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Old 27th January 2011, 07:58 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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IMPERIAL WORLD - Lat Phrao rd. ...

Originally Posted by pong View Post
Maybe for anyone having too much time on hand ... is in a former Imperial deptmt. store. ... .

-- IMPERIAL WORLD - Lat Phrao rd.* lies between Lat Phrao sois 81. & 83., and approx. 700.yds. SE. of the Pradit Manitham rd. & ExpressWay Flyover;
- Google earth's co-ords. are roughly: 100-36-54.E.x13-47-01.N..

-- Quite a long time ago - after visiting THE CRYSTAL** - several times I cruised in the BIG C., nr. to IMPL. WORLD - Lad Phrao rd.; from memory all times were NTR., (Nothing To Report.),.
- Possibly, in view of Khun Pong's posting those places are worth revisiting.
- Although, alas and alack, it's not too much time in my hands but rather a lack of something else!

--* Not to be confused with IMP'L. WORLD - Sam Rong., (this thread posting #214.),;
--** Cruising Crystal Center - last posting on 15 sep 08..
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Old 30th January 2011, 06:28 AM
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Cruising: C'chak., jj. Mall & vict. Mon't..

-- Today, 30 jan., a'noon. I decided to revisit some olde stamping grounds:
-- My Enthusiastic & American Friend recommended an hawng nahm in the gen'l. area of CHATUCHAK MKT's. main street wch. has three rows of stainless steel urinals - but he was no more specific than that. Wondering if that's the same hawng nahm as that mentioned by Khun H'steiner. in posting #324.?
- ETA. approx. 15.hrs.;
- Despite walking hither and thither, and looking-at various maps for any guidance, I spied no signs of that particular HN.; so decided that enough was enough;
-- Then to JJ. MALL.;
- ETA. approx. 16.hrs.;
- A goodly number of shoppers but hawng nahm were all NTR.;
-- Finally to VICTORY MONUMENT.;
- ETA.: approx. 19.hrs.;
- HN. busy but no-one displaying his assets or shewing any interest in others.
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Old 1st February 2011, 06:32 AM
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CHULA.UNI. - Main library ...

-- My Elderly, Frequently visiting & American Friend told me that his friend, a genuine gnome from Zurich, recommended CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY's Main Library, reportedly he goes there many days during his visits to BKK., although with what success was not said!

-- I went thither today, 01 feb., a'noon.;
- Dirn's.: From Rama IV. rd., (gen'l. area of MRT. Sam Yan.), walk along Phaya thai rd., (CHAMCHURI SQ. will be on yr. RHS.),;
- At the 2nd. pedestrian bridge cross-over Phaya thai rd.; you will be within a v. short distance of an ent'ce. to CHULA. UNI.;
- Walk-in - no worries about being stopped and having to shew any pass - when you come-to Bldg.#4., CHULA. UNI. DEMONSTRATION ELEM. SCH., (LHS.), you'll see a car-park - one of many, on yr. RHS. - beyond wch. you'll see a white , concrete & seven story bldg.: #14., CNTR. OF ACAD. RESOURCES, whose main ent'ce. is up two flights of steps with green handrails;
- I ventured inside, and having looked-around on the 1fl. returned to the b'ment. cafe., (on side of bldg. facing car-park & Bldg.#4..
- The small cafe - it's approx. 18x25ft.! - was v. quiet with just a few customers; I enjoyed a brownie & a cup of coffee for just 20.Bh.!

-- NB.: Bldg. numbers are those found on bi-lingual maps located at various places on the Uni's grounds.
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Old 1st February 2011, 06:39 AM
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Chamchuri sq. ...

-- Today, 01 feb., after my visit to CHULA. UNI's. Library I went to CHAMCHURI SQUARE*, whither I've not been for quite some time;
- ETA.: approx. 17.15.hrs.;
- Plenty of students and eye-candy!
- I walked-around and looked-in at various shops & hawng nahm during the couple of hrs. that I was there; but did not succeed in making any useful contacts, either by eye or a la Senator Larry. Craig!
- I'd be prepared to write that it might be MORE fruitful than SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, wch. - to my mind - has become rather played-out.

-* Rama IV. rd. by MRT. Sam Yan.
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Old 1st February 2011, 11:48 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325
Chulalongkorn's Main Library

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
recommended CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY's Main Library. . . . I went thither today, 01 feb., a'noon.;
Well, I am surprised my dear Sextile, for there's no mention that you even located the associated hawng nam

I hope your standards of sleuthing are not slipping
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Old 1st February 2011, 03:31 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Today, 01 feb., after my visit to CHULA. UNI's. Library I went to CHAMCHURI SQUARE*, whither I've not been for quite some time;
- ETA.: approx. 17.15.hrs.;
- Plenty of students and eye-candy!
- I walked-around and looked-in at various shops & hawng nahm during the couple of hrs. that I was there; but did not succeed in making any useful contacts, either by eye or a la Senator Larry. Craig!
- I'd be prepared to write that it might be MORE fruitful than SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, wch. - to my mind - has become rather played-out.

-* Rama IV. rd. by MRT. Sam Yan.
I cruised this mall two different times on my last trip at the end of December/beginning of January--and it was a total waste. The cleaning women are always around, and nobody seemed to be cruising anyway. It's mostly a place where groups of students go to eat. I also cruised the place several times at the end of June 2010 and it likewise was a total waste. They also have a lot of uniformed security guys walking around.

