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Old 9th November 2007, 04:16 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 184

Until my last visit I had always assumed Silom massage was the one place in that area where nothing happened and would therefore often be my starting point on a wet Sunday afternoon. But last time got a hand job and a grope.

Went to Golden Cock last night, only two boys downstairs. Another 4 were upstairs with one customer. Had always been to the same upstairs room before - but went to the other one and quite clean etc with shower etc.

Then tried Prime. Impressed with cleanliness of the place - showers etc. For some reason after climbing 4 flights of stairs they put me in a room next to one already in use (with mb phone etc). At 11pm can not think it can have been that full. Had probably the worst massage for a long time - all disjointed and not relaxing. Boy seemed to have no interest in extra activities until right at the end used hand signals to say Bht500 for hand job. Declined.

Then went onto Surawong to Tarntawan massage (many years ago went when it seemed more inside the hotel - now on the street). Had an enthusiastic "Toy" who stripped down to his underpants at the beginning, did give a very good massage and extras at the end. A good cure for my jet lag and had a very good sleep that night.
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Old 9th November 2007, 06:01 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally posted by hcmpp
... .
Then tried Prime. Impressed with cleanliness of the place - showers etc. For some reason after climbing 4 flights of stairs they put me in a room next to one already in use (with mb phone etc). At 11pm can not think it can have been that full. Had probably the worst massage for a long time - all disjointed and not relaxing. Boy seemed to have no interest in extra activities until right at the end used hand signals to say Bht500 for hand job. Declined.
... .
-- I wasn't all that charmed with my masseur's performance at 'PRIME.' either, but allowed that it's still fairly new, masseur might not be all that experienced and that it was my first visit there.
-- bibi..
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Old 12th November 2007, 10:45 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day. evening, (12th.), before going to 'INDRA MASSAGE.', as usual, I resolved not to take any pills and/or tablets but just allow events and Nature to take their course.
- I arr'd. at about 21hrs. and was assigned Khun Kid: 20YO. from I-San; speaks little English; tall & pleasant looking; body tattooed - but not overly so.
- Before starting I asked him to remove his masseur's trousers and shirt; but maybe he misu'stood. me as he just rolled-up his trousers.
- A generally fair enough massage, plenty of att'n. to my back; occasionally his fingers brushed along those places that others' fingers don't usually reach.
- Turning over I asked him to undress, wch. he did - but only as far as some very loose shorts wch. presented few obstacles to my searching fingers, wch. soon discovered the usual TH. boi std. issue.
- His fingers suggested what he wanted, so off came his shorts and then I offered him the 'Final Favor.'; but 'Ognib!', his ****, wch. had been strong enough before the Condom was applied, suffered a loss of BP. and prolonged massage couldn't repair the sitn.; but eventually he achieved an 'Happy Ending.' - stg. that I didn't, and didn't worry about unnecessarily.
- Afterwards we enjoyed a shower together, during wch. he told me that he likes to kiss and to be kissed: both orally and nipples and he likes to smoke and to be smoked, so I was pleased to gratify his likes, and much to my pleasure, too! But he will not offer the Final Favor.
- Downstairs, I was informed that my last week's masseur, Khun Rahn, had left and moved to elsewhere.
-- bibi..
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Old 13th November 2007, 02:10 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 184

Sextile - wonder if the boy you refer to as rahn is the one who wrote his name down for me as Run. He starts work there at 7.30pm. I knew hin previously when he was at Starry and had him at Indra twice in last couple of weeks. He has just left to work at Sukhothai Massage. Had a boy there last night whose name forgot to take but he did a full body to body massage with plenty of oil.

Also been back to Tarntawan massage a couple of times to have both Toy and Noi.

AT Apsara a couple of nights ago had a boy who was into absolutely nothing - which just goes to show the hit and miss affair of these types of places.
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Old 13th November 2007, 04:06 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239 are absolutely right about the "hit and miss" in these places.

