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Old 31st October 2009, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Taoboxer View Post
... . I have been getting my Thai fun during short weekend jaunts to Hatyai for the last few years and haven't had the chance to come north for a long time now.

-- Khun Taoboxer,
- Thanks for your kind ack..
- As you visit HAT YAI then you'll be just the man to give us all an up-date on the scene there, if you would be so good?
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Old 1st November 2009, 11:01 PM
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-- Y'day., (01st.), a SGPean./Ch. acquaintance and I had tea together in the EREWAN TEA-ROOMS.
- Arriving early, approx. 15.oo.hrs., gave me an opportunity to cruise-around BIG C - R'DAMRI..
- Lttle to report; although in one hawng nahm a couple of attractive young men - but not in the eye-candy league - were making eyes at eachother and then left together to go whithersoever.
- Little signs of either Sec. Gds. or of janitrices at that time.

-- I ret'd. later on, roughly 17.30.hrs., quite quiet & with Ntg. To Rpt..
- Sec. Gds. & janitresses MORE in evidence.
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Old 1st November 2009, 11:08 PM
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-- After my 2nd. visit to BIG C - R'DAMRI. I went to LUMPINI PK., wch. I've not visited for a coon's age; my last visit was so long ago that on this visit I was able to note how the grass was re-growing on most of the olde & familiar trails!
- V. few people jogging.
- However, walking around I chanced to meet a student, who invited me to sit & to talk with him: 22YO. from BURI RAM, studying at R'HAENG. UNI..
- To cut-short a long story he accompanied me back to my app't.; but that's a story that I'll tell you all some other time! ('Spoil-sport, ain't he?' - Printer's devil.),.
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Old 2nd November 2009, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post

-- Khun Taoboxer,
- Thanks for your kind ack..
- As you visit HAT YAI then you'll be just the man to give us all an up-date on the scene there, if you would be so good?
I haven't gone cruising in Hatyai for a long time now, or tried out any of the bars there, as I have mainly found my hookups from various gay dating sites like GayRomeo and Slave4Masters (a Recon site) - and found only guys wo are genuinely in search of fun and friendship. I have never hooked up with a Hatyai or Songkhla moneyboy on the internet yet.

The reason I haven't been looking in any of the gay bars there is that quite simply, none of the ones I used to frequent are around any more. Four years ago, after a frustrating 45 minutes walking around the 2 main streets that make up the town centre, I was informed that their new governor had shifted all the bars to a special red light district some distance away. As I had no idea where it was or how to get there, I decided not to take any chances and went cruising at the train station (a long time last gasp haunt of mine - gay guys on the left through the platform gate near the overhead bridge, gatoeys on the right in the station itself - all after 10.30pm when Robinsons closes). But since then I have made it a point to hook up only via the internet before I left Penang.

I can tell you about the town, however. The situation is quite peaceful in spite of what the newspapers say about bombings in the south - they're talking about the east coast states, while Hatyai is in Songkhla state and towards the west coast. The last bombing in Hatyai was a few years ago and the last "trouble" there was the rail strike during the Redshirt/Yellowshirt protests last year.

Things are expensive by my standards - almost like Bangkok and occasionally more expensive even. I have never paid more than 40 Baht for rice, veggies and meat during lunch at a Bangkok street vendor or coffeeshop but 50 or even 90Baht is closer to what I usually pay for the same amount in Hatyai.

The town is noisy, busy and full of traffic but the people are friendly and you can actually see a few farang families with kids walking around before they head off to Phuket (even more expensive now, from what my friends tell me).

I won't talk about shopping as Bangkok has better variety and more up-to-date selections or sightseeing as any internet search will turn up all you need to know - hatyai shops close by 9pm nowdays anyway, but I will say that hotels are much cheaper than Bangkok, though a 5-star Hatyai hotel is not in the same class as a 3 or 4-star one in Bangkok. Still, if you're not fussy and a clean, comfortable room with air-conditioning and attached bathroom (about 900 Baht) is all you need, then you won't be disappointed. No joiner fees that I know of either except at the JB Hotel. The funny thing is that hotel food is much cheaper in Hatyai than in Bangkok, for some reason.

