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-- Today, 01st. mar., (also St. David's Day - patron St. of Wales.), my laptop having failed I went to FORTUNE TOWN - Ratchaphisek rd.;
- dir'ns.: this thread #376.; -- Aso Glory Holes, posting # 04.; -- Although most of the outlets & shops OPEN after 10.hrs. several F&B. outlets are OPEN earlier; - Naturally I had to go and to check-out the hawng nahm on the GF. nr. to KASIKORN BANK - alas & alack, it's CLOSED , being in the hands of the builders & int'l. decorators - During the four hours or so that it took to re-config. my laptop I walked around and checked-out several other HN.; - In the b'ment. the Sports' Store has CLOSED and been replaced by a children's educ'n. cntr. in wch. is a HN. that, for those in such need, is probably as safe as any other one in that bldg.: - dir'ns.: -- In the b'ment. look-for the CIMB. outlet, wch. is by the children's educ'n. cntr.; -- Thence just follow the int'l. & o'head. signs. -- ![]()
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-- Today, 01 mar., having collected my laptop in FORTUNE TOWN I walked along to ROBINSON'S - Ratchadaphisek - not too far away;
- during my couple or so hrs. there amongst other matters I checked-out the three hawng nahm in the b'ment.; - The only one in wch. there was any action was the one in the Food Ct., where a so-so looking young man was shewing; I stood one away from him and admired what he was holding and playing with in his hands; - Although I judged it safe enough to avail of a cubicle he shook his head. -- Walking-around I saw but one other piece of eye-candy, but he was with his rather disgruntled looking parents: ![]() - I lunched. in S&P., where several of their waiters, especially a couple who are under probation still, (one quite heftily built and the other of slighter build.), looked to be both interesting & interested. -- ![]()
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asI noted beforethe renovated Big BigC Ratjdamri/oppositeWorld Trade is reopened,withoutmuch publicity.Manyof the inner small shops are still under works.The BigC isopen as is their foodcourton4th fl. This is completely revamped and now has a kind of pool-not for swimming,nor fishing,but as decoration. Youi can sit aroundit and that seems bound for ameeting place.The toilets have also been redone,the pissoirs (on that floor) are nowin another alley beyond the cubicles andthus more''private''Wonderwho got that excellent design idea.
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-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend went to SCB. PARK. today, 06 mar. -
- Google earth co-ords.: for whatever reason my Google earth is not shewing any co-ords.; however, by going-back into this particular thread, #209. & #503., the Google earth co-ords. are roughly: 100-33-36.E.x13-49-48.N.; - dir'ns.: 1.- From Mo Chit, (N8.), BTS./Chatuchak MRT. - - walk NE. - away from BKK's. centre and with CHATUCHAK PK. on yr. LHS., along Phahon Yothin rd. for approx. 1,200.yds. and then take the LEFT slip-rd. - wch. connects to the Viphavadi-Rangsit rd. wch. has an o'hd. ExpressWay - and walk for a farther 1.5M. until you come-to a spaghetti-junc.; turn RIGHT and you'll see SCB. PK., behind a metal hoarding, wch. has access openings in it, on yr. RHS.; 2.- From MRT.Phahon Yothin - - take exit #4. - TESCO-LOTUS - and walk-out of the stn. towards Phahon Yothin rd. - as though going to CRUISING SAUNA I., (SAUNA RPT. #184.), - at P. Yothin rd. turn RIGHT and walk for approx. 1.5M. until you'll see a flyover ahead; turn LEFT and walk for approx. 1,000.yds. ; SCB. PK. will be on yr. LHS.. -- CRUISING SAUNA I's. Business Card has a map of its vicinity on it - SCB. PARK is shewn thereon. For those who haven't obtained such card the go to: >http://www.cruisingsauna.com < scroll-DOWN to a tab of three or four marked Cruising Sauna, LEFT click once on this tab and on the new drop-down menu you'll see 'Map.' - LEFT click on Map and the same picture will be shewn. - NB.: I've given approx. distances in either Miles or yds., but I darewrite that most would prefer to take other tpt. than Shanks' pony! -- ETA.: Approx. 06.oo.hrs.; - Quite a few young men walking & looking, but none was interested in him, (possibly their loss as he has an app't. nearby?),. - By 06.30.hrs. they'd all left. -- E&OE. as reported speech. -- ![]()