I went to Tarntawan Massage last Saturday evening. I was assigned to a guy named Peter. He's probably 30 years old. He was well aware of what "could" go on, but began talking immediately about how much tip I was planning to give him. He insisted on THB 1,500 to take his clothes off. I was not in a mood to argue, so I agreed. He wouldn't let me smoke him and preferred to jerk his member himself. He basically didn't even want to touch me at all. He did shoot a nice load on my chest. But, all-in-all, it was NOT worth the cost and the effort needed. I liked Tarntawan, but will not have that particular lad agian.
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Old 13th November 2007, 08:38 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally posted by hcmpp
Sextile - wonder if the boy you refer to as rahn is the one who wrote his name down for me as Run..
... .
-- Hcmpp.,
- You may well be quite correct about about Khun Rahn/Run. While I don't ask the boi to write-down his name in English I do try and repeat it after his telling me, so there may well be differences; but here I'm sure that both of us have ident'ed. the same masseur.
- This 'Hit or miss.' sit'n. does emphasise the need to pass-around the names etc.. of the good, the bad and the ugly as far as local masseurs are concerned - then all of us shall be aware of the bad ones and leave them alone until such time as they'll mend their ways and improve.
- Before going to the massage room I'm in the habit now of asking for the masseur's name; and my Address Book notes both good and bad masseurs for future ref. - not just for myself but for other enquirers.
-- bibi..
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Old 15th November 2007, 06:13 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

I popped into Body Club last evening (Wednesday) at 6.30. There was quite an impressive line-up of available lads (and I noticed that all the massage rooms were occupied on each level we climbed). I told the mamasan my usual requirement: "I want someone with a big cock." He pointed out 5 or 6 lads that he thought would fit that description.

I chose a lad named "That".....or maybe it was "Than" least it was some part of speech.

The massage I got was "passable"....barely. However, the poor lad could NOT get his member hard enough to do anything. (The mamsan was's VERY big....but useless.) After trying and trying, he finally resorted to laying down on the mat and jerking off....FOREVER. I dare say I was NOT his first load of the day, although he was finally able to cum a bit.

This lad was NOT interested in pleasing me at all. As soon as he'd cum, he shot up off the bed and headed into the shower.

My 90 minute massage was over with in 55 minutes....including pre and post showers and waiting patiently for the lad to cum. Also, he seemed quite put out when I gave him "only" THB 1,200...which I though was MORE than generous.

Great place, that....but take a pass on That....or Than...or whatever his name is.
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Old 15th November 2007, 07:24 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally posted by billinbkk
I popped into Body Club last evening (Wednesday) at 6.30. There was quite an impressive line-up of available lads (and I noticed that all the massage rooms were occupied on each level we climbed). I told the mamasan my usual requirement: "I want someone with a big cock." He pointed out 5 or 6 lads that he thought would fit that description.
... .
Also, he seemed quite put out when I gave him "only" THB 1,200...which I though was MORE than generous.
... .
-- Billinbkk.,
- Your comments about 'BODY CLUB.' and the masseur chosen noted. Possibly 18.30hrs. is getting-on a bit in time to expect to have a still 'uncum.' masseur?
- I'd say that your TIPS. of 1,200.oo.Bh. was MORE than generous for the svce. rec'd.!
- Possibly you should ADD the flg. to your requirements: '... and hasn't been with another customer earlier today.'?
-- bibi. --

-- PS.-
- I had thought of visiting 'BODYCLUB.' that very evening, but my 'Piggy Bank.' wasn't so agreeable - another time, perhaps?
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Old 15th November 2007, 11:51 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (15th.), I went to 'BAAN TEWA.', (S. Sathorn 7/1., behind SGP. Embassy.), for my usual 90mins'. oil-massage.
- This time I was assigned to Khun Saeng: 23YO.; from I-San; speaks v. liitle English; wouldn't win a prize at any Beauty Comp'n..
- Gave me a thorough and professional massage, during wch. his fingers lightly touched-upon those parts not usually ... !
- For the final few moments I was invited to rest my ankles upon his shoulders; but after a few mins. - wch. I didn't find all that pleasurable, really, (Khun Kob gives a much better and MORE enjoyable job; I must advise him to train his masseurs a bit better for that - ha!), - I persuaded him to lie-back so that I could pleasure him, (std. uncut & TH.-boi issue.), wch. he seemed to enjoy although without any ejac'n..
-- bibi. --
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Old 18th November 2007, 04:27 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 2

Have any of you experienced the "Harmony Massage" ?
Do any of you have recommendations for guys with big tools & great ff with the occasional whip ?

I'm not kinky ... its just i like hard sex where the entire body explodes .......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Furthermore, r there any locations where one can find a generic video head cleaner ??