I hope this helps if any of you are planning to come south.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 4th November 2009, 02:31 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- - However, walking around I chanced to meet a student, who invited me to sit & to talk with him: 22YO. from BURI RAM, studying at R'HAENG. UNI..
- To cut-short a long story he accompanied me back to my app't.; but that's a story that I'll tell you all some other time! ('Spoil-sport, ain't he?' - Printer's devil.),.
Tell, tell. I've heard that guys from Buriram are the best endowed in the kingdom. Is it true?
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Old 4th November 2009, 05:06 AM
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Originally Posted by faranginbkk View Post
Tell, tell. I've heard that guys from Buriram are the best endowed in the kingdom. Is it true?

1.- Curiosity killed the cat;
2.- There are exceptions to every rule!
- Satisfied?
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Old 23rd November 2009, 02:56 AM
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-- Y'day., (22nd.) was in BIG C - R'DAMRI. from let's write 12.30-14.oo.hrs..
- Little activity from either para-mil'y. Sec. Gds. or from Janitresses.
- Little activity from the few other users.
- 3fl. Hawng nahm was patrolled frequently by 'RAJDAMRI TEAM.' member.
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Old 23rd November 2009, 06:42 AM
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May be this is a new one.

Had the delightful pleasure of going into hawng nahm ground floor of JJ Mall yesterday and having a young man flop out his ample appendage which he proceeded to pump. With more (?) pressing things to attend to I could only stare with envy (?penis) and droool.

The mall has 3 floors with 4 or more HN on each floor! They are free (cf 3 baht at other spots) and lightly monitored by janitrices

Of course I was too busy conduction business to check out all.

For those who don't know JJ Mall is adjacent to the Jatujak Market.
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Old 23rd November 2009, 08:38 PM
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I was also at Jatujak on sunday. On the periphery of the actual market there are a few toilets. One has a long trough of urinals that forces you to stand away from the stainless back: gives clear view of the occupant next to you. Some serious showing off was going on. Will return soon. Can't complain with the 3 baht admission fee!!
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Old 3rd December 2009, 06:54 PM
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-- Y'day., (03rd.), a'noon. I went to JJ. MALL; taking the MRT. from SAM YAN, (approx. 30mins.), and walking some 750yds. from MRT. KAMPHAENG PHET, (exit 1.),.
- ETA.: approx. 15.hrs..
- The modern-looking JJ. MALL is on 3 floors, each one identical as far as the loc'ns. of the four Hawng nahm as far as I could judge. There are floor-plans shewing one the layouts on each floor - HNs. are indicated and there the usual & int'l. signs also.
- In the HNs. cubicles there are no toilet-tissue dispensers, (tissue is avail. from machines outside.); the partitions do not extend DOWN to the floor and are approx. 6'08". high; sofar there are no extension pieces upwards.
- There are soap-dispensers but neither HOT-air blowers nor paper hand-towels' dispenses.
- Home-sick Americans might be pleased to know that there's a branch/franchise of BUD'S, of SF., ICE-CREAM PARLOR on 1fl.; also BLACK CANYON COFFEE and CHESTER'S COFFEE & GRILL there; PLUS a food ct. and plenty of local food & beverage stalls.
- Talking with a French stall-holder who told me that sats. & suns. would be much busier.
- Plenty of Sec. Gds. in the main & shopping area but I saw none in the HN.; janitresses few & far between.
- It wasn't until after 18hrs., in WC16., that anything happened - some young man invited me to join him in a cubicle and then smoked me most expertly, after wch. I reciprocated. No money exchanged hands.
- After wch. I left, walking to BTS. MO CHIT, (N8.), some 1,000.yds.
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Old 3rd December 2009, 07:02 PM
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-- Y'day., (03rd.), evening I looked-in at BIG C - R'DAMRI..
- ETA. roughly 19.hrs.. and stayed just over an hr..
- Little activity, although in one Hawng Nahm I saw a couple of young men playing with eachother until one of them achieved what he wanted. The other, a slighly built youth, was well-enough endowed.
- Para-mil'y. Sec. Gds. quite active and janitresses fairly busy cleaning-up towards the end of the day.
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Old 4th December 2009, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Y'day., (03rd.), a'noon. I went to JJ. MALL; taking the MRT. from SAM YAN, (approx. 30mins.), and walking some 750yds. from MRT. KAMPHAENG PHET, (exit 1.),.
- ETA.: approx. 15.hrs..
- The modern-looking JJ. MALL is on 3 floors, each one identical as far as the loc'ns. of the four Hawng nahm as far as I could judge. There are floor-plans shewing one the layouts on each floor - HNs. are indicated and there the usual & int'l. signs also.
- In the HNs. cubicles there are no toilet-tissue dispensers, (tissue is avail. from machines outside.); the partitions do not extend DOWN to the floor and are approx. 6'08". high; sofar there are no extension pieces upwards.
- There are soap-dispensers but neither HOT-air blowers nor paper hand-towels' dispenses.
- Home-sick Americans might be pleased to know that there's a branch/franchise of BUD'S, of SF., ICE-CREAM PARLOR on 1fl.; also BLACK CANYON COFFEE and CHESTER'S COFFEE & GRILL there; PLUS a food ct. and plenty of local food & beverage stalls.
- Talking with a French stall-holder who told me that sats. & suns. would be much busier.
- Plenty of Sec. Gds. in the main & shopping area but I saw none in the HN.; janitresses few & far between.
- It wasn't until after 18hrs., in WC16., that anything happened - some young man invited me to join him in a cubicle and then smoked me most expertly, after wch. I reciprocated. No money exchanged hands.
- After wch. I left, walking to BTS. MO CHIT, (N8.), some 1,000.yds.
Well done Kuhn Sextile! A great report. Looks as though later is the go.
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Old 4th December 2009, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by holsteiner View Post
I was also at Jatujak on sunday. ... . Can't complain with the 3 baht admission fee!!

