----- BANGNA - -- Today, (09th.), a'noon. I visited both CENTRAL CITY - Bangna. and BIG C. - Bangna.; - I detrained at On Nut, (BTS.: E9.), and after looking-in at LOTUS TESCO - S'vit 50., took a 'bus. out to BANGNA; - 'bus. #./fare/time: #38., 08.Bh., approx. 20mins.; - The 'bus. sets-down at CENTRAL CITY - Bangna, so I cruised-around there first of all, (from approx. 15.oo.-16.20.hrs.),. V. much a families' day-out, such young men as there were seemed to prefer to walk-around in gps.; - Hawng nahms not busy - except for the janitresses! - Should one connect with a suitable companion and he is unaware of a nearby & short-time htl. then I'd say that the HN. on the 5fl. by the Karaoke booths would be safe enough - if any such places are really safe! Reasonable size and stout shelves against the back wall. -- Then to BIG C. - Bangna., wch. is near-by and well within walking distance; - ETA.: Around & about 16.30.hrs.; - None of the HN. was busy; - After much 'Walking and looking.' I ret'd. to the HN. that's nr. to the b'ment. car-park, busier that time with a mature man relieving himself and looking-around and a couple of young men who prefered to avail of the cubicles. But basically it was much of a muchness to CENTRAL CITY. Maybe the young men come-out to play during the working week? Probably a return visit would be req'd.? - I left around 18.oo.hrs., and took a #38. 'bus. back to TESCO-LOTUS.. -- At no time did I see Senator Larry. Craig.
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-- Y'day., 21 jan., I went to TESCO-LOTUS - Sukhumvit 50., (BTS. On Nut, [E9.],);
- ETA.: 15.45.hrs., and stayed until roughly 18.oo.hrs.; - I did think of taking a 'bus. onwards to BANGNA*, but looking-at the s-l-o-w moving rd.-tfc. decided that while for RLS. 'To travel hopefully ... .' might have been acceptable it wouldn't have been for this impatient traveller. - I visited both hawng nahms a couple of times each, both times were Nothing To Report; the only person who shewed any interest in my visits was the GF. janitress! ![]() - However, upstairs in the L-T. s'mkt. the young man at one of the check-outs, although facially he has nothing to recommend him and is far from being a piece of eye-candy, is fortunate in that he has a body on wch. his clothes fit to shew it off to advantage, especially his trousers! - As Gen'l. MacArthur said: 'I shall return.'. -- Ref.: This thread posting #502..
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-- Today, 23 jan., I went to SEACON SQUARE., (for details of route, 'bus'. no. etc. see #444.),.
- ETA./ETD.: 14.45.hrs./18.30.hrs.. - There were MORE bits & pieces of eye-candy in the GF., (street level.), hawng nahm at the time of my arrival than for the rest of the a'noon. in all of the other HN.; possibly I should have arr'd. earlier? - Apart from the cubicles' partitions on the GF. for all the other & UPPER floors' cubicles the spy-holes have been stopped-up.
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dear sexy-wait till that BTS has been extended further, promised when they have enough of thr Chinese new cars-then yoiu can at least go to the see-yaek-crossing at Bangna.
After my visits to K-male in the bangKhen area I went to the nearby tescoLotus (Phahonyotin road, just north of the Laksi-memorial roundabout, toward Sapan Mai. Last time in the foodcourt, while eating my rice, was heavily cruised by an attractive guy who for the purpose sat himself at a table just across for good sighting. Turned out as a worker at Don Muang, speaking good english and readily admitting his purpose. So I told him what I had just had for pleasure an hour or so ago. After that in the loo a worker at some shop in the store just left, but then waited for me to some out of the stalls and heavily winked and smiled. Wished him good luck. Cannot say if that is specific an all-time extra of this place (TL is not mentioned that often re that). Anyway, due to nearby airforce there are often good loking airforce staff wearing their darkgreen Ts and showing off.
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Maybe for anyone having too much time on hand or wanting to check some undiscovered BigC: the saakhaa halfway on lardPrao rd (between the Chatuchak and Bangkapi-all Lprao buses pass, like 8,44,96,145,137,514 etc.) is in a former Imperial deptmt. store. There are 2 foodcourts in the basement, 1 from Big C-awful bad and half closed and another bigger private one. there are also Jezzer and 13Coins steakhouses ground floor. Numerous massageshops at low prices on floors 2-3-4, but most seememd staffed by ladies only. A cinema on the highest floor. BUT; the red shirts also have their HQs here on some partly deserted floor up, incl. a red coffeestall, where todays truth will likely be unveiled.
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-- As far as I can see from a brief trawl through search-engine Google what is called now PARADISE PARK. is the former SERI CENTER., wch. is nigh on next door to SEACON SQUARE*;
- loc'n.: Srinakharin rd., Khet Prawet. - Co-ords. are roughly: 100-38-52.Ex13-41-16.N., (Google Earth.),. - I've not visited for a long time but have included it in my 'Places to visit one of these days.'. - It's not far away, either, from RAMA IX. PARK**. ![]() -* This thread #291. & #518.; -** This thread # 291..
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-- Today, (27 jan.), breaking-away from 'The daily round and common task.' that the Si Lom area offers I took a 'bus. from the BKK. XTN. HOSP'L. to CENTRAL - RAMA II.:
- #76., 18.Bh., approx. 45.mins.; -- Google earth co-ords.: roughly 100-26-21.E.x 13-39-49.N.. -- Of the two Big C., wch. is directly opp. to CENTRAL - they are connected by a pedestrian bridge - lived-up to BIG C's. gen'l. reputation of being both the busier and the cruisier, especially after 17.30.hrs.; of the various hawng nahm that on the 2fl., (US. styling.), was the busiest! - Twice I had a mature male in the adjacent cubicle kneel-down at the partition; but having seen them both earlier on I wasn't inclined for any action. - However, after the usual intro., a piece of eye-candy wanted to make himself better known to me - and awaited my joining him at the stalls: better than avg. and with a well-developed hua-kuai. But apart from a mutual & quick feel that was all between us. ![]()
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-- Comparing my copy of the 'BKK.City Atlas.' - 5th. edn.; ISBN.:9-789749-440780.; 250.Bh. - and Google earth I reckon that the T-L's. co-ords. are roughly: 100-35-60.E.x13-52-46.N.. - According to my copy of BKK. BUS MAP.; Roadway Southern E5.; ISBN.: 9-789745-250451; price 69.Bh., the flg. 'buses., all from VICT'Y. MON'T., (BTS. N3.), pass-by: #34., #39. & #503.; there may well be others? -- On foot from K-MALE CLUB I reckon that it's approx. 1M. - not far for what might seem promising! ![]()
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