I still think Silom Complex is okay. The problem is the people who just get a high out of just standing at urinals, and don't do anything else (i.e., actually connect and go somewhere for sex). They go from floor to floor and just do the same thing--never actually connecting (but continually standing next to the same people, also going from floor to floor). They sneer at any attempt to actually connect. These people attract attention from Security, which has cracked down. I've met a lot of really hot young (money) guys accidentally just randomly walking around in Silom C. (they were actually looking for someone to connect with--but were not in the restrooms)--always by eye contact.
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Old 1st February 2011, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Well, I am surprised my dear Sextile, for there's no mention that you even located the associated hawng nam. ... .

-- Khun Sloot,
- I didn't go to CHULA. UNI. with any particular hawng nahm in mind, as my first visit it was more of a recce. or look-see.
- Possibly you have in mind my earlier visit to JATUJAK MKT.? :-)
- Here's hoping that Khun Holsteiner, who visited sometime previously, will direct my uncertain footsteps - hint! Hint!!
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Old 2nd February 2011, 04:46 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 2

Anyone ever try cruising at Union or central mall Ladprao? I'm just wondering if those places are any good.
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Old 2nd February 2011, 04:56 AM
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Cruising Crystal Center

If this is the crystal design centre (CDC) its worth an update - they just opened an extension with lots of small shops and lots of small restrooms . I went once last week very busy on weekend with trendy fashion boys. Dono yet abt the cruising yet
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Old 3rd February 2011, 06:54 AM
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MAX VALUE - Chaeng Wattana ...

-- Today, 03 feb., before & after visiting K-MALE CLUB I went-to MAX VALUE S'MKT. - Chaeng Wattana.;
- During my two times there I visited the hawng nahm nr. to the Food Ct. thrice; apart from gps. of students & myself there was no-one else visiting and availing of the facilities.
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Old 3rd February 2011, 07:05 AM
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TESCO-LOTUS - Phahon Yothin ...

-- Today, 03 feb., after my post-massage visit to MAX VALUE S'MKT. - Chaeng Wattana, I walked to LOTUS-TESCO - Phahon Yothin rd., Khet Bang Khen., wch. is approx. 1M. away;
- Google earth co-ords.: roughly 100-36-00.E.x13-52-46.N.;
- ETA.: approx. 17.30.hrs.;
- After a doughnut & coffee at DUNKIN' DONUTS I made my 2nd. tour of the hawng nahms. I'd write that on the 1fl., (US.2fl.), the better HN. is nr. to some computer-games' consoles at the opp. end of the bldg. to the Food Ct. as there are some urinals tucked-away out of direct sight.
- At that time there was a mature Thai standing at the corner stall and a younger, but by no means piece of eye-candy, (looked like at some time or other he had a broken nose.), standing next to him and busy playing with himself; I, following my usual custom, stood one away. From time to time the mature man leant across and stimulated the younger man himself until the latter achieved what he wanted.
- At no time did I see any Air-Force personnel; but plenty of shoppers and a good many younger folks.

-- Afterwards I took a #39. 'bus. to Mo Chit; fare 08Bh.. The white & blue #39. also go thither but be advised not the orange & mini-'bus. #39.
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Old 6th February 2011, 06:44 AM
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Paradise park ...

Originally Posted by Asians4me View Post
A friend recently moved to the boondocks and was wondering if anything was going on at Paradise Park. ... .

-- Further to my previous posting, #522. , I visited PARADISE PARK today, 06 feb., a'noon.
- ETA.: approx. 16.30.hrs.;
- Briefly it seemed MORE like a place, or an a'noon., for families & for maturer people;
- Near to most escalators are floor/loc'n. maps wch. are helpful;
- I looked-in at some half-a-dozen hawng nahms, all had a janitress at work. It was only in the GF., (US. 1fl.), HN., nr. to HOME PRO., that I saw one young man worth a second glance; but the janitress' presence did not encourage anything more happening;
- From this one visit I shall be in no great hurry to return.
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Old 6th February 2011, 06:53 AM
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Told ya.
Posted via Mobile Device
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Old 6th February 2011, 06:57 AM
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Seacon square ...

-- Before & after my visit to PARADISE PARK I visited SEACON SQUARE, (prev. posting #518.),;
- Busy with both families and a goodly number of younger folk - some pieces of eye-candy spied, also!
- In the GF., (US. 1fl.), hawng nahm at one time I occupied cubicle #5., (center RHS.), wch. has an hole in each partition: to cubicle #4. is approx. 01.11/16.ins. dia.* & to #6. is approx. dia.. For all of the time that I was there the occupant of #4. had blocked the hole; but once a user of #6. removed the wad and shewed himself -v. dk. brown, almost bk. in color, of avg. size & girth; otherwise NTR..
- I darewrite a MORE fruitful cruising ground than PARADISE PARK.

--* Roughly 5.90.ins. circ'fce.! ;-)
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Old 7th February 2011, 06:41 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

OMG, dear sexytile, you are travelling alot across this big city last week.
As far places: onceagain, I am not much into that style of game. But lately i had some conversation with Thai ad they in unison metioned that the hong nahm on the Vict. Monument were known all across town for it. Sorry-no idea which, as i guess there must be a dozen or so.
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