-- Looking-at my copy of Bangkok City Atlas - ISBN.: 9-789749-440780 - wch. has a plan of CHATUCHACK MKT. I see that there are quite a few hawng nahms. On the periphery I see HNs. near to sois 38., 49., 52. & 56. - sections 2 to 5..
- Further dir'ns. would be appreciated.
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Old 6th December 2009, 11:54 PM
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SILOM COMPLEX - Sec. Gds. advisory!

-- In SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, (by BTS.Sala Daeng, [S2.],), the Sec. Gds. used to be readily indentifiable by their uniforms: white shirts, with gold bars on blue & slip-on epaulettes, over dk. blue trousers with a couple of gold stripes on each leg. Additionally and occasionally one was warned of their aproach by the chatter on their walkie-talkies.

-- But no longer.
- For the past few days at least one, tallest, tanned & hawkish-looking face has been in plain clothes: white shirt with bk. neck-tie, and an ID. hanging-down fron LEFT breast pkt., over dk. blue trousers; no walkie-talkie that I heard or saw.

-- Possibly, with the start of the Tourist Season, the Sec. Gds. are trying a plain clothes approach to deter the mainly farang cruisers who are seeming to become MORE plentiful these days?
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Old 8th December 2009, 11:12 PM
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-- Y'day., (08th.), a'noon., and having things to do in the R'Prasong area, I looked-in at BIG C - R'damri..
-- ETA.1.- 15.30.hrs.;
- Not at all busy, apart from 1 youngish man shewing himself in the gf.fl. hawng nahm;
- Janitresses & Sec. Gds. not present too obviously.
-- ETA.2. - 17.30.hrs.;
- As above, apart from a couple of young men shewing themselves to eachother in the 5fl. hawg nahm;
- Sec. Gds.: Para-mil'y. & R'damri. Team MORE in attendance.

-- Noted that both times that I was in the 5fl. HN. a Sec. Gd. - short & squat build, dk. skin, frog-like face with bk. hair brushed straight back, wearing thick & horn-rimmed glasses with silvery metal sides; wearing dk. bl. jkt. & trous. & a red walkie-talkie in right hip-pkt. - appeared; whether by chance or from watching the CCTV. system I don't know?

-- CENTRALWORLD, (incl. ZEN & ISETANN.), plenty of people walking-around but nothing in any of the HN. visited.
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