yes, thanks for your response-most of it I knew-and the times are moreorless same-same too i went. Also along the orad beside watPo/Royal palce-if you walk back to Snm Luang-are always cluetrs of boys-mainly awaiting cars passing by. also on the other side=Klong Lot, all along it and on the bridges are some clusters-also all along the various busstops, like nr 2 or 60. I once got proposed on an really sunday morning-7.30 or so-when by chance I boarded the wrong bus and got out there to find the right one.
if you walk there from Rachdamnen you first have to fend your way via groups of elderly ladies for hire-more as once i was told it could be done//short time'' for 200-after they had finished up cleaning their foodstalls...then that 500 does not sound so cheap anymore, nah?The 100 bt short-time HTL is the PALACE-just beyond the Mixman sauna-off from Rachdamnern-hidden behind the Royal HTL. It also has groups of elder ladies (and some younger) greeting you at the entrance (=along the canal between the 7 near Snm Luang and the Dinso Road. There is reportedly also a short-time better equipped HTL just over the Pinklao bridge near the PATA-is said to show gay por-thats just 1 stop by bus or a 3/40 bt tuktuk I dont think the ''dangers'are so big there-'though there was 1 reported murder by a moneyboy of a customer-the BKKpost then (at least 3-4 yrs ago by now) told it was after 3-4 times of underpaying 300 in lieu of the accorded 500-for the ''full works''. It seems you are slowly getting more daring there in BKK, hot, nah?
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-- Y'day., (29th.), evening - after my massage with Khun Gai & his friend Tum - I went to LUMPINI PK..
- ETA.: soon after 20.hrs.. - As I was entering I encountered some YM. going-out; our eyes met, but having only 20.Bh. I waved him a "Good bye.". - However, he must have had other ideas for, by faster walking & cutting corners, he caught-up with me and motioned me to follow him, wch. I did, to the shady bank of one of the lakes. - His English is as sketchy as my Thai; however after a while of v. ltd. conversation he must have liked what he saw for he got-up, as did I, and we went to and sat-down at one of the many picnic places from where we had a good & all-around view. - He unzipped his jeans and invited my fingers to explore: v. much a std. sized Th-boi issue. He pulled-out his cell-'phone. and shewed me pictures of himself being smoked by a piece of eye-candy before the latter offered him the Final Favor; looking-at them, plus my hand-job, proved to be sufficient for what he wanted. -- After he'd adjusted his dress and left I walked-around, sat-down and was joined by Khun Thon, the masseur from KHUN MASSAGE whom I met previously and who confirmed its loc'n. as being in Tnn. S'vit. 13. - BTS.: Nana, (E3.),. - Like many another in that profession he complained of a lack of customers and has decided to look-around and to seek pastures new for his talents. -- After the PK. had CLOSED I looked-in at TOPS hawng nahn, wch. was NTR.. - Walking-along Tnn. Rama IV. I was smiled-at invitingly by several Thai-boyz and approached by a couple of them. -- Bibi.. --
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in that case dear Se-le Khun is most likely a straight place with many more ladies sitting outside as i can remember-in a bandnew building just opposite from the Ambassador hotel. Comparable to Lisa, CasaNOva etc around Silom.
I googles it to try out-and google gave it as Khun Mai massage=the official name for the Wat Po massage school-so at first I though it might just be his explanation of having some ''diploma'' from there.
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-- Khun Pong, - You may well be correct about KHUN MASSAGE; although there was an hint offered that M2M. massage there was not unknown. - Maybe I'll take a walk in that dir'n. one day and let y'all know? -- Bibi. --
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-- Is that the same bldg. as the almost deserted HI-FI BLDG. that's a blk. back from R'damri. rd., at the farther side from the ARNOMA HTL. and that can be reached from the BIG C entce/exit. nr. to the latter's elevators? - I've looked-in there a cpl. of times - the hawng nahms are on the 5fl. - and have noted a fem. Sec. Gd. walking-around in the gen'l. area. -- Bibi. --
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Hi Sextile,
exiting Big C as you mention: cross the in/out driveway along the building through a no mans land narrow strip: you are then behind the demolished building along Big C: then there are lots of parking lots: the buildings have facilities at ground level: walk slowly as not clearly indicated. Not good for cruising but consuming in private!
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-- Thanx. - I've walked-around the gen'l. area wch. you mention; possibly, being a faster walker than the avg. person, I've missed seeing what a slower walker might spot? -- Bibi. --
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-- Y'day., (01st.), late a'noon. and after my visit to S'vit. 13 I walked leisurely to ALL SEASONS' PLACE. on Wireless rd..
