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Old 17th April 2007, 06:38 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

This a'noon. I went to see where AQUA PAN CLUB is on the ground.
1. - At Chang Nonsi BTS. stn., (S3.), (total walking time approx. 12mins.), -
1.1.- Take exit 2.;
1.2.- Walk with the tfc., (SkyTrain on ur RHS.), along Naradhiwasrajanagarinda rd., climb-up the stairs of the pedestrain o'bridge., cross over the Sathorn dual-carriageway, turn RIGHT & cross over Naradhiwas. rd. and descend;
1.3.- At street-level make a RIGHT-about turn to get-back to South Sathorn, turn LEFT and walk along with the tfc., (the SkyTrain will be on ur RHS.), to Soi 9., into wch. you will turn LEFT.
2.- At SURASAK BTS.stn., (S5.), (total walking time approx 17mins.), -
2.1.- Take exit 4.;
2.2- At street-level make a LEFT-about turn and walk along South Sathorn against the tfc., (the SkyTrain will be on ur LHS.), to Soi 9. into wch. you will turn RIGHT.
3.- Walk-down Soi 9.;
3.1.- Turn RIGHT at the KS. Bldg. and follow the rd. around as it turns LEFTwards in a slow anti-clockwise dirn.;
3.2. On a street-light std. ahead you'll see an AQUA sign with an arrow pointing to your LEFT;
3.3.- Turn LEFT and walk on;
3.4.- After a few more yards you'll see 2 more AQUA signs on street-lts'. stds. on either side of the rd., just beyond wch. you'll
see AQUA in large chrome letters at the ent'ce.,(it is rouglhy opp. to Seangreung Seuksa school.),;
3.5. - You have arrived - well done!

I enquired of the Captain - Khun Lin - for masseur Lowe, but was told that he did NOT work there!
Queries -
1. Did I go to the right massage parlor?
2.- Was Khun Lin telling me the truth?
3.- Is masseur Lowe kept only for long-time customers?
4.- Anyother reason?
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Old 18th April 2007, 02:54 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Fountainhall - was Em the top or bottom?

The fuck show when I was there was certainly impressive, not with Em, but another couple of less cute guys who were at it for about 10 minutes, actually walking round the place, stopping throughout the audience to demonstrate their skills...
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Old 18th April 2007, 05:00 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 196

was Em the top or bottom?
He started out as the top. After a couple of minutes, the third came on stage and Em was the meat in the sandwich. Then Boy #1 peeled off leaving Em to be solidly fucked for ages by #3.
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Old 23rd April 2007, 12:50 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 19

I recommended a friend to go to Aqua and ask for Khun Lowe and met a similar situation as above: mamasan had no idea who Khun Lowe was.

Icon: If you are at Aqua again any time soon, can you verify the masseur's name and if he's still there?
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Old 23rd April 2007, 06:14 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Possibly our farang pronunciation of LOWE wasn't recognised? Maybe the masseur's name should be spoken like LOH, LO or similar?
If masseur Lowe has quit then it would have been helpful were the Captain to have told me that - but "TIT.", as we say. Could it be that 'Aqua.' isn't really in need of new customers - low season or not? There are plenty of other places, I believe?
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Old 23rd April 2007, 08:09 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

It's pronounced "Lowe" as in "Rob Lowe", with a falling tone. In Thai:


็ำOr, just say the guy from Ubon Ratchathani with the biggest cock in the joint.
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Old 25th April 2007, 02:56 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 272

i wonder for places like there is no formal "mamasan" like arena, where it is actually just one of the massage boys that will be temporarily incharge, will you still get an honest answer of "who has the biggest cock in this place"?
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Old 26th April 2007, 07:36 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 19

In Thailand everything is "buyer beware". Doesn't matter whether mamasan, captain, owner, bar boy or tuk tuk driver!!!
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