I m so hot ... that i 'm horny like a dog 24/7

Maybe there place at BKK Hilton ??
exploring and delivering
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Old 19th November 2007, 10:45 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (19th.), evening I went to 'INDRA MASSAGE.',(opp. 'Tawan Bar.'.), for my usual and monday's massage, arriving at 21.hrs..
- I was offered Khun Ne, but having enjoyed his attentions before I asked for the next masseur whom I hadn't had before and was offered Khun Maikey: 25YO. from I'San; shorter & thickset body; newly arr'd. there; speaks just basic English -so I asked the Mamsan how we would communicate? ' Just use body-language.' she replied - ha! Ha!!
- The massage began well-enough and soon he was astride of me to massage my shoulders the better. He soon u'stood. my body-language and removed both shirt & maseur's trousers.
- One thing followed another until it was all too obvious: uncut and std. TH.-boi issue. However,as soon as he put-on a Condom his BP. dropped and couldn't be refortified, no matter what both of us tried. So we concluded with him giving me a std. hand-job while I smoked him.
- Afterwards we enjoyed a shower together before dressing and going downstairs.
-- bibi. --
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Old 20th November 2007, 04:40 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

HCMPP - can you please give me a heads-up as to where Sukhothai is? I do like an oily b2b...

I also visited Indra last night - don't know the boy's name but he was quite tall and much more chunky than appeals to me. However, he gave a damn fine and quite arousing massage - however I never accepted his offer of extras as I prefer a visual treat to accompany others' ministrations...
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Old 20th November 2007, 08:30 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 70

Tonight I decided to try some place I have not seen mentioned on these hallowed pages, but is listed on Dreaded Ned - The Fan Club.

It is pretty easy to find - located a little way down on the first soi on the right as you go along Convent Road from Silom.

The place has the look of a post-modern bar from the outside, all chrome and moody lighting. Inside is a narrow room with all the boys (around 20) lounging around just inside. Customers are taken upstairs to a first floor balcony area that looks over the ground floor room.

The mamasan was very friendly without being over the top or annoying. He gave me a price list that ranged from 1hr oil at 400 to 2 hour aroma oil at 1100, although he said I could have a special price of 1000, or if I wanted 2 boys, 1500. They also do scrubs etc, but unfortunately they had run out of cream. He also pointed to the minimum tip giude - 800 baht for 1 1/2 hours if no sex (his words), minimum of 1000 if sex had, he said. Personally I like the idea of a 4-hand massage more than the actual thing so I opted for a 1 1/2 hour oil massage for 650 baht.

The range of boys was good - all standing on the floor below, most having taken off their shirts. I chose a wiry, lean boy called Yo who was 28, from Bangkok and spoke pretty good english.

The massage room was good, roomy, clean and modern. It had a decent shower in it, plus one of those large low beds.

The massage was good, firm and covered everything that should have been covered. A happy ending was offered but declined due to an ongoing battle with personal demons, however the nice thing was that Yo was happy to lie with me in his arms and talk for what seemed like forever. Certainly when I left, it was closer to 2 hours after arriving so there was none of the short changing that you can get elsewhere.

8 out of 10 - was definitely worth a repeat visit.
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Old 20th November 2007, 11:26 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally posted by spoonfed
... .
I also visited Indra last night - don't know the boy's name but he was quite tall and much more chunky than appeals to me. However, he gave a damn fine and quite arousing massage - ... . [/b]
-- Spoonfed,
- Pity that you couldn't remember that masseur's name in 'INDRA MASSAGE.'.
- I've rec'd. one verbal report of a poor masseur therein from another poster to this thread; but - touch wood - I've been fortunate there, sofar!

-- Thanks for your good info. about 'FAN CLUB.' - appreciated!
- It may be contacted: (02)-631 1442-43. ---
- It's business hrs. are posted as: 12-24.oo.hrs.
-- bibi. --
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Old 21st November 2007, 08:19 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158

Had an hour to spare this afternoon after visiting a client, so I looked for Fan Club. Easy enough to find.

As I walked in the door my phone rang, to tell me an angry client was arriving in my office in 5 minutes. I sat down on the chair just inside the front door to continue the call, rather than take the stairs to the 'viewing level'.

Instant bad mouthing from several over-confident boys about farang baar (farang stupid). Captain came down stairs and tried real hard to interupt my phone conversation by putting the menu under my nose continuously. Request to please wait a moment totally ignored.

I'll wait 6 months before I give this place another look.

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