- ETA.: sometime after 17.30hrs.. - None of the hawng nahms that I visited was busy. - However, just before leaving I made one last visit to the one on the 2f. nr. to the optical shop,(mentioned in an earlier posting),. - One of the cubicles was occupied, so I took the adjacent one. After a while a foot was moved cautiously - hint. After withdrawal I saw a YM's. face peering beneaththe partition. - The YM. must have liked what he saw as soon after he knelt down, obvious invitation wch. I accepted. - We moved to the other side where he joined me: uni. stdnt. with an uncut & std. sized issue with a well-developed & cherry-red glans that curved up noticeably. - While we were engaged some other man put his foot 'neath. the door, but we ignored that. - After a satis. conclusion we went-on our separate ways. - 'Vaut le retour.'. -- Bibi. --
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-- Y'day., (02nd.), evening I went to the a/m. PALACE HOTEL: - addr.: 149, Trok Sake, Tnn. Tanao, BKK. 10200.; - loc'n.: approx. one blk. behind ROYAL HTL. (wch. is itself on the cnr. of Tnn. R'damnoen. Klang where it turns LEFThandedly SOUTH alongside SANAM LUANG.).; - co-ords.: roughly: 100-29-52.E.x13-45-22.N.; - tel.: (02)-221 -7215.; - rate: 400.Bh. per diem, did not enquire if it had a 'short time.' rate; - Valuables should be left with Recept'n.; - A no-nonsense and severe-looking Receptioniste on duty; gave me the impression of 'Cash down and no questions asked.'. -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. - Bibi. --
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-- Y'day., (02nd.), evening - after looking-in at the PALACE HTL. - I made my usual passage from the MoD. Bldg. to SARANROM PK..
- ETA.: After 19.hrs.. - Not at all busy that evening; although once a gp. of 3 stdnts., (1 tall and the others avg. build.), strolled-by, looked-at me and then continued on to talk with the Thai man on the next bench. - So it was on my way to join, seeking shelter froma short but sharp rain-storm, my 'Best beloved.' at 21.hrs.. -- Bibi. --
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-- Moving-away from the thread entitled: 'The Pest ... .' but still on the subject of cruising-around SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA*, y'day., (07th.), late a'noon. I took a walk-around hawng nahm LESS visited.
1. - parking areas on 5th., 6th. & 7th. fls. where there are small HN. by the inter-fl. stairs at the EAST or S. Daeng rd. end: 1.1. -5fl.: Nr. pillars 5B. & 5C.; 1.2.- 6fl.: Nr. pillars 6M. & 6R.; 1.3.- 7fl.: Nr. pillar 7M. With the main door OPEN anyone standing o'side. & in th right loc'n. can see what's happening inside by availing of the wall-mtd. looking-glasses - AYOR. as there are the occasional Sec. Gd. on patrol or others outside for smoke-breaks or to speak on their cell-'phones. etc.; 2.- From the 10fl. parking area walk-up the stairs at the oposite or W. end, nr. pillars 10L. & 10N., to the 11fl., (TOP fl. of car-pkg.), outdoors' area. No HN., but possibly some secluded places - again AYOR.. Y'day. noted several cute-lkg. working boyz replacing metal sheeting & cladding on some of the roofs. 3.- There are HN. in the gen'l. area of the OFFICE BLK's. elevators; I took the elevators UP to the 29fl. and looked-in at the HN. there - quiet, so possibly only ayor.? - NB.: In the OFFCE. BLK. not all elevators serve all fls. - some are LOW levels while others are HIGH levels. - For availing of the OB. elevators there seems to be no gen'l. & o'all. Recept'n. area or Sec. Chkg. outside of the individual offices. However, being a farang with an assured air and reasonably smartly dressed should suffice. -* - Tnn. Si Lom, (twds. its E. or Rama IV. rd. end.),; - roughly 100-32-07.E.x13-43-42.N.; - BTS. Sala Daeng, (S2.), direct access, or MRT. Silom, (along short skywalk.),. -- Bibi. --
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-- Y'day., (14th.), a'noon. I escaped from my Best Beloved and from his friends who were celebrating the 2nd. day of Songkran and throwing-around water like it was going out of fashion.
- I walked-around SARANROM PK. looking-out for any discreet places to wch. one could go with a companion; I didn't find any wch. I considered to be really safe, possibly the best area is in the plants' nurseries nr. to the TAKHIANTONG SHRINE, (shewn as 'G' on the pk's. Directory Bd.), but with few if any alternative lines of retreat thence. - During my perigrinations I was joined by a young, and under-age, looking youth whose English is even MORE ltd. than is my Thai. - Lare on I stopped and chatted with a 27YO. man wh alleged that he had a couple of boyz whom he could call to cum and to look-after me. - I noticed several others who were walking & looking.. - The pk. CLOSED early, around 19.30.hrs. that evening. -- I saw but three YM. sitting along Tnn. Sanam Chai awaiting their evening's customers, they didn't seem to have any airs of gt. expectations. -- Bibi. --
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-- On monday, (13th.), and this, (15th.), evenings I sought and found shelter in LUMPINI PK., an haven from the organized chaos that is the Songkran Fest'l. here in BKK..
- Both times I was joined by young men, who hapened to be either 'Walking & looking.' or taking a break from outside. - The Pk's. Sec. Gds. were fairly active patrolling on both foot and 'cycle.. - So much eye-candy - so little time! ![]() -- Bibi. --
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Oh Silom is wild tonight. So may people it was nigh on impossible to get out from the MRT station and all those who could not even walk in Silom were overflowing into Lumpini. It took more than an hour for my bus to travel along Rama 4 from Surawongse to Sathorn.
Now that Thursday and Friday are also public holidays, it looks like the festivities will continue. I have never seen Songkhran celebrated so wildly in Silom in previous years. My Thai friend who got stuck in the middle last night has his shirt torn off him along with most other reasonably cute boys.
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