much interest; so after a while I left. There was a janitor at work.
-- I ret'd. after about 30mins. elsewhere - a pity that there are now no small coffee-stalls in the Food Court - to see the janitor still there, and who shot me a glance.
- I entered cubicle #4..
- Looking under the partitions I saw that both my neighbors were wearing sandals: the one on my RHS. of indeterminate age but on my LHS. clearly young.
- After a while the youngster put his hand under the partition in an obvious invitation; but knowing that the janitor was still present I was in no mood to run any risks and especially with a youngster who would be jail-bait - so a couple of times I pushed-away his hand gently.
- After a short stay I went-away.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 3rd December 2008, 08:44 PM
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-- Y'day., (03rd.), a'noon. - before going-on to elsewhere - I looked-in at IMPERIAL WORLD/BIG C - SAMRONG., wch. is a roughly 20mins. 'bus. ride along Tnn. Sukhumvit, roughly southwards, from BTS. ON NUT,(E9.),.
- ETA.: 13.40.hrs. - probably too late to catch any lunch.-time cruisers - the three hawng nahms mentioned in my previous posting were all quiet.
-- I ret'd. at around 16.30hrs..
- In the b'ment. HN. near to the Ch. style vases cubicles #1-#3. were occupied so I went-IN to #5. and saw that there was a spy-hole with #4.
- After a while #2. was vacated, so I entered. In #3. was the same young man as on my previous visit.
- Then, just after I'd left and was nr. to the elevators a student-looking gp. of two young men and a couple of girls passed by; the taller young man - dk. skinned and a nascent 'tache., not what I'd call either eye-candy or handsome, but a certain & special appeal - smiled at me in that special way, so I followed him back into the HN.. He entered cubicle #4. and motioned to me to join him, wch. I did. After he'd relieved himself it was clearly time for some other relief, wch. I was only too happy to provide. Uncut and initially quite small - but his **** soon swelled-up to about 5"ins. LOA. and with the 'skin. peeling-back to reveal a good & smokable glans - truely a pleasure for both of us!
-- On my leaving the bldg. by the steps 'neath. DUNKIN' DONUTS there was a tall and eminently presentable piece of eye-candy handing-out fliers for one of the pizza places - yummy-yum!
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 6th December 2008, 02:06 AM
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-- Y'day., (05th.), a'noon. - rather than face another tiring rd.-journey from DEMOCRACY MON'T. back to Tnn. S'wong. I took the river ferry from THA TIEN PIER,(N8.), - fare 14.Bh. - to CENTRAL PIER at SAPHAN TAKSIN.

- co-ords.: roughly 100-30-55.41.E.x13-43-10.05N.;
- ETA.: just after 15hrs.;
- The hawng nahm was Nothing To Report; so I went-off to the PRINCE CINEMA, (qv.), wch. is a little nearer to Tnn. Si Lom and on the other side of the rd..

-- I ret'd. around 17.hrs. and found cubicle #2.,(a 'squatter'.), unoccupied.
- Almost immediately after another man, possibly in late 30s.? - went-IN to cubicle #1. He shewed what he has - uncut and of a good size for a TH. - and soon after dropped to his knees and offered himself for sm*k*ng under the partition. He withdrew, removed shoes, socks, jeans & u'pants. and thrust his whole LOWER body underneath so that I could sm*k* him the better, wch. I proceeded to do with gusto! I noticed that the occupant of cubicle #3. was using a looking-glass the better to observe us.
-- After a while another young man went-IN to cubicle #3., looked through the spy-hole at me but didn't shew himself.
- He left, but only moments later put his sandaled foot under the door , so I let him IN.
- A young man - just a bit on the plump side - who dropped his trousers and u'pants. for my att'n.: uncut, not too long but good & thick for sm*k*ng. In the meantime the man who was originally in cubicle #1. ret'd. and proceeded to m'bate.. The young man proposed that that man should join us in a threesome - but I demured: a touch too risky. I sm*k*d that young man to the innevitable result. No money was asked. Even although we could hear other men in the HN. the young man left quite unconcerned.
- Deciding that I'd stayed there quite long enough - about an hr. or MORE - I left in my turn.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 9th December 2008, 09:16 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

any news on the cruising prospect of lumpini park
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Old 9th December 2008, 06:55 PM
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Posts: 136

