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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Suck Cinema Update

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Old 12th April 2007, 11:38 AM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 16

To the Prince:
Take a bus, taxi or walk to the beginning of the soi on Charoen Krung that leads to the Shangri La....about a block from Silom/Charoen Krung interesection by State Tower. Standing at the beginning of that soi (Shangri La side) and facing across Charoen Krung towards State Tower, turn right and walk a few meters along Charoen Krung, then cross at the pedestrian crossing. On the other side, turn right and walk slowly. You will pass several shops and a soup restaurant. You will see an opening (kind of a sub-soi) that is painted red and there s an outdoor soup restaurant with tables lining either side at the entrance. Enter here and walk down a few meters to the greenish theater windows with a big 60 painted on them. You are at the Prince.

Hope these directions work...I have ADD and am terrible at giving/following them.
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Old 13th April 2007, 01:23 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

A'damyank. - Yes, ur dir'ns. are adequate enough - for me the land-mark for wch. one should look-out is the photo-shop on the Shangri-la side of the New Charoen Krung rd. wch. has a largish AGFA sign above it; alternatively look-out for a small beauty salon wch. is hard by the covered passageway.

Alternatively one may take the SkyTrain to 'Saphan Taksin.' stn., (S6.), then proceed as follows -
1.- Quit the stn. using the New Charoen Krung rd, (landward.), exit;
2.- On reaching the rd. turn LEFT;
3.- Walk under the Fly-over and cross-over New Charoen Krung rd. as soon as convenient - or the tfc. permits!
4.- Having crossed-over one will continue to walk against the tfc. flow, ie.: away from Saphan Taksin and towards Si Lom rd.;
5.- Pass 'Robinson's.' & 'CentrePoint.' on the LHS.;
6.- Just a few steps beyond on your LHS. look-out for a photo.-shop, in a row of trad.-looking shops, with an AGFA advert.;
7.- STOP!
NB. - If you cross over the next rd.: Tnn. Si Wiang wch. runs-away to the RHS. you've gone too far and need to walk-back about 25yds. or so, (from memory.)?
8.- Opposite this photo.-shop and going-away to your RIGHT is a narrow passage' between the 'PUKKA.' (men's & women's hair-dressing.), Salon and 'JING CHAROENG.' goldsmiths wch. may or may not have tables & chairs set-out within - at the end of wch. you'll see the cinema's box-office with the price of 60Bh. prominently displayed; (immediately passed the psg. is a beauty saloon with a multi-colored barber's pole outside.
NB1. - Maybe you'll see the st. no.: 1391-93.?
NB2. - If visiting that cinema the wise person would take some old newspapers, or similar, upon wch. to sit - unless one wants one's pte. parts encoiled by an errant spring or one to spring-up and to coil-up inside one!
NB3. - I've not visited for sometime, when I was there they were screening American 'B.' detective/police movies badly dubbed in Th.;
NB4. - Don't expect too much in the way of company - more down-mkt. than say the one at Saphan Kwai ! Possibly ayor.?
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Old 14th April 2007, 03:19 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 1

Can someone tell me directions to Phahonyothin Theatre?
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Old 14th April 2007, 04:45 AM
Gany's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 93

- Take the BTS to Saphan Kwai
- Exit direction facing Victory Monument, on the left hand (exit opposite Big C on the other side of the road)
- Walk about 30-50 meter
- Enter the soi on your right hand site. You see the theatre at the end of the soi
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