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-- My Elderly, Well-dressed & American Acquaintance has rented a small studio nr. to VICTORY MON'T. for the six months or so that he's o'wintering. here in BKK.;
- Several mornings a week he goes jogging earlyish in PEACE PARK.; - Google earth co-ords.: For whatever reason my Google earth is not shewing any co-ords.; - dir'ns.: From VICTORY MON'T. walk ESE. along Ratcha Withi rd., (that is the same side of VM. as the SkyTrain curves around.), for approx. 450.yds. : PEACE PK., wch, is quite small, lies on yr. RHS. between R'withi. & Rang nam rds.; - He's mentioned that there are a couple of Unis. in the vicinity and that he's found it a good place to meet students. -- E&OE. as reported speech. -- ![]()
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-- Today, 06 mar., I visited THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan.;
- ETA./ETD.: approx.14.oo.-18.30.hrs.; - I can confirm that the most profitable hawng nahms for cruising are on the 6fl.; 1.- Nr. to MANGPONG DVD. STORE - for shewing while at the pissoirs; 2.- Nr. to PKPLAZA.COM clothing outlet for inter-cubicle pleasuring. While there one man in an adjacent cubicle wanted me to slither under the partition - but with just a 5". gap a bit tight for this TOF.. I played with & smoked - and enjoyed them vice-versa - a couple of younger men, obviously with care & with discretion, of course! -- I paid 80.Bh. and sat for some time on the 7fl. looking-out at and around the swimming pool - plenty of youngsters but not a place for obvious pick-ups. -- ![]()
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- Well, I guess that I am not the expert on this; I visit PATTAYA but seldom and spend most of the days at DONGTAN BEACH. - Possibly some other Gentle Reader would be of MORE and of better assistance? -- ![]()
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19-21 mar. 2010.. - SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, (BTS.: Sala Daeng, [S2.],) - Annual shut-down.. - I've been given to u'stand., by one of the shop-keepers in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, that this year, 2011., SILCOM. will not be having an annual shut-down in march; - Instead it will CLOSE for approx. six months WEF. nov. '11. - this being the end of the current 30 years' lease period. I did venture to suggest that CLOSING right at the start of the new Tourist-season didn't seem to make much commerical sense to this particular farang - but then realised that I was guilty of 'Farang think.' - the 2nd. most heinous crime on the Thai Statute Books! - It's been noised-around that after SILCOM's. future RE-OPENING shop-owners who have decided to remain therein will find their rents INCREASED by UP to 100%.! - Quite what effect this may have on cruising there remains to be seen: I ha me doots: ![]() -- ;-(
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SANSUK GH. & SAUNA., - addr.: Thrappaya rd., soi 11, moo 10., Nong prue, Banglamung, CHONBURI, 20260.; - tel.: (038)-36-43-55.; - web: > Sansuk Gay Sauna & Guesthouse, Pattaya, Thailand < -- From memory SANSUK is sign-posted on & from Thrappaya rd.; - From memory the sauna OPENS after 15.30.hrs. daily. -- ![]()
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Seriously, I wonder how much it costs for all that water wasted on the automatic-flush urinals, and all the toilet paper some Thai guys use to dry their hands (sometimes I stare in amazement at how much a Thai will unroll). Also, I never understood the attraction of toilet paper for drying hands.
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-- I agree, that's 100%. for sure. Wiping one's hands on the seat of one's pants is much better - and think of all the trees that saves, too! ![]() -- ![]()
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