I haven't cruised there for a while. But the last time I was there at night, there were lights everywhere. There is still take-out near the amphitheater. But I didn't see many dark areas where you could safely play. There is a motel over on Ruam Rudee. So privacy isn't far away.
My Mouth Is Your Cum Receptacle...
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Old 9th December 2008, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by orson View Post
any news on the cruising prospect of Lumpini Park?
Originally Posted by orson View Post
-- I was there a few days ago - my advice is not to try anything that might be compromising therein! A Y O R!
- It is well-lit, (better than many of BKK's. main streets.);
- Most of the u'growth. has ben cut-away and removed;
- The Park's Sec.Gds. are on 'cyle. and foot-patrol - they do know where to go and where to look.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 12th December 2008, 08:54 AM
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-- Y'day., (11th.), en route to my Best Beloved I had some time for cruising -
1.- BIG C - R'DAMRI.;
- 16.oo.-17.20hrs.;
- I've seldom seen that Super-Centre so empty: not just in the hawng nahm but shoppers in general.
- After a fruitless 30mins. or so I retired for a char and a wad, and to recover my fast declining spirits.
- Then time to take-up again the challenge and to resume cruising. Just before deciding to call it quits I looked-in at the GF. HN. and saw a so-so looking man standing at a corner urinal while an older man occupied the centre one to his RT. - so I stood at the older man's RT.. Well - the so-so looking man wasn't so so-so after all; Mother Nature might not have endowed him with good looks, a fine physique or whatever, but - where it matters to many of us - she was far from stingey: uncut, a dk.-skinned shaft, a good 6+ins. LOA. and of a mouth-filling girth. I started salivating at that sight of that masculine member and of its possible pleasures in store!
- After the older man left I moved-over to my LT. and gestured that I'd like to sm*k* him. In reply he held-up four fingers & a thumb - no way would I pay that amt. for a quickie and responded with just two fingers, at wch. he shook his head and zipped-up.
- Neither janitrices nor sec. gds. in any gt. evidence.

- 19.30.-20.30.hrs.;
- Plenty of joggers, but none of any interest;
- Walking past a couple of quite presentable-looking young men sitting-on one of the park-benches one of them asked: 'Where are you going?'. "Walking and looking", I replied, "before going-on to see my tee rak.".
- On the main rd. from the MIN. OF DEFENCE and round to Tnn. Charoen Krung there were no young men cruisnig or waiting-for kerb-crawlers.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 12th December 2008, 07:28 PM
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-- Y'day., (12th.), after the Jim. Thompson's sale in BITEC., I looked-in at LOTUS-TESCO - ON NUT;
- BTS.: On Nut, (E9.),;
- ETA.: 16.30hrs.;
- A few and mainly elderly cruisers; what eye-candy there was prefered to use the cubicles;
- I didn't stay o'long..

-- Next to BIG C - R'DAMRI.;
- ETA.: 18.oo.hrs. or thereabouts;
- A few MORE shoppers than during my previous visit - but by no means busy;
- Not all that much to see in any of the hawng nahm, either;
- Not too much seen of any janitrices and/or sec. gds..

-- Then on to SIAM DISCOVERY CNTR. and up to the hawn nahm on the 6fl.;
- Shock! Horror!! OMG.!!! The inter-cubicle partitions have been extended DOWNWARDS to just about 2ins. above the floor and for about 3ft. fwd. from the back walls.
- I descended to the 4fl., where I espied a young man looking-over the top of the partition discreetly and with evident interest in his neighbor's doings. So I entered the cubicle on the neighbor's other side and looked-over the top: a young and student-type: avg. height and broad shouldered was m'bating.: a good sized & uncut member - well worth sm*k*ing, I thought. However, it was all too evident that the two young men were MORE interested in each other, so after several moments of enjoyment I left them alone to their mutual pleasures.
-- Bibi.. --
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